Karen Felice Allen’s GLORIOUS Lab and Test Kitchen

My name is Karen Felice Allen, also known as Karen “The Connector” Allen.

(Keep reading to find out more about what’s taking place in Karen Felice Allen’s Glorious Lab and Test Kitchen. I will give you a hint. It’s about something that is a part of our everyday lives and people often spend a lot of time talking about it and unfortunately worrying about it when it is not right!)

I am committed to helping people to live Glorious lives…Spirit, soul and body.

I am Radically OBEYING GOD, Helping to Save, Raise and Equip Generations of Youth & Young Adults TO and FOR THE GLORY OF GOD! (And I Am Being Assisted By Some Great People Along The Way.)

I work to help youth and young adults by helping them directly and by helping those (parents, guardians, caregjvers, ministers, educators, others) who invest in the lives of youth and young adults.

Activities in Karen Felice Allen’s Glorious Lab and Test Kitchen are geared towards helping to achieve the goals of the work that I am doing.

I believe that activities associated with Karen Felice Allen’s Glorious Lab and Test Kitchen are going to benefit many in so many incredible ways!

There is so much excitement here and there is probably something here just for You! (I encourage you to take a look at what is going on here to find out.)

1) Would it be be awesome to discover a new work opportunity that is better aligned with your desire for greater work life balance?

2) Are you looking for new and creative ways to generate needed income?

3) Wouldn’t you love to be positioned to possibly have the quality products and services offered by organization spotlighted?

4) Are you a business leader who is hoping to connect with great workers for your business?

I expect the excitement here to:

1) Help participants in the communities that I serve (online and offline) in so many incredible ways. This includes helping them to:
1a) discover great products and services,
1b) learn about new work opportunities
1c) and even find creative ways to generate additional income.

2) Help great businesses and other organizations to gain exposure and possibly even new customers and supporters.

3) Make it possible for businesses and organizations to gain needed help.

(While some details of what is taking place in Karen Felice Allen’s GLORIOUS Lab and Test Kitchen may be shared on my blog and on various social media platforms, much of what is shared, will be shared with the members of two of the membership programs that have been established to assist people in living GLORIOUS lives so make sure to join at least one of the exciting memberships, if you have not done so already. No excuses.(Smile) If there is anything that would potentially hold you back, including finances, please reach out to me. I may be able to help! The links to more information about these programs are found below.)

(Please note: Stay tuned for special updates about what’s taking place in Karen Felice Allen’s GLORIOUS Lab and Test Kitchen by following the posts here on my blog and also by viewing what is shared on my YouTube channel


https://youtube.com/@thekarenfeliceallenshow )

  • Special Note: I look forward to there being opportunities for members of several of the communities that I serve to participate in activities in Karen Felice Allen’s Glorious Lab and Test Kitchen. I expect that there will be opportunities for participants to benefit from gained knowledge that could help in so many ways and also from activities and experiences that could help participants to access financial resources.

(Keep reading to find out more about what’s taking place in Karen Felice Allen’s GLORIOUS Lab and Test Kitchen. I will give you a hint. It’s about something that is a part of our everyday lives and people often spend a lot of time talking about it and unfortunately worrying about it when it is not right!)

I welcome you to one of the most exciting places in this GLORIOUS community.

This is the place where so much of what is taking place in this GLORIOUS community starts.

What is this place?

It is my GLORIOUS Lab and Test kitchen. This is Karen Felice Allen’s GLORIOUS Lab and Test Kitchen™.

It is a place that you want to be.

I look forward to sharing exciting details from the incredible adventure that members in my GLORIOUS communities have the privilege of joining me for as I explore various tools, resources and strategies.

We are looking at what works and what doesn’t work.

We are looking at testing:





We are looking at what works in:







Money Management

Social Media



We are ensuring that our youth and young adults have access to the information and resources that they need in order to succeed.

I am excited about sharing information about the steps that I am taking and the strategies that I using as I work to help youth, young adults and those who invest in the lives of youth and young adults to live GLORIOUS lives.

This includes sharing details about the exciting business building steps that I am taking to grow and develop this community. This includes sharing strategies that I am using to reach those who I am working to assist. I also look forward to sharing details about what I am doing in order to generate the income needed to do this work.

Also, I expect to get members of the various communities involved in the actual exploration and review of businesses, organizations and work opportunities. Yes, I expect these efforts to be extremely beneficial to those who I seek to serve.

People, Places and Things (Businesses, Organizations, Products and Services)
I work to seek out, explore and share about people, places and things. This includes, but is not limited to, seeking out, exploring and sharing about businesses and organizations and the products and services offered by these businesses and organizations. The information gained and shared could serve to help improve the quality of life for many. I hope to discover, connect with, learn about and share about great people, places and things. (Of course, as I share my findings and as I work to provide true pictures of my discoveries, and the findings of others, shortcomings and areas that could use improvement in what is explored may also be highlighted.)

