Overcoming Mental and Emotional Trauma, Hurts and Wounds (Inner Healing Deliverance Ministries) (This Message is for Counselors, Therapists and Other Mental Health Professionals)

Please listen to this important message.

Will you Rise Up and Get Radical to help ensure that every youth is Saved, Prepared and Equipped?

Will you Rise Up and Get Radical and me as I partner with GOD to help to ensure that every youth is Saved, Prepared and Equipped?

JESUS IS LORD! I am helping youth, young adults and investors in them to live Victoriously.

JESUS IS LORD! Will you Rise Up and Get Radical to help young people to get Saved & Equipped?

JESUS IS LORD! Will you Rise Up and Get Radical and join me as I help to ensure that youth, young adults and investors in the lives of youth and young adults are Saved, Prepared and Equipped?

Will you Rise Up and Get Radical to help to Save and Equip the lives of youth and young adults?

Ministers, counselors, therapists and other mental health professionals working together are going to powerfully impact the lives of millions of youth, young adults and investors in the lives of youth and young adults!

Are you one those who be used to help to Save (in many instances, spiritually and naturally) precious lives?

Thank you for reviewing this vitally important information. Lives are at stake. This is Not a gimmick. This is Not a game. This is about helping to save (literally) the lives of youth and young adults. This is about helping them to live Peaceful and Productive lives…Victorious lives. I am reaching out in hopes that millions will do what they can and use what they have to help.

I am reaching out to you because you appear to be a counselor, therapist or other mental health professional. I believe that GOD has assigned to me reach out to, connect with and bring together ministers, counselors and a therapists and other mental health professionals who will join me as I partner with GOD to bring GOD’S GLORY to the lives of millions of people thereby allowing them to experience levels of deliverance and mental healing that many never imagined.

I have the assignments. (I have the assignments but I do not have all the anwers. The great thing is that I know THE ONE WHO NOT ONLY HAS ALL OF THE ANSWERS BUT WHO IS THE ANSWER!!!)

I have the assignment. I do not have all the answers but the great thing is that I know THE ONE WHO NOT ONLY HAS ALL THE ANSWERS BUT WHO IS “THE ANSWER”. I know GOD, THE ONE AND TRUE LIVING GOD, WHO CAN ONLY BE ACCESSED THROUGH THE ACCEPTANCE OF JESUS CHRIST AS ONE’S PERSONAL SAVIOR. I sincerely believe that GOD is calling together ministers, counselors and therapists together for a very special work. GOD wants to use those of us who will submit to HIS WILL AND HIS LEADING as instruments to help to bring deliverance, healing and wholeness to individuals, especially youth and young adults. Those of us who will participate in this movement will operate in unity. We will support one another, collaborate with one another and share strategies with one another, with all being done to see true, lasting healing in the lives of those who we will assist. I pray that you will seek GOD about your participation. If you believe that you are to be a part of what I am believing will be a powerful movement, please email me. As we partner with GOD, I believe that we will step into “THE FLOW” OF GOD and we will experience incredible dimensions of GOD’S PRESENCE, POWER, GUIDANCE, GRACE, ASSISTANCE AND HELP as we help others. I believe that those who we serve will experience incredible levels of deliverance and healing, deep healing, lasting healing, true healing as we partner with GOD to see HIS WILL DONE in the lives of many!

I trust that GOD has prepared the hearts and minds of those who are to be a part of what I am expecting to be a monumental movement! I pray that those who are called to this movement will respond and allow themselves to be used as vessals of change in the hands of a GOD who is going to do in the lives of so many.
My contact email is KarenFeliceAllen@outlook.com.
Thank you!