Announcements (About Only “Some” of The Good Going On Here)

Referral Benefits: We are seeking to do so much good for so many. Find out how you can give, receive or even refer. Even if you believe that there is nothing here for you right now, you could still benefit, even financially. Referrals could be a key to bringing goodness your way! Find out about some of the goodness that is taking place and how you and others could be helped to live lives filled with greater Peace, Power and Prosperity! Dig in, see what’s going on and stay tuned for incredible opportunities.

I’m dedicated to helping to Save and Equip lives, especially the lives of youth and young adults. Seeking “Every Part” to help them. Seeking the best.

My name is Karen Felice Allen. One of the things that I am working on is helping to Save and Equip Lives, especially the lives of youth and young adults. This work includes working to help people, especially youth and young adults to live Triumphant lives spirit, soul and body by helping them directly and by helping those (parents, other family members, ministers, educators, healthcare professionals, social service professionals, real estate and building professionals, financial services professionals, business persons, legal professionals, technology professionals, veterans and others) who invest in the lives of youth and young adults.

If you are a person who assists any of the persons who I am dedicated to helping, you could be selected to participate in an exclusive opportunity that could help you and those who you serve tremendously.

Educators – What if you could discover ideas to help you to supplement your income without taking on another “job”? (You could even find ways to help you as you invest in your students.)

Business leaders-What of you could discover ideas that could help you to draw new customers, retain current customers and increase revenue without hurting your bottom line?

Landlords, apartment managers and team members, property managers – What if you knew ideas that could help a person, like a struggling tenant, to bring money in? What if these ideas included bringing money in when one is in a “crunch”? (This sure beats an eviction. No one wants to put a family on the street. Right? And no family wants to be put on the street. An idea that could help a person to bring in needed money could literally change and save lives.)

If yes to any of the above, you may be selected to participate in an opportunity that could help you. Details about this will be shared soon. Make sure that you get plugged in and stay tuned

See “Ways To Connect” and make sure that you act now so that you will know what’s taking place that could powerfully impact your life and the lives of others for good!

Tariff Relief

Tariffs are already in place and are currently impacting many industries. Auto industry professionals, as of March 5, 2025, it appears that automakers have been given a one month extension before experiencing the impact of tariffs in their industry. Whatever industry you are in, please don’t despair. Use this time wisely. Please use this time to put systems, processes and all that is needed to help to keep the doors of the business that you serve open, to keep workers employed and to remain profitable. We are doing our part to help provide resources, even free assistance, to businesses that serve our communities. Ask if we are providing project assistance in the area where your business is located. If you are not selected to receive more direct assistance, please know that information and other resources that could help you will be shared. Follow the site, YouTube and other social media channels.

Please Listen: This is really a life and death matter!


I Am So Excited About A Whole New Level Of Giving
Let Giving Begin…Now!


As you can see, there is a lot going on in the incredible community that I have the privilege of stewarding. There is one thing that I want to highlight.

I am sooooo excited about an incredibly exciting journey that I have embarked on!

As you know, there is a lot going on in the world.
Job layoffs
Costs that have skyrocketed
Food shortages
and more!

It is extremely important that we get serious about the financial well being of our families. I am dedicated to helping to do my part to help others.

I have been looking for ways that people can bring in money that they need.
All kinds of ways.
Money for housing.
Money for transportation.
Money in a crunch. Money to pay recurring bills.
Money for college.
Money to start businesses.
Money to keep businesses going.
Money for life!

I am excited about sharing this information.

I am looking forward to helping others to obtain the financial resources that they need.

I know what it’s like not to have what you need and I don’t want anyone to have to live in a place of lack.

I am looking all over.

There is so much goodness planned for those who will join me on this journey.

1) What if I share and help you to get started?

2) What if I share and help to fund your new endeavor?

3) What if I provide opportunities that could help you to bring in hundreds and even thousands that could help to positively impact the financial position of your family?

4) What if your business could get needed help for lower than you ever thought possible or even for free? (See details about business support and my Work Projects)

Well, get involved and spread the word. Let’s learn and do good by helping to pay it forward by sharing what could help others.


I Am Dedicated To Helping To Save & Equip Lives, Especially The Lives of Youth and Young Adults!

I Am Looking For Every Part To Get The Job Done!

You Want To Get In Where You Fit In!



