Praise: A Powerful Strategy

There is Soooo much more to this but I will share this now and I pray that THE HOLY SPIRIT will breathe on this and minister the fullness of what I am desiring to convey. Praise GOD!!! Yes, we should always praise GOD but right now, in and for this season, I believe that Praise is a very powerful and unique Strategy. It is a Strategy that will 1) usher us into The Presence of GOD. IN THE PRESENCE OF GOD, we experience so many incredible benefits including, but certainly not limited to:
1a) Experiencing the joy of THE LORD. The joy of THE LORD is our strength.
1b) We are positioned to receive Revelation from GOD. 1c) We are safe in HIS PRESENCE.

Praise will also
2) Trigger the manifestation of other benefits of Praise including the manifestation of Angelic help and intervention in our lives and in and throughout the circumstances, situations and affairs that concern us.

GOD has attached so many powerful benefits to Praise. When we Praise, we get to Focus on GOD while seeing the defeat of the enemy. Right now, I believe that GOD has put such a priority on praise that when we Praise HIM, we will unleash powerful manifestations of GOD’S PRESENCE AND INTERVENTION in our lives, in the lives of our family members and in, throughout and regarding the situations, affairs, concerns and cir cumstances of our lives and of the lives of those who concern us. So…Let’s Praise HIM!!


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