Income Generation and Money Management
I will be exploring various ways to generate income. I hope to help people to disvover various ways to generate needed income.

Income Generation (Work Options and Opportunities)

Business and Other Organizational Leaders: This could allow you to get great help for an investment that is likely lower than anything you ever thought possible! (And because of the low rates that services may be offered at, there are likely strict limits associated with the number and amount of services offered at the low rates. I am sure that you understand why!) Also, activities associated with projects here might even help you in other ways. Other great workers may learn about you. In some instances, you may even benefit from increased exposure thereby possibly even allowing potential customers and other supporters to find you. (If you are the leader of a business or other organization, reach out to me about how what I am doing could be instrumental in helping your organization!)
1) As a part of my efforts to explore various work opportunities, I plan on personally working with businesses and organizations. I plan on sharing what I discover about these businesses and organizations and the work opportunities that I engage in. Members of my audiences could benefit as they discover insight about businesses, organizations and work opportunities that could help them to find work opportunities that work for them or others around them.
2) Businesses and organizations could benefit from assistance from a great worker, help at incredible affordable rates and even great publicity if the businesses and organizations are found to be doing great work in and for the community.

If you are ready to get started, contact me now at this email: KarenFeliceAllen@outlook.com .
(If you don’t hear back from me within 72 hours, you may want to reach back out to me. Hopefully the message did not land in the spam folder but just in case, reaching back out to me could help to ensure that a potentially great connection is made!)

If you still want a little more details before taking action, keep reading!

Some Insight About My Credentials, Background and Experience


Master of Public Administration (Public Administration)–Texas Southern University–May 1997

Bachelor of Arts in Sociology / Pre-Law (Government/Spanish)–The University of Texas at Austin (Dean’s List & Texas Honors Achievement Award)–December 1992

Coursework in Graduate-Level Courses (Education) (Program Completed)–University of St. Thomas–May 2000

Summary of Qualifications

• Exemplary teaching experience as a certified instructor
• Educational Trainer & Motivational Speaker
• Strong interpersonal and communication abilities
• Demonstrated analytical & research background
• Exceptional adaptability and team player qualities
• Experienced in the Educational, Childcare, Customer Service, Sales, Training, Food Service, Retail and Merchandising arenas

Email: KarenFeliceAllen@outlook.com

Why am I willing to share this information?

One of the most important reasons is that I believe that what I am sharing can help members of my marvelous communities as they work to pursue their own dreams.

What’s Taking Place Right Now In Karen Felice Allen’s GLORIOUS Lab and Test Kitchen?

Right now in Karen Felice Allen’s GLORIOUS Lab and Test Kitchen, we are researching and testing financial information, products and services. We are working on getting our money right now! We want to be better prepared for the new year and years, and even decades, to come. We will be better, do better and we will train generations of youth and young adults to be better, to do better and successfully steward their finances!

Follow what I am doing.

I am going to be testing out various information, products and services. I will be sharing information with you that could help you on your journey to financial success.

You could even be invited to join me in checking out, first hand through your own participation, some of the information, products and services that I am testing out…without any out of pocket costs to you! You could learn, grow and Prosper because of being able to participate in the greatness that I am working to bring your way and to the Marvelous communities that I serve!

On this exciting and Glorious adventure, I look at exploring various topics including, but not necessarily limited to, the following:

Kingdom Principles About Money

Money Management

Ideas to Generate Income

Personal Credit

Business Credit

Subscribe to my YouTube channel for exciting updates that could even help you to gain helpful knowledge, including knowledge about opportunities that could even help you to access financial resources that could help you to improve the quality of your life. To connect to my channel, click here.

Become a member of one or these marvelous communities and get ready for what I am hoping will be a inspiring experience that will help to equip you to fulfill purpose and to live an absolutely GLORIOUS life!

For more encouragement, information and resources that could help you as you work to build marvelous lives, secure your place in one of a select number of openings in these memberships:

Karen Felice Allen’s Marvelous Movement Membership: Moving to the Marvelous (No Excuse Parents™ and Other Marvelous Investors Edition) (Online) – For details, click here .


Karen Felice Allen’s Marvelous Movement Membership: Moving to the Marvelous (Generation Marvelous™ Edition) (Online) – For more details, click here.

Expecting A Powerful MOVE OF GOD (Calling Parents, Others Investing In Youth & Young Adults)

Expecting A Powerful MOVE OF GOD (Calling Parents, Others Investing In Youth & Young Adults)



IN JESUS’ PRECIOUS NAME, I pray that GOD FILLS this temple (me) today and always.

“14 so that the priests could not stand to minister because of the cloud, for the glory of the Lord filled the house of God.” 2 Chronicles 5:14 (English Standard Version of THE HOLY BIBLE)

Who shall ascend the hill of the Lord? And who shall stand in his holy place?

“The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof,[a]
    the world and those who dwell therein,
2 for he has founded it upon the seas
    and established it upon the rivers.