2) You Could Be Instrumental In Helping To Save Lives. You could be instrumental in helping to ensure that the lives of millions are changed for the better.

You Could Have Incredible Benefits Coming Your Way

Or Both!

Either Way You Could Be Positioned For Goodness!

3) There Are So Many Incredible Benefits That Could Be Coming Your Way.

Here are only some of the incredible benefits that could be coming to you:

1) Chances to bring in additional income
2) Housing opportunities
3) Help for the youth and young adults in your life
4) Help for your business for less than you may have ever imagined (Maybe even free help!)
5) Referral fees
6) Money for being instrumental in helping me to achieve various goals
7/ More!

Make sure that you see the information that is shared here on the Announcements page and take the steps that are shared here in order To Get Plugged In. Start by taking the following two steps:


Join this Facebook group

Karen Felice Cares™ (Group)


Follow this Facebook page

Karen Felice Cares “Karen Connector Allen”



I Am On A Mission To Save The Lives of Millions of Young People
You Could Have Money Coming Your Way

You Do Not Want To Leave This Page Without Seeing What Is Linked To At The End Of This Statement And Getting Involved If You Meet The Qualifications For Participation


My name is Karen Felice Allen. One of the things that I am working on is helping to Save and Equip Lives, especially the lives of youth and young adults. This work includes working to help people, especially youth and young adults to live Triumphant lives spirit, soul and body by helping them directly and by helping those (parents, other family members, ministers, educators, health care professionals, social service professionals, real estate and building professionals, business persons, legal professionals, veterans and others) who invest in the lives of youth and young adults.

Are you any of the following people?

Young adults
Other family members of youth and young adults
Health care professionals
Social service professionals
Real estate and building professionals Business persons
Legal professionals
Others ho invest in the lives of youth and young adults.


If so, make sure that you Get Plugged In because I am excited about learning about, acknowledging, recognizing and even celebrating people in the groups listed above! (It could be hard doing this for those who I do not know. Right? So please make sure that you Get Plugged In using the information under the Get Plugged In section on this page.)


Do you have a business?

Do you have a business? If so, be wise and also listen to this. (The success, even the survival, of your business could be at stake. No fluff. Just TRUTH.)


Donate Now

Your donations help to support:   Helping to equip youth and young adults to live Triumphant lives (spirit, soul and body)   Helping to equip those who invest in the lives of youth and young adults to live Triumphant lives (spirit, soul and body)   Housing families with children, the elderly, veterans and others in communities   Providing opportunities that can help families to bring in hundreds and even thousands of additional money, money that can help to improve the quality of their lives   Providing business owners with spiritual and natural support   Providing business owners with help that could help them to sustain and even grow their businesses (Good businesses can do much to help our communities and we want them to stay in business)   Acquiring equipment and other tools needed to accomplish the vitally important work that is being done.   Providing work opportunities   Helping people to start businesses   Providing scholarship opportunities   and   So Much More!  


Donate Now (Thank You!)

Entered by customer




If You Are Going To Do It, Do It With Me (Or At Least Consider It)


Because I am Gathering and Giving

(See below for more details about these potentially life-changing actions.)


Help to Save Lives and Get Paid

I am working to Save and Equip Lives


You Could Get Paid For Being A Part!
(There are several ways to do so and I believe more are to come.)

Only A Few Of The Current Focuses:

Parents, Guardians, Caregivers
1) Helping Parents To Explore, Discover and Finance Lives That Give Them The Freedom To Invest More Time and Resources In The Lives Of Their Children (This Includes Helping Parents Who Literally Hate, And In Some Cases Fear, Sending Their Children To Their Current Schools And Are Longing For A Change!)
I am looking for what it takes to help young people and I am working to take parents, guardians and caregivers all over with me so that they will hopefully discover how to build lives, this includes securing finances, that position them to protect and provide for the children and other young people who they care about.

Young Adults
2) Helping To Ensure That Every Young Person Has Access To The Powerful Community That I Have Built To Help Them To Experience Triumphant Lives…Spirit, Soul and Body! (I Refuse To Stand By and Watch Them Experience Unnecessary Pain Or Worse Yet Destruction.)

