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Have You Ever Wanted To Be A Part of Something That Could Impact Generations to Come? Something That Could Still Be Impacting Lives Long After Your Natural Life?
I Invite You To Consider Joining Me As I Work To Help
Equip the lives of Youth and Young Adults?
Discover More On These Platforms:
@TheKarenFeliceAllenShow on YouTube
KarenConnectorAllen on linktree https://linktr.ee.com/KarenConnectorAllen
(After getting plugged into the information shared on the platforms above, please remember to come back here for what is shared here. Yes, there is more greatness here and you don’t want to miss it!)
A few important questions and details before you go on:
Is there at least one youth or young adult in your life who you care about deeply and want to help to live a Victorious life? Is it important that you help this youth or young adult to avoid dangerous and even deadly mistakes? If yes, you want to see this right now
(For parents, guardians, caregivers, ministers, educators and others who invest in the lives of youth and young adults) https://karenfeliceallen.com/will-you-rise-up-and-get-radical-nep/
(For young adults) https://karenfeliceallen.com/will-you-rise-up-and-get-radical-young-adults/
“Housing is “Not’ a luxury. Housing is a necessity.” Get involved and support the powerful movement “Karen Felice Allen’s Blessing Lives Through Real Estate” and you could be s blessing and be blessed! https://karenfeliceallen.com/real-estate/
Karen Allen Seminars General Projects Funds
Give to help various projects that are designed to help youth and young adults to live victorious lives.
Click here to donate.
Ways that you could to help to positively and powerfully impact the lives of generations?
Highlights (Programs, Initiatives, Activities) https://karenfeliceallen.com/highlights-programs-initiatives-activities/
Get and stay connected
For Contact Information https://karenfeliceallen.com/contact-information/
Here Comes THE GLORY OF THE LORD (David and Nicole Binion)
Living Under An Open Heaven
Help for Homeschooling Families (Includes Learning Styles Insight) (102122)
The People That Do Know Their GOD Shall Be Strong and Do Exploits
“but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.” from Daniel 11:32 (King James Version of THE HOLY BIBLE)