3 Who shall ascend the hill of the Lord?
    And who shall stand in his holy place?
4 He who has clean hands and a pure heart,
    who does not lift up his soul to what is false
    and does not swear deceitfully.
5 He will receive blessing from the Lord
    and righteousness from the God of his salvation.
6 Such is the generation of those who seek him,
    who seek the face of the God of Jacob.[b] Selah

7 Lift up your heads, O gates!
    And be lifted up, O ancient doors,
    that the King of glory may come in.
8 Who is this King of glory?
    The Lord, strong and mighty,
    the Lord, mighty in battle!
9 Lift up your heads, O gates!
    And lift them up, O ancient doors,
    that the King of glory may come in.
10 Who is this King of glory?
    The Lord of hosts,
    he is the King of glory! ” Psalm 24 (English Standard Version of THE HOLY BIBLE)

“21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven,…

Please make sure that you invest time in building, developing and nurturing a personal, intimate and genuine relationship with GOD. (To help you, I am sharing information, insight and resources that I hope will help you. Please click on the link in the bio, and then click on “My Blog” and then see what is shared under the categories about “HOLY SPIRIT”. Peace and blessings to you!

“21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ 23 And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’” Matthew 7:21-:23 (English Standard Version of THE HOLY BIBLE)

Karen Felice Allen’s Glorious Lab and Test Kitchen™

My name is Karen Felice Allen, also known as Karen “The Connector” Allen.

(Keep reading to find out more about what’s taking place in Karen Felice Allen’s Glorious Lab and Test Kitchen. I will give you a hint. It’s about something that is a part of our everyday lives and people often spend a lot of time talking about it and unfortunately worrying about it when it is not right!)

I am committed to helping people to live Glorious lives…Spirit, soul and body.

I am Radically OBEYING GOD, Helping to Save, Raise and Equip Generations of Youth & Young Adults TO and FOR THE GLORY OF GOD! (And I Am Being Assisted By Some Great People Along The Way.)

I work to help youth and young adults by helping them directly and by helping those (parents, guardians, caregjvers, ministers, educators, others) who invest in the lives of youth and young adults.

Activities in Karen Felice Allen’s Glorious Lab and Test Kitchen are geared towards helping to achieve the goals of the work that I am doing.

I believe that activities associated with Karen Felice Allen’s Glorious Lab and Test Kitchen are going to benefit many in so many incredible ways!

There is so much excitement here and there is probably something here just for You! (I encourage you to take a look at what is going on here to find out.)

1) Would it be be awesome to discover a new work opportunity that is better aligned with your desire for greater work life balance?

2) Are you looking for new and creative ways to generate needed income?

3) Wouldn’t you love to be positioned to possibly have the quality products and services offered by organization spotlighted?

4) Are you a business leader who is hoping to connect with great workers for your business?

I expect the excitement here to:

1) Help participants in the communities that I serve (online and offline) in so many incredible ways. This includes helping them to:
1a) discover great products and services,
1b) learn about new work opportunities
1c) and even find creative ways to generate additional income.

2) Help great businesses and other organizations to gain exposure and possibly even new customers and supporters.

3) Make it possible for businesses and organizations to gain needed help.

(While some details of what is taking place in Karen Felice Allen’s GLORIOUS Lab and Test Kitchen may be shared on my blog and on various social media platforms, much of what is shared, will be shared with the members of two of the membership programs that have been established to assist people in living GLORIOUS lives so make sure to join at least one of the exciting memberships, if you have not done so already. No excuses.(Smile) If there is anything that would potentially hold you back, including finances, please reach out to me. I may be able to help! The links to more information about these programs are found below.)

(Please note: Stay tuned for special updates about what’s taking place in Karen Felice Allen’s GLORIOUS Lab and Test Kitchen by following the posts here on my blog and also by viewing what is shared on my YouTube channel


https://youtube.com/@thekarenfeliceallenshow )

  • Special Note: I look forward to there being opportunities for members of several of the communities that I serve to participate in activities in Karen Felice Allen’s Glorious Lab and Test Kitchen. I expect that there will be opportunities for participants to benefit from gained knowledge that could help in so many ways and also from activities and experiences that could help participants to access financial resources.

(Keep reading to find out more about what’s taking place in Karen Felice Allen’s GLORIOUS Lab and Test Kitchen. I will give you a hint. It’s about something that is a part of our everyday lives and people often spend a lot of time talking about it and unfortunately worrying about it when it is not right!)

I welcome you to one of the most exciting places in this GLORIOUS community.

This is the place where so much of what is taking place in this GLORIOUS community starts.

What is this place?

It is my GLORIOUS Lab and Test kitchen. This is Karen Felice Allen’s GLORIOUS Lab and Test Kitchen™.

It is a place that you want to be.

I look forward to sharing exciting details from the incredible adventure that members in my GLORIOUS communities have the privilege of joining me for as I explore various tools, resources and strategies.

