Social Service Professionals

I understand that you are a person who cares about others. As someone who studied Sociology and social work, I know that you likely did not pursue a career in social services because of the money. More than likely you did so because you care. (See the list above for some of things that I am looking forward to doing.)

Thank you for the good things that you do to help to make lives better for others. I want you to know that I am committed to supporting people who are working to help the community.

One thing that I am interested in doing is seeing if and how I may be able to help with the work that you are doing

I want to help you help those who are called to help. This could look many ways. Right now, I am very focused on helping people to secure homes. If this is a part of what you are doing, please let me know. Perhaps we can collaborate and do good for the community.

Please reach out to me with a phone call and an email to help ensure that your communication reaches me.

Also, please get Get Plugged In and Stay Connected so that you won’t miss all of the greatness that is coming, perhaps even good that could be coming to you!

Phone: (281) 223-1805

Here are few ways that you can get plugged in

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