Rapid Bootcamp (GOD’S GRACE IS ON THE SCENE AGAIN: GOD IS HELPING US TO GET READY, FAST!) Please don’t ignore this.

Rapid Bootcamp (GOD’S GRACE IS ON THE SCENE AGAIN: GOD IS HELPING US TO GET READY, FAST!) Please don’t ignore this.

1) Make sure that you are saved. Make sure that you have Accepted JESUS CHRIST AS YOUR PERSONAL SAVIOR. Make sure that you have a PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP with JESUS CHRIST.
Now is not the time to be without a personal relationship with GOD. We need to know, hear and follow THE VOICE OF GOD. The days ahead are going to be very challenging for many.

Come out of sin.
Seek GOD
LISTEN TO GOD – learn voice, listen, follow
Come out of sin
Get directions
Follow GOD’S
Tell others

2) Intensely seek GOD. Draw closer to GOD. This means that you may likely have to make changes in your life but right now you need to hear GOD so precisely. GOD WANTS TO PREPARE you and your loved ones for what is coming in the land.

This is not a scare tactic. If you know GOD’S VOICE and can hear GOD, please ask GOD. If not, you may want to go ahead and learn GOD’S VOICE so you can hear what GOD IS SAYING.

The days of being a lazy Christian are over. Not if you want to survive. You need specific instructions for your life. You can not rely on anyone else. Also, for those relying on Words of THE LORD from others because you refuse to seek GOD, please stop! Have you seen in the BIBLE where GOD sent a lying spirit into the mouth of the prophet. Truth be told, there are enough lies being told without GOD sending a thing. Either way, I would not risk being lied to. Seek GOD for yourself. Yes, GOD can speak to you through others but that should not be what you have your Christian life built on.

Click here for Prayer of Salvation.


“10 The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.” Proverbs 18:10 (King James Version of THE HOLY BIBLE)

Are you found amongst the righteous? Are found numbered in the righteous? GOD HAS promised safety to righteous. Are you the righteous? If not, don’t you think that becoming righteous should be amongst your top objectives especially in light of what is going on in the world?

Help To Save Lives and Get Paid (Is It Really Possible?) Yes!

There are some exciting opportunities available now that could allow you to be a part of the vitally important work being done here that is designed to help save and equip lives, especially the lives of youth and young adults. (What if you could help and potentially bring in 100s or even 1000s of extra dollars month? Right now, certain qualifications that would only make this available to a exclusive group of people, have been removed. Families have got to be reached and you and others could be instrumental in helping to do so.)
What should you do now if you are interested in discovering how may be able to be a part of helping and how you may bring more money in while this opportunity is open?

1) See details for GLORIOUS Advocates and take action https://karenfeliceallen.com/marvelous-advocates/


Join this Facebook group
Karen Felice Cares™ (Group) https://www.facebook.com/share/g/ciLi59oCyVESRn9x/?mibextid=A7sQZp


Follow this Facebook page
Karen Felice Cares “Karen Connector Allen” https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063763362774&mibextid=ZbWKwL

I am sharing what I believe GOD has given me to share. I am doing this quickly. I sense an urgency to do so. I plan to refine this page but for now I believe that what is enough for you to take to GOD and to move accordingly.

Here is the initial recording that I did. I am sharing it because there may be some things that I did not include in the second one. You may want to listen to it. Thank you. Blessings!

Will not be sustained because have not sown seeds necessary to yield the harvest needed harvest.
Ask GOD what this means and how this looks for and in your business, in the business entrusted to your stewardship.
It is vital that you have an incredibly personal, deep and sure relationship now and in the days to come.
(As HOLY SPIRIT WAS MINISTERING to me, a very important clarification came to me. Just because you are a Christian, it does not mean that you steward a Christian business. Because you are Christian does not mean that your business is a Christian business. A Christian’s life is to be governed by THE WORD OF GOD under the guidance and direction of HOLY SPIRIT. With HOLY SPIRIT’S HELP. The principles apply to the Christian business. A Christian business is to be governed by THE WORD OF GOD under the guidance and direction of HOLY SPIRIT.

Days to come.

Christian business owners must be ready in season.