We are looking at what works and what doesn’t work.

We are looking at testing:





We are looking at what works in:







Money Management

Social Media



We are ensuring that our youth and young adults have access to the information and resources that they need in order to succeed.

I am excited about sharing information about the steps that I am taking and the strategies that I using as I work to help youth, young adults and those who invest in the lives of youth and young adults to live GLORIOUS lives.

This includes sharing details about the exciting business building steps that I am taking to grow and develop this community. This includes sharing strategies that I am using to reach those who I am working to assist. I also look forward to sharing details about what I am doing in order to generate the income needed to do this work.

Also, I expect to get members of the various communities involved in the actual exploration and review of businesses, organizations and work opportunities. Yes, I expect these efforts to be extremely beneficial to those who I seek to serve.

People, Places and Things (Businesses, Organizations, Products and Services)
I work to seek out, explore and share about people, places and things. This includes, but is not limited to, seeking out, exploring and sharing about businesses and organizations and the products and services offered by these businesses and organizations. The information gained and shared could serve to help improve the quality of life for many. I hope to discover, connect with, learn about and share about great people, places and things. (Of course, as I share my findings and as I work to provide true pictures of my discoveries, and the findings of others, shortcomings and areas that could use improvement in what is explored may also be highlighted.)

Income Generation and Money Management
I will be exploring various ways to generate income. I hope to help people to disvover various ways to generate needed income.

Income Generation (Work Options and Opportunities)

Business and Other Organizational Leaders: This could allow you to get great help for an investment that is likely lower than anything you ever thought possible! (And because of the low rates that services may be offered at, there are likely strict limits associated with the number and amount of services offered at the low rates. I am sure that you understand why!) Also, activities associated with projects here might even help you in other ways. Other great workers may learn about you. In some instances, you may even benefit from increased exposure thereby possibly even allowing potential customers and other supporters to find you. (If you are the leader of a business or other organization, reach out to me about how what I am doing could be instrumental in helping your organization!)
1) As a part of my efforts to explore various work opportunities, I plan on personally working with businesses and organizations. I plan on sharing what I discover about these businesses and organizations and the work opportunities that I engage in. Members of my audiences could benefit as they discover insight about businesses, organizations and work opportunities that could help them to find work opportunities that work for them or others around them.
2) Businesses and organizations could benefit from assistance from a great worker, help at incredible affordable rates and even great publicity if the businesses and organizations are found to be doing great work in and for the community.

If you are ready to get started, contact me now at this email: KarenFeliceAllen@outlook.com .
(If you don’t hear back from me within 72 hours, you may want to reach back out to me. Hopefully the message did not land in the spam folder but just in case, reaching back out to me could help to ensure that a potentially great connection is made!)

If you still want a little more details before taking action, keep reading!

Some Insight About My Credentials, Background and Experience


Master of Public Administration (Public Administration)–Texas Southern University–May 1997

Bachelor of Arts in Sociology / Pre-Law (Government/Spanish)–The University of Texas at Austin (Dean’s List & Texas Honors Achievement Award)–December 1992

Coursework in Graduate-Level Courses (Education) (Program Completed)–University of St. Thomas–May 2000

Summary of Qualifications

• Exemplary teaching experience as a certified instructor
• Educational Trainer & Motivational Speaker
• Strong interpersonal and communication abilities
• Demonstrated analytical & research background
• Exceptional adaptability and team player qualities
• Experienced in the Educational, Childcare, Customer Service, Sales, Training, Food Service, Retail and Merchandising arenas

Email: KarenFeliceAllen@outlook.com

Why am I willing to share this information?

One of the most important reasons is that I believe that what I am sharing can help members of my marvelous communities as they work to pursue their own dreams.

What’s Taking Place Right Now In Karen Felice Allen’s GLORIOUS Lab and Test Kitchen?

Right now in Karen Felice Allen’s GLORIOUS Lab and Test Kitchen, we are researching and testing financial information, products and services. We are working on getting our money right now! We want to be better prepared for the new year and years, and even decades, to come. We will be better, do better and we will train generations of youth and young adults to be better, to do better and successfully steward their finances!

Follow what I am doing.

I am going to be testing out various information, products and services. I will be sharing information with you that could help you on your journey to financial success.

You could even be invited to join me in checking out, first hand through your own participation, some of the information, products and services that I am testing out…without any out of pocket costs to you! You could learn, grow and Prosper because of being able to participate in the greatness that I am working to bring your way and to the Marvelous communities that I serve!

On this exciting and Glorious adventure, I look at exploring various topics including, but not necessarily limited to, the following:

Kingdom Principles About Money

Money Management

Ideas to Generate Income

Personal Credit

Business Credit

Subscribe to my YouTube channel for exciting updates that could even help you to gain helpful knowledge, including knowledge about opportunities that could even help you to access financial resources that could help you to improve the quality of your life. To connect to my channel, click here.

