Don’t Miss Out On Celebrations, Money and More!

Are you a part of one of the groups that I am working to help? (See the mission statement below) If so, don’t miss out on Celebrations, Money and More that could be coming your way. Make sure that you get Connected and Plugged in using the information provided here.

Are you a part of the groups mentioned in here?
My name is Karen Felice Allen. One of the things that I am working on is helping to Save and Equip Lives, especially the lives of youth and young adults. This work includes working to help people, especially youth and young adults to live Triumphant lives spirit, soul and body by helping them directly and by helping those (parents, other family members, ministers, educators, health care professionals, social service professionals, real estate and building professionals, business persons, legal professionals, veterans and others) who invest in the lives of youth and young adults.

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