Are You Waiting For Answers To Your Prayers? Could Have You Missed Your Blessing? (If So, You Don’t Want This To Happen Again, Right?)

Have you prayed and prayed for answers to prayers and it seems that the answers have not come? Have you done all that you know to do but it seems like you have not received any response to your prayers? Well, there could be many reasons for what you are experiencing but there is one thing that I would like for you to consider. The thing that I would like for you to consider is the possibility that you may have missed the answer to your prayer. Perhaps the answer did not come the way that thought that it would. Perhaps you were so busy that you missed vital instructions and insight from GOD. There could be any number of reasons why you missed the answer or the blessings that you have desperately sought. While you seeking to exploring this possibility, I encourage you to not allow this thing to happen again. Take time and prayerfully consider opportunities that could come to you. This is something that I thought about as I have been working to help people to live Triumphant lives. I am hoping to help many people and I hope that people really take time to consider opportunities that are being made available. I believe that what many have prayed for and sought is to be found in the vitally important and incredibly exciting work that I am involved in now.

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