Become a member of one or these marvelous communities and get ready for what I am hoping will be a inspiring experience that will help to equip you to fulfill purpose and to live an absolutely GLORIOUS life!

For more encouragement, information and resources that could help you as you work to build marvelous lives, secure your place in one of a select number of openings in these memberships:

Karen Felice Allen’s Marvelous Movement Membership: Moving to the Marvelous (No Excuse Parents™ and Other Marvelous Investors Edition) (Online) – For details, click here .


Karen Felice Allen’s Marvelous Movement Membership: Moving to the Marvelous (Generation Marvelous™ Edition) (Online) – For more details, click here.

Generation Marvelous™ Movement

Generous Marvelous Movement Home Page (About, Announcements, Ongoing Updates and Other Important and Exciting Details!)

Youth and Young Adults Are My Priority!


You could be one the answers to my prayers!

I prayed that GOD would connect me with the young adults and those who invest in the lives of youth and young adults who I am to assist.

My Life is Dedicated to Helping Multiplied Millions of Youth and Young Adults to Live Victorious Lives that Are Peaceful, Powerful and Prosperous!!!





Will You Allow Me to Help You?

Do You Want More Peace? (Inner Healing and Deliverance)

Are You Positioned to Fulfill Destiny?

Let’s Make GOD Go Viral. Let’s Make Good Go Viral.

Are You Ready for The Celebration?

Young adults, are you ready to become a part of this powerful movement on another level? Parents and other concerned persons, are there a young adults that you want to become a part of a movement that is designed to help them to live victoriously spirit, soul and body? If so, here is how https://karenfeliceallen.com/gen-m-membership-052121/

Even More Information


Is there at least one youth or young adult in your life who you care about, desire to see protected and want to help to live a successful life or successful lives?

Is there at least one child, youth or young adult who you: 

Are concerned about?


Want to protect?

Want to see live a peaceful and prosperous life?

If so, I encourage you to review the important information here and to take the bold and necessary step or steps, right now, to help to position the child, children, youth, young adult or adults for success.

“I am on a mission to reach Every Youth and Young Adult (Yes, I said “Every”) that I can in order to share wisdom and resources that I believe can help them to live Successful lives! I’m connecting and sharing with youth and young adults directly and also with those (parents, guardians, caregivers, educators, others) who invest in the lives of youth and young adults.”
“I am dedicated to helping youth, young adults and those who invest in the lives of youth and young adults to live successful lives!”
“I am dedicated to fulfilling the purpose of GOD for my life all while living a peaceful and prosperous life.
I am committed to helping generations of youth and young adults to do the same.
I am reigning victorious over all that would seek to hinder me from doing so!”
“I refuse to allow any distractions to hinder or stop me from helping the millions of youth and young adults who I am called to help to live successful lives.”
“I am committed to doing my best to connect with caring, concerned and knowledgeable people in an effort to gain information and insight that may prove helpful as I move forward in my efforts to help youth, young adults and those who invest in the lives of youth and young adults.

No fear!

No hesitation!

I refuse to be hindered, distracted or stopped. The lives of youth and young adults could be at stake. Suicides. Murders. Domestic Violence. Drug Abuse. More. There is so much going on. Our youth and young adults need help. The lives of youth and young adults are too important! I am determined to do my part to help them.”

“I am taking the bold, necessary steps to identify the resources that can help to improve the quality of life for youth and young adults.”

I am dedicated to fulfilling the purpose of GOD for my life all while living a peaceful and prosperous life.

I am committed to helping generations of youth and young adults to do the same.

I am reigning victorious over all that would seek to hinder me from doing so!

This is about life and death.


Spiritual life and death.

Natural life and death.

The work that I am doing is not some cutesy little program. The goal is to prepare our children, youth, young adults and those who invest in the lives of our youth and young adults for true victory, success and prosperity.
This includes, but is not limited to, preparing our children, youth, young adults and those who invest in the lives of our youth and young adults to live and not die.
This includes, but is not limited to, preparing our children, youth, young adults and and those who invest in the lives of our youth and young adults to experience life and life more abundantly.
Let’s get them prepared now! Why wait for tests and trials (and if they keep living on this earth, we know that tests and trials are coming) to come their way and overtake and defeat them causing unnecesary pain, heartache, failure and even death!
Let’s work together to help our children, youth, young adults and and those who invest in the lives of our youth and young adults. “19 Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.” Matthew 18:19 (King James Version)

Generation Marvelous is the term that I have coined to those 0 to 31 years old.

I am dedicated to fulfilling the purpose of GOD for my life all while living a peaceful and prosperous life.
I am committed to helping generations of youth and young adults to do the same.
I am reigning victorious over all that would seek to hinder me from doing so!
I work to help youth and young adults to live quality lives. Spirit. Soul. Body. I was moving forward with some special initiatives, including virtual sessions, presentations and trainings to help them during this very vital time. I have found myself facing challenges that I never imagined. This includes losing the home that I was living in. I refuse to stop. I am seeking assistance in obtaining a place where I can live and deliver life-changing information and resources to our youth and young adults. I am also working to obtain equipment that will help me to provide sessions to students virtually. Thank you in advance for your assistance.

