Every Person, Every Part (What Part Do You Have? The Real Question Is: Will You Give It?)

Please don’t ignore this. This is not a gimmick. This is about life and death literally. (You could be a part of helping to Save and Equip the lives of others while bringing in additional finances.)


Why every person wants to participate and Be
a part or parts
that could help to Save and Equip lives?

Here are only a few reasons:

They care enough about others, especially youth and young adults.

They could step into Blessings of and from GOD.

They could benefit in incredible ways.

They could find themselves being celebrated.

They could find themselves benefitting financially.

Business owners and leaders could find there businesses benefitting in exciting ways. Referrals and increased financial resources could be coming their way.


Special Note

Help to Save Lives
You Could Get Paid!

Please don’t ignore this. This is not a gimmick. This is about life and death literally. (You could be a part of helping to Save and Equip the lives of others while positioning yourself to bring in additional finances )

I am working to help to Save and Equip lives, especially the lives of youth and young adults. I am doing my best to reach the right people who care enough to be, do and or give a part or parts that can prove helpful to the vitally important work being done to help to Save and Equip lives. Right now, a strong effort is being made to reach and support graduates as they step out into the world in new ways that can be both exciting and challenging. The challenges could prove to be dangerous, destructive and even deadly if the wrong steps are taken.

Are you tired of seeing young people suffer needlessly? I know that I am and I am working to do what I can to help them.

I am so serious about the work that I am willing to pay people to help. I am looking for people who care enough to get involved in helping others even if money was not in the picture. If this is you, the information linked to here could help to position you to be a part of helping to positively impact the lives of others and to be blessed in several ways, including financially. If you are interested, you should act now. There are a select number of spots open for participants at this time. Thank you for your time.

(See the link below for information about this exciting opportunity.)


My name is Karen Felice Allen and I am working to help people, especially youth and young adults, to live Triumphant lives spirit, soul and body by helping them directly and by helping those (parents, ministers, educators, health care professionals, business persons and others) who invest in the lives of youth and young adults.

I am seeking every part of what is needed to help those who I am working to assist. I am surveying every person, place and thing in search of every part needed to help people, especially youth and young adults, to live triumphant lives spirit, soul and body!

I am seeking Every part of what is needed. I am surveying every person. I am asking people what they can give to help? I am asking people what they will give to help to make life better for others especially youth and young adults?

I encourage people to Maximize the The Dash. You could do something to help to further Maximize The Dash of your life. (The dash represents the time between the date that you were born and the date that your time here on earth ends.)

I am working to save and equip lives. Will you further Maximize the Dash of your life and get involved in this vitally important work?

What can you give?
What can you do?
What will you give?
What will you do?

I look forward to learning your answers to the questions above.

How can what you are, what you have to offer and what you do be of benefit to youth, young adults and those who invest in their lives? (Please seriously consider this as your answers and corresponding actions could serve to help to literally save and equip the lives of others.)

I am excited for those of us who:
1) Become the part that we are to be
2) Do our part
3) Give our part
To support the work that I am doing to help to Save and Equip lives

I am expecting that we will be blessed as we are blessings to others.

I am looking forward to fun and excitement. (I am looking forward to celebrating and showing other forms of appreciation to various participants in this powerful movement.)

I want people to give the Part or Parts to the work of helping to Save and Equip lives especially the lives of youth and young adults because they care enough to share!

I believe that many will be blessed. This includes those of us giving our Part or Parts and those who benefit from our giving.

I must say that I love to celebrate and give to others so I look forward to some special excitement as we come to help ensure that others live and live quality lives

As you give, you may find yourself being celebrated. Maybe you share knowledge, maybe you give finances, maybe you give an interview, maybe you give a building or buildings, maybe you give…
Your giving could position you to receive goodness so get ready for the excitement ahead!

Did you know that as you share that you could get money? Yes! See details here and get signed up if believe in what we are doing.

Are you ready to discover one way that you can help others?

As stated, I am so serious about the work that I am willing to pay people to help

Right now, one of my greatest focuses is helping graduates.

If you are serious about helping young people, I invite you to consider joining me on this journey.

Right now, I am focused on an extremely important movement that is designed to help to save the lives of youth and young adults. This movement is the “No Young Person Left Behind” movement.

Will you use your life to help to save the lives of people?

Will you use your life to help to save (literally in some cases) and equip the lives of youth and young adults?

Will you make the dash count? (The dash represents the time between the date that you were born and the date that your time here on earth ends.)

Thank you for your kind consideration and giving. We are grateful for great people making great things happen!

This could be some of the most significant and meaningful work that any of us has ever done!

Go to the page linked to below and see the Announcement “What if you could help to Save and equip lives and bring in money for doing so?” for the link to more information and to get registered for Free. You could earn income today for simply sharing https://karenfeliceallen.com/announcements/


Here are a few steps that you want to take to help ensure that you stay in the know about the important work that is taking place, how you could be a benefit to and a blessing in the lives of others and how you could benefit from and be blessed by what is being done:

Join this Facebook group
Karen Felice Cares™ (Group)

Follow this Facebook page
Karen Felice Cares (Page)

You should join this group and follow this page because the plan for these to serve as central places to share about what the projects and activities that I am working on. Yes, you may be a part various groups and pages that are connected to the work that I am doing but for various reasons, information may not get posted on those pages or in those groups.

Make sure that you are positioned to get important updates including information
1) about ways that you can be a part of helping to make life better for others
2) about ways that could help to improve the quality of your life, including spiritually, financially, emotionally, relationally and physically. I look forward to being a part of celebrating, inspiring and encouraging many of you!