Those Needing Homes
3) Providing Housing To Some Of Our Nation’s Most Vulnerable Populations (Seniors, Veterans, Families With Children)

4) Educators: Educators stand in incredibly positions. I, as a former classroom teacher, understand this. I am dedicated to supporting them in many ways including, but not limited to:
1) Providing spiritual support
2) Providing opportunities to bring in additional income
3) Providing opportunities to benefit from projects that could bring additional educational resources to them

5) Businesses: Great businesses offer a lot to the community. We need them to stay open, to employ community members and to offer their support in other ways. I am dedicated to supporting them in many ways including, but not limited to:
1) Providing spiritual support
2) Providing opportunities to bring in additional income
3) Providing opportunities to get help for lower than imagined (Perhaps even for free)


There are some exciting opportunities available now that could allow you to be a part of the vitally important work being done here that is designed to help save and equip lives, especially the lives of youth and young adults. (What if you could help and potentially bring in 100s or even 1000s of extra dollars month? Right now, certain qualifications that would only make this available to a exclusive group of people, have been removed. Families have got to be reached and you and others could be instrumental in helping to do so.)
What should you do now if you are interested in discovering how may be able to be a part of helping and how you may bring more money in while this opportunity is open?

1) See details for GLORIOUS Advocates and take action

2) Get Plugged in and Stay Connected (See details here) for more opportunities. Here are few ways (More ways are below)


Join this Facebook group
Karen Felice Cares™ (Group)


Follow this Facebook page
Karen Felice Cares “Karen Connector Allen”



Black Friday and Beyond

There are some great opportunities that are available now:

Help To Save Lives and Get Paid (With even greater pay)

and for Business Owners and Leaders:

1) Opportunities that could assist you in getting the help that you need for cheaper than you likely thought possible. (You may be even get free help)
2) Chances to bring in additional income while I do the work of helping to Save and Equip lives (With even greater pay.)


I am on a mission to help to save and equip lives. I am seeking every part needed to help to positively impact lives.

Are You A Part?

Do You Have A Part?

Are you able to help support the vitally important work being done to help save and equip lives?

Will you do so?

If So, You Could Be Instrumental In Saving Lives! (And Be Blessed Along The Way)
You could also find yourself bringing additional finances while I do the majority of the work.
If you are a business owner or leader, you may even be able to get free help.

And if you are one or more of thr following people, special benefits, including financial benefits, could be coming your way so make sure to take the steps listed on this page to Get Plugged in so that you don’t lose out on exciting benefits that could be coming your way:

Young adults
Supportive family members
Health care professionals
Social service professionals
Real estate and building professionals
Business persons
Legal professionals
Others who invest in the lives of youth and young adults.

Be sure to Get Plugged In (See Below)


Businesses Owners and Other Organizational Leaders

Are you a business owner? If so, information found on the page that can be accessed by following the link found right after this text could literally make the difference between the survival or failure of you business in days to come.


Will You, Your Loved Ones And What Concerns You Survive The Coming Changes?

Great change is taking place in the world. Greater change is to come. (And I am not saying this as some knee jerk reaction to the election results. I was sharing this before the elections and I plan to continue doing so.)
Are you ready?
Will you survive?
Will you thrive?
What about those who you love?
Please don’t wait for things to get worse, get positioned now!


What If You Could
Help To Save Lives
Get Paid?

(It could happen. Be sure to see details here. We’re working to positively impact lives and you could be a part of this powerful movement.)

(Scroll down to the dollar sign for more details. It’s worth the scroll!!!)


This page is under construction.

There is so much that I am to do. GOD keeps adding to me and I am okay with that. Keeping up with updates is what I am working on but it’s no problem.
It May Not Be Pretty, But It Is Possible! (Design and other things here may change But THE IMPORTANT THING THAT WILL NEVER CHANGE is the commit to honoring, celebrating, living in and experiencing THE PRESENCE OF GOD and all of the goodness that COMES WITH THE PRESENCE OF GOD.)

Extremely Important Alert: Right now, some special initiatives, that support the work of Helping to Equip and Save Lives, are being focused on. These initiatives are so important that I am willing to compensate others who help to get these messages out. You want to see what is here if you are ready to Help to Save Lives and Get Paid!


Are You A Part?

Do You Have A Part?