Sustain his people.
Also help sustain the unbeliever.
Beacon of light
Powerful evangelistic tool.
So needed powerfully

No authority, no anointing.

Do not bring reproach with life or with business
Will shut some down because so out of order, corrupt no be named in Christian businesses
Too much at stake

Be ready in season and out of season.
Christian business owners must be ready in season.

Christians give GOD YOUR BUSINESS IF YOU HAVE NOT. (Don’t be mad if you don’t and “your” business does not qualify for what GOD IS DOING AND IS YET TO DO THROUGH “HIS” BUSINESSES and ultimately dies for the lack of sustanance that is coming from the Supernatural Sustaining Powe of GOD. (The earth is THE LORD’S AND THE FULLNESS THEREOF. We better start acting like it if we want to survive and thrive.)

For such a time as this.

GOD HAS SPECIAL assignment

Get prepared

Get biz in order systems, finances, the way you handle people

Again when highlighting begins do not scream me here I am GOD BLESS me
Open to destruction of GOD. GOD NOT HAVING IT

Financial tsunami

Also, good knows the heart. Some so used to getting over on people. Snap to yourself and remember that this is GOD, THE ONE AND TRUE LIVING GOD AND HE IS NOT TO BE PLAYED WITH.

Please Listen (What will you choose?)(092524)

(Message in progress. There is likely more to come. For now, this is probably more than enough for most of us!)

Your child. Your children. The young people in your life. If you don’t heed this warning for yourself, Do it for them. (You love them enough to do your best to protect him, her or them, right?)

Your Ability to Thrive, Even to Survive in the Days to Come Depends on This. Life. death. Whether you and your loved ones live or not. What type of life you will have if you live. (I am “Not” trying to sale you some product or service. I “Am” pleading with you to do this now and not wait.

There is no system, training or quick fix to accomplish what is being required of those of us who want to experience Victory. You are going to have to give your life to GOD, submit to GOD, fellowship with GOD, learn about GOD, become intimately acquainted with GOD’S VOICE and follow GOD’S VOICE.

Do you know the voice of GOD? Are you sure? If you don’t, you better get to know it and fast. You are going to need GOD’S DIRECTION. When you cry out for help, how will you know when HE ANSWERS if you do not know HIS VOICE?

Each of us must have a personal, intimate relationship witn GOD.
GOD HAS INVITED EACH OF US INTO A TIME OF RAPID PREPARATION. A RAPID BOOTCAMP. As a whole, we are woefully unprepared for what is to come.


“34 He teacheth my hands to war, so that a bow of steel is broken by mine arms.”

This is a time to make seeking GOD our chief objective perhaps like never before. Tvs off. Events cancelled. Whatever you need to do to get ready. Whatever you need to do to get your family prepared. Do it! (You set yourself up to potentially experience terrible regret if you do not get prepared.)

Some are not going to listen for one reason or another. This is sad.
Please “Ask GOD”. Ask GOD about what I am saying. THE SPIRIT OF GOD WILL ANSWER YOU. (Will you hear what THE SPIRIT OF GOD SAYS? If not, please get to work. This could literally be the difference between life and death.)

I plan on sharing some things about my preparation. I also plan to share anything else that GOD’S HOLY SPIRIT leads me to share. I pray that we all will hear what THE SPIRIT OF GOD is saying to the church.)

Social Service Professionals

Dear Social Services Professional,

Thank you!

You may be wondering what I am thanking you for. Well, you see, it appears that you may be one of the people who I work to recognize and even celebrate for the good that they do as it pertains to the lives of youth and young adults.

My name is Karen Felice Allen. One of the things that I am working on is helping to Save and Equip Lives, especially the lives of youth and young adults. This work includes working to help people, especially youth and young adults to live Triumphant lives spirit, soul and body by helping them directly and by helping those (parents, other family members, ministers, educators, health care professionals, social service professionals, real estate and building professionals, business persons, legal professionals, veterans and others) who invest in the lives of youth and young adults.

You appear to be one of those persons. So, if you are indeed doing great things to help youth, young adults or those who help youth and young adults, I do thank you. Exciting benefits could be coming your way. Make sure that you take the Free steps to Get Plugged In and Stay Connected. (See the information on the page linked to in the signature line.)

