Salvation (051122)

Have you made the decision about where you will live eternally? (Making the right decision can also position you to live an abundant, prosperous, peaceful and triumphant life while you are time.)

The length of time that we live in time is extremely short when we compare it to the time that we will be in eternity. Please know that when your physical body ceases to function, when you experience physical death, the real you lives on and continues to exist in eternity. You will live eternally in THE PRESENCE OF GOD, THE ONE AND TRUE LIVING GOD WHO CAN ONLY BE ACCESSED THROUGH JESUS CHRIST, or you will live eternally seperated from GOD. Eternity without THE PRESENCE OF GOD is eternal damnation, an eternity of suffering, an eternity in hell. Hell was not meant for you. Please don’t reject GOD’S precious gift of salvation to you. If you have not accepted JESUS CHRIST into your life as SAVIOR, please click on the link below to go to information about “First Things First” for vital information about making a decision, the best decision of your life, a decision to allow JESUS to be your personal SAVIOR, and get positioned to live an abundant life in time and to live forever in THE PRESENCE OF GOD, THE ONE AND TRUE LIVING GOD WHO CAN ONLY BE ACCESSED THROUGH JESUS CHRIST! Please don’t put this decision off for later. This decision must be made while you are alive, in time. No one can pray you out of hell. Unfortunately, far too many people are experiencing physical death in unexpectant ways and far quicker than expected. Please don’t wait another second. Again, please click on the link below to go to information about “First Things First” for vital information about making a decision that will position you to live an abundant life in time and to live forever in THE PRESENCE OF GOD, THE ONE AND TRUE LIVING GOD WHO CAN ONLY BE ACCESSED THROUGH JESUS CHRIST!

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