I work to ensure that youth and young adults are well-educated.

We must then work to ensure that youth and young adults are more than well-educated.

We must then,  in this day and time,  work to ensure that youth and young adults are far more than well-educated.

There is a difference between being educated and well-educated.

There is a difference between being well-educated and more than well-educated.

There is a difference between being more than well-educated and far more than well-educated.

There is definitely a difference between being well educated and “Karen Felice Allen Far More Than Well-Educated™”.

Being considered educated and well-educated are often associated with one’s level of formal educational training.

As both a former K-12 classroom teacher and college instructor, I embrace the value of the information offered in traditional classroom settings.

While I recognize the value of the education that many students receive in classrooms all over, I believe that what the average student receives is simply not enough.

I am dedicated to providing youth and young adults with  opportunities to acquire the wisdom, knowledge and skills needed to live marvelous lives. Each and every youth and young adult should have the opportunity to obtain a more “complete” education.

I am committed to helping to ensure that every youth and young adult has the opportunity to receive a more Complete education.

I have coined the phrase “Karen Felice Allen Well-Educated™”. This has been done in order to differentiate between what many consider to be well-educated and what I consider to be well-educated. It has been coined in order to more clearly define what I am working to ensure that every youth and young adult has the opportunity to become.

Being “Karen Felice Allen Well-Educated ™” means that students will have the opportunity to learn far more than what is offered in traditional classrooms. I want to help to ensure that our youth and young adults are best equipped with the information and skills that they need in order to be knowledgable about, and to successfully navigate, the world around them.

I’m dedicated to ensuring that Generation Marvelous™ has access to information and resources needed to live successful lives.

Who should get involved? Why they should get involved? How to get involved now?

Youth, Young Adults
Are you a youth or young adult? Are you concerned about the world around you and your future? Wouldn’t you love to discover wisdom and insight to help to protect and direct you so that you are positioned to live a successful life while avoiding unnecessary pain, pitfalls and even destruction? Are you ready to discover strategies and solutions to help you to navigate this world and overcome the challenges that are to come? If so, you are invited to join us https://karenfeliceallen.com/gen-m-membership-052121/

Parents, Guardians, Other Investors in the lives of youth and young adults
Do you know of at least one youth or young adult who you are concerned about? Do you want to see this youth or young adult protected and directed so that he or she is positioned to live a successful life while avoiding unnecessary pain, pitfalls and even destruction? Are you ready to discover strategies and solutions to help this youth or young adult to navigate this world and overcome the challenges that are to come? If so, you are invited to join us https://karenfeliceallen.com/nep-membership-052121/

Has GOD allowed you to be the leader of an online or offline group or community of followers? Do these followers have youth or young adults in their lives who they are concerned about? Do these group members or followers want to help these youth or young adults protected and directed so that they are positioned to live successful lives while avoiding unnecessary pain, pitfalls and even destruction? Are any of these group members or followers ready to discover strategies and solutions to help this youth or young adult to navigate this world and overcome the challenges that are to come? Are willing to use the platform that you have been given to help your followers as they work to help the youth and young adults in their lives? If so, you are invited to join us. Please contact me by email at KarenFeliceAllen@outlook.com

To learn more about the important work being done to help youth and young adults directly https://karenfeliceallen.com/gen-m-membership-052121/

To learn more about important work being done to help youth and young adults directly within school systems


To learn more about the important work being done to help those who invest in the lives of youth and young adults, please click on the following link https://karenfeliceallen.com/nep-membership-052121/

Discover details about Enrichment and Tutorial Sessions for elementary students, high school students and other young adults that are designed to inspire and educate.

Make sure that you are connected to what GOD is doing with this work by following my blog and the social media sites that I am sharing on

To Stay Connected   https://karenfeliceallen.com/stay-connected/

No Excuse Parents™ Movement (Post)

No Excuse Parents Home Page (About, Announcements, Ongoing Updates and Other Important and Exciting Details!)

Please click on the following link for an important message https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/marvelousnews/episodes/2022-08-31T08_10_54-07_00





Do You Want More Peace? (Inner Healing and Deliverance)

Are You Positioned to Fulfill Destiny?

Let’s Make GOD Go Viral. Let’s Make Good Go Viral.

Are You Ready for The Celebration?

Are you ready to become a part of this powerful movement on another level? If so, here is how https://karenfeliceallen.com/nep-membership-052121/

Even More Information

After reviewing the information here, it is likely that you will want to get involved in, and to show your support for, the important work being done to make life marvelous for our youth and young adults. Please click on the following link to discover important and exciting ways to demonstrate your support https://karenfeliceallen.com/marvelous-support/

Sounding The Alarm: State of Emergency: It’s Time To Get Prepared (And to Help to Ensure That Those We Care About and Others Around Us Are Equipped) to Live Victoriously Now and In The Times to Come.