If So, You Could Be Instrumental In Saving Lives! (And Be Blessed Along The Way)

My name is Karen Felice Allen. One of the things that I am working on is helping to Save and Equip Lives, especially the lives of youth and young adults. This work includes working to help people, especially youth and young adults to live Triumphant lives spirit, soul and body by helping them directly and by helping those (parents, other family members, ministers, educators, health care professionals, social service professionals, real estate and building professionals, business persons, legal professionals, veterans and others) who invest in the lives of youth and young adults.

I am looking for “Every Part” of what is needed to help youth and young adults. You may be a person who might be a part, have access to a part or know of a part that could prove helpful in the important work that I am doing to help to Save Lives and Equip Lives, especially those of youth and young adults.

I am dedicated to finding every part needed to help people, especially youth and young adults, to live Triumphant lives.

The parts that I am committed to discovering are to be found amongst people, places and things.

You Could Literally Be Instrumental IN Helping To Save Lives
Your Life Could Be Forever Changed For The Better (Spiritually, Emotionally, Physically, Relationally and Even Financially)

There may be many ways that you can give a part and be a part of supporting the important work of Helping To Save Lives. While you are discovering another part or other parts that you have to give and will give, you may be able to “give” a part as you share about powerful resources. You may able to become a GLORIOUS Advocate. (Did I mention that you could get paid?)


It May Not Be Pretty, But It’s Powerful!
We will continue to work on the look as we go but Now and Always we will Praise, Welcome, Celebrate and Honor THE PRESENCE OF GOD. GOD DWELLS IN THE PRAISES OF HIS PEOPLE. WHERE GOD IS, THERE IS POWER! So we expect what we do to be Powerful because THE POWER SOURCE IS HERE!


GLORIOUS Gatherings

Stay tuned for GLORIOUS Gatherings, praise and prayer sessions, TIMES WITH GOD, IN THE PRESENCE OF GOD. We are expecting great things!


Challenging Times Are Here…And More Are To Come!

(This is THE ABSOLUTE BEST THING that you can do to ensure Victory for you and your family!)

Stressed out about money?

Marriage falling apart?

Family strife? (Are you worn out by the constant fighting? Are you just tired of it?)

Rebellious child or children?

Sickness that you have not been able to get healed from?

Are you dealing with another long time issue that you just can’t get an answer to?


GOD HAS THE ANSWERS that you need.

GOD HAS THE POWER to help you.


Will you allow GOD TO HELP you?

If so, great.

Please understand that you have a part in this process.

The first step is to make sure that you have truly given your life to CHRIST.

Then, take the steps that will lead you into a deep relationship with GOD. (I plan to share more to help. For now, I will share that 1) praising GOD, 2) worshipping GOD, 3) reading GOD’S HOLY WORD, THE BIBLE, 4) speaking GOD’S HOLY WORD, THE BIBLE, and obeying GOD’S HOLY WORD, THE BIBLE are powerful ways to build your relationship with GOD. Learn GOD’S written WORD. Learn GOD’S VOICE. Yes, GOD IS STILL SPEAKING. You need to learn HIS VOICE.)

Now is not the time to be without a personal relationship with GOD. We need to know, hear and follow THE VOICE OF GOD. The days ahead are going to be very challenging for many.
Dont wait for things to get even more challenging.
Yes JESUS will still be there but will you make it to later? satan comes to kill, steal and destroy. Will be able to make it through the challenges to come if you have not been spiritually prepared?


You may have come to this page for one reason or another but I want you to know that while I am interested in the projects, initiatives and other work that I am doing, every person matters to me. That includes you. As you know, there are some very serious things taking place in the world that we live in. Well, if you have spent time with GOD, you may know that there are challenging days ahead that we need to get prepared for right now. Even if you don’t have a personal relationship with GOD, looking around and listening to what is taking place in the world, should give you an indicator that there are things to come that could change life as many know it.


Rapid Bootcamp (GOD’S GRACE IS ON THE SCENE AGAIN: GOD IS HELPING US TO GET READY, FAST!) Please don’t ignore this.


1) Make sure that you are saved. Make sure that you have Accepted JESUS CHRIST AS YOUR PERSONAL SAVIOR. Make sure that you have PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP with JESUS CHRIST.
Now is not the time to be without a personal relationship with GOD. We need to know, hear and follow THE VOICE OF GOD. The days ahead are going to be very challenging for many.
Seek GOD
LISTEN TO GOD – learn voice, listen, follow
Come out of sin.
Get directions
tell others

2) Intensely seek GOD. Draw closer to GOD. This means that you may likely have to make changes in your life but right now you need to hear GOD so precisely. GOD WANTS TO PREPARE you and your loved ones for what is coming in the land.