I understand that you are a person who cares about others. As someone who studied Sociology and social work, I know that you likely did not pursue a career in social services because of the money. More than likely you did so because you care. (See the list above for some of things that I am looking forward to doing.)

Thank you for the good things that you do to help to make lives better for others. I want you to know that I am committed to supporting people who are working to help the community.

One thing that I am interested in doing is seeing if and how I may be able to help with the work that you are doing

I want to help you help those who are called to help. This could look many ways. Right now, I am very focused on helping people to secure homes. If this is a part of what you are doing, please let me know. Perhaps we can collaborate and do good for the community.

I want to see how I can help you as you help others.

Helping to connect people to resources (people, places and things) that can help them to lead more Triumphant lives is important to me.

Let’s talk and see how I can help you, the people who need what you have to offer or both.

Please call me at (281) 223-1805. Also, please send me an email to help to ensure that your communication to me is successful. The email address is KarenFeliceAllen@gmail.com

Thank you,
Karen Allen
“Karen Felice Cares”
Will you use your life to help to save children and young adults? (Maximize the dash!) (The dash represents the time between the date that you were born and the date that your time here on earth ends.)

What if you could help to save lives and get paid?
If You Are Going To Do It, Do It With Me (Or At Least Consider It)
Because I am Gathering and Giving

P.S. Please be sure to get Get Plugged In and Stay Connected so that you won’t miss all of the greatness that is coming, perhaps even good that could be coming to you!

Stewards of Christian Businesses (I Did Not Say “Christian Business Owners”. These Two Are Not Necessarily One In The Same)

I am sharing what I believe GOD has given me to share. I am doing this quickly. I sense an urgency to do so. I plan to refine this page but for now I believe that what is enough for you to take to GOD and to move accordingly.

Here is the initial recording that I did. I am sharing it because there may be some things that I did not include in the second one. You may want to listen to it. Thank you. Blessings!

Will not be sustained because have not sown seeds necessary to yield the harvest needed harvest.
Ask GOD what this means and how this looks for and in your business, in the business entrusted to your stewardship.
It is vital that you have an incredibly personal, deep and sure relationship now and in the days to come.
(As HOLY SPIRIT WAS MINISTERING to me, a very important clarification came to me. Just because you are a Christian, it does not mean that you steward a Christian business. Because you are Christian does not mean that your business is a Christian business. A Christian’s life is to be governed by THE WORD OF GOD under the guidance and direction of HOLY SPIRIT. With HOLY SPIRIT’S HELP. The principles apply to the Christian business. A Christian business is to be governed by THE WORD OF GOD under the guidance and direction of HOLY SPIRIT.

Days to come.

Christian business owners must be ready in season.

Sustain his people.
Also help sustain the unbeliever.
Beacon of light
Powerful evangelistic tool.
So needed powerfully

No authority, no anointing.

Do not bring reproach with life or with business
Will shut some down because so out of order, corrupt no be named in Christian businesses
Too much at stake

Be ready in season and out of season.
Christian business owners must be ready in season.

Christians give GOD YOUR BUSINESS IF YOU HAVE NOT. (Don’t be mad if you don’t and “your” business does not qualify for what GOD IS DOING AND IS YET TO DO THROUGH “HIS” BUSINESSES and ultimately dies for the lack of sustanance that is coming from the Supernatural Sustaining Powe of GOD. (The earth is THE LORD’S AND THE FULLNESS THEREOF. We better start acting like it if we want to survive and thrive.)

For such a time as this.

GOD HAS SPECIAL assignment

Get prepared

Get biz in order systems, finances, the way you handle people

Again when highlighting begins do not scream me here I am GOD BLESS me
Open to destruction of GOD. GOD NOT HAVING IT

Financial tsunami

Also, good knows the heart. Some so used to getting over on people. Snap to yourself and remember that this is GOD, THE ONE AND TRUE LIVING GOD AND HE IS NOT TO BE PLAYED WITH.

Be sure to see the following for information that could help your business. Prayer, support resources and even lower cost and even free help could be coming to your business.