Parents, Guardians, Caregivers and Other Investors (Educators, Business Persons, Others) in the Lives of Youth and Young Adults):
Will you partner with me as I work to ensure that our youth and young adults have the “right” answers to the important questions about life?

Young adults:
Will you allow me to assist you in discoverong the “right” answers to the important questions about life?

I am pressing to get properly positioned in GOD so that I may live successfully now and in the days to come And I want to help all of the youth and young adults and those who invest in the lives of youth and young adults that I can to do the same!!!

We are Going Into The Deep, We are seeking to enter Into THE DEPTHS OF GOD’S WORD AND HIS PRESENCE!

It is vital that we all have strong, solid Spiritual foundations if we are to live successful lives both now and in future days, days that indicators point to as being challenging in several ways. Youth, young adults and those who invest in their lives must be prepared. It is my hope that many caring individuals will join me and many, many others as we come together and use what we have (voice, influence, time, more) to be instrumental in helping to get ourselves, youth and young adults and those who invest in the lives of youth and young adults positioned for success both today and in the days to come!

Soul Care (We will deal with Mental and Emotional Health Matters)
Many have suffered greatly as a result of recent events in our world. Many have, and are yet, struggling with the effects of mental and emotional problems, many being undiagnosed by health professionals. Statistics even show that an astounding number of people have suffered trauma at least once in their lives.)

Natural Resources
And yes, in addition to working to connect youth and young adults and those who invest in the lives of youth with Spiritual resources (People and Information), I will be working to connect youth and young adults and those who invest in the lives of youth with Natural resources (People and Information) that could help them to live successful lives!

As a part of this vitally important work, I plan on sharing about the topics that include but are not limited the following:

Baptism in THE HOLY SPIRIT (Yes, this includes speaking and praying in tongues),
Spirit Life,
Faith in GOD (Including Living By Faith),
Favor of GOD,
The Blessing,
Prayer and Intercession,
The Supernatural,
Miracles, Signs and Wonders,
THE FLOW OF GOD (There is POWER IN THE FLOW!), Purpose and Assignments,
Mental Health and Inner Healing (Including Prayer, Counseling and Deliverance), Physical Health,
Education and

Where are your children?

Where are the youth and young adults in your life who you care so deeply about?


Yes, it is important that you know that they are physically in the place where they need to be. Their physical safety and well-being is something that should be of concern to you but your consideration of where they are should include, but must go far beyond a consideration of where they are physically.

If you’re truly dedicated to the success of your child or children, please consider far more than physical location. In order to help to equip them for success, you must take an assessment of where they are in every area of life.

Where are they:




Are they where they need to be? Are they where they need to be in order to lead successful lives?

Let’s make sure.

“I’m dedicated to helping to equip youth and young adults with the wisdom, inspiration, insight, mindset, knowledge, skills and strength needed to live prosperous, peaceful, victorious, marvelous lives and avoid costly, painful, destructive and even deadly consequences.”

We do a lot to address the academic needs of our youth and adults. This is fine and most certainly has it’s place.

But what are we doing to ensure their mental and emotional well-being? Far too many of our young people are hurting.

Now, perhaps more than ever before, our youth and young adults need us to be the best that we can be. They need us to be positioned to make quality investments in their lives.

No Excuse Parents ™ is committed to helping parents and others who invest in the lives of our youth and young adults as they work to build more Marvelous lives.

No Excuse Parents ™ is not a product.

No Excuse Parents™ is not a service.

No Excuse Parents™ is a Movement.

No Excuse Parents™ is a Movement that is dedicated to ensuring that every young person has the opportunity to obtain a more “Complete” education.

No Excuse Parents™ is a Movement dedicated to helping young people to live more Marvelous lives.

No Excuse Parents™ is a Movement dedicated to helping parents, child care professionals, educators, business leaders, organizational leaders and others who invest in the lives of our youth and young adults connect to helpful information, great resources and caring and sharing people.

High salaries
Big houses
Expensive, fancy cars

I have had opportunities to speak with, and to work with, so many parents and others with high salaries, big houses and expensive, fancy cars.

Stressed out
Working tremendously hard to stay afloat and pay incredibly high bills
Facing relationships that are literally falling apart

I have also had opportunities to speak with, and to work with so many parents and others dealing with the challenges and painful emotions that can often be experienced as a result of dealing with the situations and circumstances associated with:

Being stressed out
Working tremendously hard to stay afloat and pay incredibly high bills
Facing relationships that are literally falling apart

Our youth and young adults can be impacted when parents and others are dealing with these emotions, situations and circumstances.