This is not a scare tactic. If you know GOD’S VOICE and can hear GOD, please ask GOD. If not, you may want to go ahead and learn GOD’S VOICE so you can hear what GOD IS SAYING.

The days of being a lazy Christian are over. Not if you want to survive. You need specific instructions for your life. You can not rely on anyone else. Also, for those relying on Words of THE LORD from others because you refuse to seek GOD, please stop! Have you seen in the BIBLE where GOD sent a lying spirit into the mouth of the prophet. Truth be told, there are enough lies being told without GOD sending a thing. Either way, I would not risk being lied to. Seek GOD for yourself. Yes, GOD can speak to you through others but that should not be what you have your Christian life built on.




5) Businesses: Great businesses offer a lot to the community. We need them to stay open, to employ community members and to offer their support in other ways. I am dedicated to supporting them in many ways including, but not limited to:
1) Providing spiritual support
2) Providing opportunities to bring in additional income
3) Providing opportunities to get help for lower than imagined (Perhaps even for free)


There are some exciting opportunities available now that could allow you to be a part of the vitally important work being done here that is designed to help save and equip lives, especially the lives of youth and young adults. (What if you could help and potentially bring in 100s or even 1000s of extra dollars month? Right now, certain qualifications that would only make this available to a exclusive group of people, have been removed. Families have got to be reached and you and others could be instrumental in helping to do so.)
What should you do now if you are interested in discovering how may be able to be a part of helping and how you may bring more money in while this opportunity is open?

1) See details for GLORIOUS Advocates and take action

2) Get Plugged in and Stay Connected (See details here) for more opportunities. Here are few ways (More ways are below)


Join this Facebook group
Karen Felice Cares™ (Group)


Follow this Facebook page
Karen Felice Cares “Karen Connector Allen”



Do you need answers to some tough problems that you are facing?

Do you need help?



What do you need to do?
GOD WANTS TO GIVE YOU THE ANSWERS YOU NEED. You simply need to submit to HIM and learn HIS VOICE so that you can hear what HE IS SAYING TO YOU. (If you don’t know how to do this, I plan to share more about this vitally important matter. Get Plugged In and Stay Connected.)


Did You Dread Sending Your Child Back To “That School” But You Feel Helpless?

(The Support and Assistance, Including Financial Resources, That You Want and Need Could Be Here)

I help parents, guardians and other caregivers responsible for the education of children to discover, explore and implement resources, including educational and financial resources, that position them to offer the children in their lives exciting educational opportunities. (If you are interested in learning about homeschooling, including ideas that could help parents to be able to afford to homeschool. Please select the Homeschooling membership below.)

No Excuse Parents monthly membership

No Excuse Parents monthly membership (Homeschool Edition)

I help parents, guardians and other caregivers responsible for the education of children to discover, explore and implement resources, including educational and financial resources, that position them to offer the children in their lives exciting educational opportunities including homeschooling.


Wil you join me in refusing to send youth and young adults into the school systems and the world without as much support as possible? Well, let’s work together. We can do this!

Enrichment Sessions for elementary students (Contact me to see what ages are currently being served.)

GLORIOUS Generation Membership for Young Adults


“14 For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”” Esther 4:14 (English Standard Version of THE HOLY BIBLE)

GOD brought Esther to the time and place where she was to be instrumental in helping to save the lives of many.

What has GOD created you for? What are purposed to do for THE KINGDOM OF GOD? Do you know? (Special Note: You want to find out. Why? Your blessings are tied to your obedience to THE WILL OF GOD for your life.)

What have you been brought to this time to do for GOD’S KINGDOM?



Why Should You Get Involved In The Work Being Done Here?

Why Do You Want To Find Your Place in Supporting The Vitally Important Work That I Am Doing?


This work is dedicated to GOD.
GOD is praised here.

Wise people want to be where GOD IS.

Wise people want to be where GOD IS and where GOD IS DOING WHAT HE DOING!


What compares to being where GOD IS AT and partnering with GOD in doing what HE IS DOING?



Make sure that you are checking to see if there are new GLORIOUS Digests for you daily. These digests are where what is shared on a given day is aimed to be brought together in one place.

