Submit to GOD. Resist the devil and he will flee!

“7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” James 4:7 (King James Version of THE HOLY BIBLE)
Please be sure to “submit” to GOD. Submitting to GOD, obeying GOD, is an extremely important part of this Scripture. Please don’t neglect to submit. The power of resistance against the devil comes with submission to GOD. Please don’t forfeit the promise of this Scripture because of a technicality. Let’s all remember to submit to GOD!!!

Fellow Christians: Will You Use The Talents, Gifts, Abilities and Resources That Have Been Entrusted to You in Order to Help Youth and Young Adults to Live Victorious Lives (And Avoid Unnecessary Hurt, Harm and Destruction)?

“20 As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people[b] should be kept alive, as they are today.” Genesis 50:20 (English Standard Version of THE HOLY BIBLE)

The most important thing that you should know about me is that I want each and every person to come to a saving knowledge of THE LORD JESUS CHRIST and to fulfill the purpose for his or her life all while experiencing the love, prosperity, peace and joy that life in CHRIST affords to those who have accepted CHRIST. Please click on the following link to discover more about living a life that exceeds anything that you could possibly imagine (A life filled with unimaginable love, prosperity, peace and joy!)

Ways that those who care may be able to offer their support and position themselves to be blessed for being a blessing can be found at

(For more details about the important work that I am doing, please see the information found at the following link. You may want to start by reviewing the details available by clicking on “About and Overview”. )

My name is Karen Allen. I am dedicated to helping to save and strengthen the lives (spiritual, mental, emotional, physical) of millions of youth and young àdults. I am also dedicated to helping them to identify and fulfill Purpose while living Peace-filled and Prosperous lives! (I do so by helping youth and young adults directly and by helping those (parents, ministers, educators, business leaders, organizational leaders and other community members) who invest in the lives of youth and young adults.)

My efforts include providing training to youth, young adults and those who invest in the lives of youth and young adults. A nonprofit has been established as a part of this work.

As a Christian, I am sure that you understand that our youth and young adults need more than just natural solutions and remedies in order to live successfully. They need JESUS. They need all that GOD has made available to them. Our youth and young adults need THE HOLY SPIRIT and all of The Supernatural Power, Peace and Prosperity that comes with HIS PRESENCE. GOD has good plans for each and every youth and young adult. “11 For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you,’ says the Lord, ‘plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11 (Amplified Version of THE HOLY BIBLE). Satan comes to kill, steal and destroy. “10 The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows].” John 10:10 (Amplified Version of THE HOLY BIBLE)
We are seeing far too much hurt, destruction and death amongst our young people. I am determined to help them to get to know THE LOVE OF JESUS and to learn how to walk in THE PEACE, POWER and Prosperity that GOD has for them. Will you please help? Are you willing to use the gifts, talents, power, influence and other resources that GOD has entrusted to you in order to help to positively impact youth and young adults to THE GLORY OF GOD? If yes, there are many ways to do so. For starters, I humbly and kindly ask you to review what I am sharing. If you believe that what I am sharing is of GOD, please share with your followers and others who you have influence with. Let’s work together to help our youth and young adults to live the blessed lives that JESUS GAVE HIS LIFE HIS LIFE to make available to them. Thank you in advance.

Marvelous Digest (Comprehensive) (020222) (2)

1) What would your “fight” look like if you came to a door and could “see” the thing or things that you have been believing for? 2) Supernatural Suddenlies 3) Are you willing to Speak for Your Brother? Are you willing to put time in your schedule (the schedule that should give first place to GOD and be dedicated to doing HIS WILL) in order to do so? (Remember that you reap what you sow!)

You may click on the following link in order to listen to this Marvelous Digest

Special Assignment For Intercessors (020122)

If you are an intercessor of GOD, please read and consider this. (I know that people claim to serve many gods so I want to be clear that THE GOD who I am referring to, THE GOD who I serve, is the ONE AND TRUE LIVING GOD who can only be accessed through the acceptance of JESUS CHRIST as SAVIOR.)
To those who this is for, HOLY SPIRIT WILL COMMUNICATE TO YOU THAT THIS IS FOR YOU. (This is not for everyone at this time. This is not even for all intercessors at this time.) I believe that GOD is calling those who have been purposed for a special assignment together. If this is for, you will be led by HOLY SPIRIT to pray. Please pray in Your Heavenly language about this matter.
I understand that this may sound vague but I am presenting this as I believe that I am to present it at this time. Please inbox me or direct message me if you believe that HOLY SPIRIT is drawing you to this assignment.