Our youth and young adults can see what’s going on. They live with those facing stressful situations. They can suffer because of what they see, feel and even experience. They can, and far too often, do suffer because of the absences of those who are often working to support lavish lifestyles or even simply to survive.

Isn’t it time that we do what we can to be the best that we can be?

Aren’t you ready to be positioned to invest in the lives of our youth and young adults? Emotionally. Financially.

People have trusted me enough to confide in me. I have learned that everything that we think that we see is not reality. I have learned that not everything is what it seems.

What I have learned has played a role in helping to position me to see people as they really are. As people. People. People who have real issues and who face real circumstances.

I am not moved by the titles, positions or net worth of others.

I am dedicated to helping those who are ready for better.

Better may or may not be about family, relationships, work or money.

When we are better, we can be better positioned to invest in the lives of our youth and young adults.

You are important.

You matter.

You are valuable.

You have so much to offer.

You can do so much good!

I am committed to ensuring that you have the information that you need in order to lead a Marvelous life.

There is so much that I want to share with you.

I want to help you as you work to build a more Marvelous life.

I want to help you connect to the information and resources that you need in order to build a more Marvelous life. I want to help you connect to the information and resources that you need in order to build a more Marvelous life for our youth and young adults.



Cultural Arts


Energy Efficiency





Home Ownership







Real Estate


Commercial Property Construction

Commercial Property Remodeling

Residential Property Construction

Residential Property Remodeling


Social Media



Wealth Building

Work (Including work at home information)

Work Search Strategies


I am excited about the incredible journey ahead.

I want to share information with you about people, information and other resources that could prove helpful as you work to build a Marvelous life.

I understand that you may have a busy schedule so in addition to more extensive sharings, I will also work to share information in bite-sized portions so that you can consume and apply what works for you.

My goal is to present information in the ways that you need me to.

I don’t want to overwhelm you or discourage you by providing too much, too fast. The goal is to present information in ways that allow you to digest and apply information in ways that work best for you.

Please use what works best for you.

Please share information with others that you think might help them.

Share with family.

Share with friends.

Share with your followers on social media.



You have a voice.

Your voice could help to change the lives of others.

There’s no reason to hold back. There’s no reason for selfishness.

Who knows? Perhaps helping someone else to realize his or her dream might be just the thing that will open the doors for you to pursue your dreams.

Perhaps the dream of another might open up an opportunity for you to do something that you love and didn’t even know was a possibility for your life.

Please open up yourself to learning about new people, places and things.

People that may not look like you.

People that don’t sound like you.

People that don’t act like you.

Places that are very different from the places that you are familiar with.

Places that are different from those that you are accustomed to.

Places that are different from the places that have been most comfortable to you.

Things that are new to you.

Who should get involved? Why they should get involved? How to get involved now?

Youth, Young Adults
Are you a youth or young adult? Are you concerned about the world around you and your future? Wouldn’t you love to discover wisdom and insight to help to protect and direct you so that you are positioned to live a successful life while avoiding unnecessary pain, pitfalls and even destruction? Are you ready to discover strategies and solutions to help you to navigate this world and overcome the challenges that are to come? If so, you are invited to join us https://karenfeliceallen.com/gen-m-membership-052121/

Parents, Guardians, Other Investors in the lives of youth and young adults
Do you know of at least one youth or young adult who you are concerned about? Do you want to see this youth or young adult protected and directed so that he or she is positioned to live a successful life while avoiding unnecessary pain, pitfalls and even destruction? Are you ready to discover strategies and solutions to help this youth or young adult to navigate this world and overcome the challenges that are to come? If so, you are invited to join us https://karenfeliceallen.com/nep-membership-052121/

Has GOD allowed you to be the leader of an online or offline group or community of followers? Do these followers have youth or young adults in their lives who they are concerned about? Do these group members or followers want to help these youth or young adults protected and directed so that they are positioned to live successful lives while avoiding unnecessary pain, pitfalls and even destruction? Are any of these group members or followers ready to discover strategies and solutions to help this youth or young adult to navigate this world and overcome the challenges that are to come? Are willing to use the platform that you have been given to help your followers as they work to help the youth and young adults in their lives? If so, you are invited to join us. Please contact me by email at KarenFeliceAllen@outlook.com

To learn more about the important work being done to help youth and young adults directly https://karenfeliceallen.com/gen-m-membership-052121/

To learn more about important work being done to help youth and young adults directly within school systems


To learn more about the important work being done to help those who invest in the lives of youth and young adults, please click on the following link https://karenfeliceallen.com/nep-membership-052121/

Discover details about Enrichment and Tutorial Sessions for elementary students, high school students and other young adults that are designed to inspire and educate.

Make sure that you are connected to what GOD is doing with this work by following my blog and the social media sites that I am sharing on

To Stay Connected   https://karenfeliceallen.com/stay-connected/


“6 Then he answered and spake unto me, saying, This is the word of the Lord unto Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts.” Zechariah 4:6 (King James Version of THE HOLY BIBLE)