Please see the following post categories on my site

GLORIOUS Digests (Comprehensive)

GLORIOUS Digests (No Excuse Parents)

GLORIOUS Digests (Generation GLORIOUS)


Some of What is On This Page (Keep scrolling because there is so much more!)

    1. Are you one of the people listed? (If so, benefits, including money, could be yours!)

    1. Are you a “part” or do you have a part that could benefit others, especially youth and young adults? (If so, you could help to support the work being done to save and equip lives and great benefits could be coming your angels.

    1. Do you an available property? Do you know of an available property? If so, you may be able to benefit in several ways including financially.

    1. List of only Some of the current ways that being a part of the Greatness that is taking place in the Vitally Important Work that I have the privilege of stewarding. (Get Plugged in and Stay Connected for more opportunities)


The Spotlight Is On…

Spotlight One

Are you one of the people referred to in the mission statement? (See below)


You Could Be Celebrated (And that could mean money for you!)


Spotlight Two

Every Part

I am dedicated to finding every part needed to help people, especially youth and young adults, to live Triumphant lives.

The parts that I am committed to discovering are to be found amongst people, places and things.

You Could Literally Be Instrumental Helping To Save Lives
Your Life Could Be Forever Changed For The Better (Spiritually, Emotionally, Physically, Relationally and Even Financially)

Do you want make the dash of your life count in ways that you never imagined?

Will you use your life to help to save children and young adults? (Maximize the dash!) (The dash represents the time between the date that you were born and the date that your time here on earth ends.)

Are you a “part” or do you have a part that could benefit others, especially youth and young adults?

Are you willing to give what you have been blessed with? Are you willing to share what you have?

Would you like to position yourself for some incredible benefits?


Spotlight Three

Property Community Collaborators

I am working to help ensure that people have homes. The elderly, our nation’s veterans, families with children and more! I need properties to do this.

Do you have an available property?

Do you know of someone with an available property?

If so, you could be instrumental in helping to save lives!

Also, you may be able to benefit financially!

Listen and let’s talk about what you have. Let’s change lives together!

Get Plugged In and Stay Connected (See below for more ways.)


Join this Facebook group
Karen Felice Cares™ (Group)


Follow this Facebook page
Karen Felice Cares “Karen Connector Allen” (Page)


Spotlight Four

Stewards of Christian Businesses

If you have a business, you need to know this. It could make the difference between the thriving or even survival of your business.


Could you help to save lives and get paid for doing so? (See “Every Part” below)

(Also, in additin to seeing “Every Part”, please know that there are several opportunities available that could money in your pocket. Make sure that you “Get Plugged in and Stay Connected” for updates and announcements. (See below for details on how to do this!)


Is This For You?

Single family, multifamily and other properties needed to help in the very important work of helping to ensure that people have homes.

Do you know of homes that are ready to be donated, vacant houses, houses for sale or houses for lease?

You Probably Do This Every Day (Are You Leaving Money On The Table? (090724)


Celebrating Youth and Young Adults (And Others) Could you be next?

Information to Help Generate Income
Opportunities to Bring In More Money

Could you be next? See the Mission Statement. If you are a part of one of the groups referred to, make sure that you Get Plugged in and Stay Connected. (Even if you don’t see yourself in one of the groups, you want to still Get Plugged In and Stay Connected because you never know what could be coming your way!)

Are you a part of one of the groups that I am working to help? (See the mission statement below) If so, don’t miss out on Celebrations, Money and More that could be coming your way. Make sure that you get Get Plugged In and Stay Connected using the information provided here.


Are you a part of the groups mentioned in the Mission Statement?

Mission Statement

My name is Karen Felice Allen. One of the things that I am working on is helping to Save and Equip Lives, especially the lives of youth and young adults. This work includes working to help people, especially youth and young adults to live Triumphant lives spirit, soul and body by helping them directly and by helping those (parents, other family members, ministers, educators, health care professionals, social service professionals, real estate and building professionals, business persons, legal professionals, veterans and others) who invest in the lives of youth and young adults.


Get Plugged In and Stay Connected

My name is Karen Felice Allen. One of the things that I am working on is helping to Save and Equip Lives, especially the lives of youth and young adults. This work includes working to help people, especially youth and young adults to live Triumphant lives spirit, soul and body by helping them directly and by helping those (parents, other family members, ministers, educators, health care professionals, social service professionals, real estate and building professionals, business persons, legal professionals, veterans and others) who invest in the lives of youth and young adults.

