GLORIOUS Digests (Generation GLORIOUS) (100924)

Please Choose Who You Will Serve (Your Choice Has Eternal Consequences)

“15 And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the Lord, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” “

Today, please choose who you will serve, if you have not already done so.
Will you choose to serve THE ONE AND TRUE LIVING GOD, THE GOD WHO CAN ONLY BE ACCESSED BY ACCEPTING JESUS CHRIST AS YOUR PERSONAL SAVIOR or will you serve another god? (Please know that not making a choice is not a valid option. Why? We all serve someone or something. We all serve a god. Who or what we give our greatest praise and worship to are signs of who or what is our god. What we give our allegiance to and our greatest attention is a sign of who or what is our god. What is most important to you, what you are most dedicated to, what you give the greatest amount of your time and what you dedicate your other resources to are all possible indicators of the god of your life. These are not the only indicators but they are good points to consider as you assess who or what is your god. Does your assessment of the factors presented here point to you serving THE ONE AND TRUE LIVING GOD, THE GOD WHO CAN ONLY BE ACCESSED BY ACCEPTING JESUS CHRIST? If not, please give your life to JESUS CHRIST right now. GOD LOVES YOU, WANTS A PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH YOU AND WANTS TO HELP YOU.

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