Karen Felice Allen’s GLORIOUS Educational Services (Groups, Other) (A Summer (And Beyond) of Excitement!)

(Note: Enrollment for the programs referenced here is “Not” an option at this time. Therefore, payment buttons have been removed from this page. Please stay tuned for openings. You may email me for details about potential opportunities to be added to waitlists or to pre-register if this is an option at the time of your inquiry.)

Are you committed to helping to provide youth and young adults with exciting educational opportunities?
(If so, this could be for you.)

Let’s work together to help our young people get prepared for the upcoming school year and beyond!



My name is Karen Felice Allen. I am an experienced classroom teacher, math specialist, college instructor and homeschool teacher. I am dedicated to helping our young people to live Triumphant lives. As a part of my efforts, I will be making free instructional sessions available that I am hoping will help to prepare participants for both the upcoming school year and for life! It is my hope that these sessions will offer spiritual support, instruction, preparation inspiration, motivation and encouragement to participants.

Upcoming sessions are geared towards elementary students grades 3-5.

Please know that while this is about helping youth and young adults, this is about so much more than acquiring and sharing natural knowledge.

Click on the following link to find out more about the Powerful benefits that could come to you as you come into THE FLOW OF GOD!
(Be sure to come back here to gain more information!) https://karenfeliceallen.com/partner-with-god-step-into-the-flow-there-is-power-in-the-flow/

Are you ready to participate in one of the “beta” or other opportunities that are available for this movement? Are you responding to an instruction to email for more information, for enrollment purposes or other purposes, email:

Are you ready to get started on this exciting adventure and you want to do so while you can do so for up to 1/2 (half) of the regular introductory rate? (If so, see the information and secure space in upcoming sessions while they are still available!)

When released currently regular introductory rate scheduled to be only $35 an hour