If you are one of the people referenced above, you want to be sure to Get Plugged In and Stay Connected because exciting benefits could be coming your way!
Not in the list? Don’t worry, you too could find great benefits coming your way as a part of other powerful initiatives like “Every Part” or even as a participant in the communities that I steward. So, you also want to take the steps, right now, to ensure that you Get Plugged In and Stay Connected.

Here are few ways that you want to get Plugged In and Stay Connected what is going on in the powerful work being done.

Here are a few steps that you want to take to help ensure that you stay in the know about the important work that is taking place, how you could be a benefit to and a blessing in the lives of others and how you could benefit from and be blessed by what is being done:


Join this Facebook group
Karen Felice Cares™ (Group)



Follow this Facebook page
Karen Felice Cares “Karen Connector Allen”

You should join this group and follow this page because the plan for these to serve as central places to share about what the projects and activities that I am working on. Yes, you may be a part various groups and pages that are connected to the work that I am doing but for various reasons, information may not get posted on those pages or in those groups.

Make sure that you are positioned to get important updates including information
1) about ways that you can be a part of helping to make life better for others
2) about ways that could help to improve the quality of your life, including spiritually, financially, emotionally, relationally and physically. I look forward to being a part of celebrating, inspiring and encouraging many of you!



@TheKarenFeliceAllenShow on YouTube


Instagram (Those who invest in the lives of youth and young adults):



Instagram (Young Adults):





Announcements Page (083124)

Are you ready to discover ways that can help you to lead a more Triumphant life…spirit, soul amd body?

Would you like to help to Save lives and make money?

Be acknowledged and celebrated for the work that you do? (Rewards, even financial rewards, could be coming your way)

Is it time to discover ideas that could help you to bring in more money?

Are you ready to discover ideas that could help you to have the loving relationship that you so desire?

Are you a parent who dreaded sending your child back into the school system and want to explore another educational option? Are you interested in finding ways to fund another educational opportunity for your child?

Have you thought about homeschooling? Do you want to know more? Do you need ideas that could help you to be able afford what is needed to be more involved in the life of your child or the lives of your children?

Are you a teacher who is looking for ways to bring in more money?

Are you a teacher who would love to have someone to say what you can’t to administrators, coworkers, parents and even students?

Would you like someone to help you get your business idea off of the ground?

Are you or your loved one in need of an affordable home?

Are you a property owner looking to do good and maximize profits?


Well, this may exactly the place that you want to be in! Make sure that you are plugged in to the following for information and opportunities that could literally change your life for the better! (See “Get Plugged In Now” here on this page.)


Highlights of What’s Here


    1. If You Are Going To Do It, Do It With Me (Or At Least Consider It)™

    1. Every Part

    1. What if you could help to Save and equip lives and bring in money for doing so? (See the link below next to the announcement with the same title as what is here.)

    1. You will need this (Trust me!)

    1. More Announcements

    1. Updates information

    1. See if I can help you (You could save lives and be blessed.)


“Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts.” (From Zechariah 4:6 King James Version of THE HOLY BIBLE)



GOD, I acknowledge YOU in all my ways and I expect YOU TO DIRECT MY PATH.

(A question for anyone reading, listening to or otherwise consuming this content. Don’t you think that I am going to succeed if GOD IS DIRECTING MY PATH?)

When you do anything with me you step into this grace.

Yes, I am going to do the work.

Yes, I am going to work to improve my marketing skills.

Yes, I am going to market.

Yes, I am going to work to improve my sales skills.

Yes, I am going to engage in activities that are designed to generate sales.

Yes, I am going to do all of the things that are necessary to do the work that I am engaged in at any time.

BUT, “Again” I make it very clear that all success that I experience is “Not by might, nor by power, but by GOD’S SPIRIT”. Thank YOU FATHER GOD. I am eternally grateful, IN THE NAME OF JESUS!!!


Get Plugged in Now!

Make sure that you are positioned to:

    1. Do good

    1. Be blessed

    1. Benefit, including financially

    1. More!

For now, one of the goals for this group and this page is to be a place where information about many of the things that are taken place will be posted. This includes information about trainings, income generation ideas, opportunities to participate in activities and actions that could help you to bring in additional income, giveaways and more!

Here are a few steps that you want to take to help ensure that you stay in the know about the important work that is taking place, how you could be a benefit to and a blessing in the lives of others and how you could benefit from and be blessed by what is being done:

Join this Facebook group
Karen Felice Cares™ (Group)

Follow this Facebook page
Karen Felice Cares (Page)

You should join this group and follow this page because the plan for these to serve as central places to share about what the projects and activities that I am working on. Yes, you may be a part various groups and pages that are connected to the work that I am doing but for various reasons, information may not get posted on those pages or in those groups.


Make sure that you are positioned to get important updates including information
1) about ways that you can be a part of helping to make life better for others
2) about ways that could help to improve thne quality of your life, including spiritually, financially, emotionally, relationally and physically. I look forward to being a part of celebrating, inspiring and encouraging many of you!

If You Are Going To Do It, Do It With Me (Or At Least Consider It)™



I am Gathering and Giving!!!

I am dedicated to “Gathering and Giving”. I an committed to gathering resources, including information and financial resources, and disbursing these resources to help people. I am committed to gathering resources, including information and financial resources, and disbursing these resources to help people.

And Please Know This…

I am looking for every Part that is needed to do the vitally important work of helping to Save and Equip Lives

So Don’t Be Surprised When I Come To You To Find Out What Part You Have! (Be excited about another opportunity to “Maximize The Dash” of your life!) (Stay tuned for more about this.)


Every Part

I am seeking every part of what is needed to help those who I am working to assist. I am surveying every person, place and thing in search of every part needed to help people, especially youth and young adults, to live triumphant lives spirit, soul and body!

Could the “part” that you have literally help to save and equip the lives of others?

Could you help to save lives and get paid for doing so?

Click here for more details.

Here is the link to sign up after taking the above step


What if you could help to Save and equip lives and bring in money for doing so? (What If You Could Get Paid More Than Once, Perhaps Over And Over Again For Doing Something One Time?)

This Could Be Your Reality. Please Keep Reading.

I am so serious about the work of that I am willing to pay people to help.

Right now, I am focusing on helping to ensure that graduates have access to resources that could help to Save (Even literally) and Equip their lives. (See the link below, act know and get involved while this opportunity is available.


If You Don’t Think That You Need This Now (Hold On To It, You Will!)


Have you completed the Free sign up for one of my GLORIOUS Lists? I hope so! If not, do so now because great benefits could be passing you by!

(More details about how to get connected, including details on how to set up a meeting by phone, are below.)


(Please note that some of the information on the page may remain for more than one day so please take time review the entire document for updates. You don’t want to miss important information.)


About and Overview

My name is Karen Felice Allen.

I care about others so you will see “Karen Felice Cares”

I am on a mission to help More Than One Million people.

I am a Connector.


I also work to Connect people with resources (people, information, finances, homes and more).

I am working to help to the Save and Equip Lives, especially the lives of youth and young adults. This work includes working to help people, especially youth and young adults to live Triumphant lives spirit, soul and body by helping them directly and by helping those (parents, ministers, educators, health care professionals, real estate and building professionals, business persons and others) who invest in the lives of youth and young adults. More (link)


Karen Felice Allen Presents GLORIOUS Neighborhoods


No Young Person Left Behind


Every Part


If You Are Going To Do It Do It With Me (Or At Least Consider It)


Karen Felice Allen’s GLORIOUS Gathering and Giving


Maximize The Dash


If You Going To Do It, Do It With Me (Or At Least Consider It)



I am dedicated to “Gathering and Giving”. I an committed to gathering resources, including information and financial resources, and disbursing these resources to help people. I am committed to gathering resources, including information and financial resources, and disbursing these resources to help people.

And Please Know This…

I am looking for every Part that is needed to do the vitally important work of helping to Save and Equip Lives

So Don’t Be Surprised When I Come To You To Find Out What Part You Have! (Be excited about another opportunity to “Maximize The Dash” of your life!) (Stay tuned for more about this.)

My name is Karen Felice Allen.

I care about others so you will see “Karen Felice Cares”

I am on a mission to help More Than One Million people.

I am a Connector.


I also work to Connect people with resources (people, information, finances, homes and more).

I am dedicated to “Gathering and Giving”. I am committed to gathering resources, including information and financial resources, and disbursing these resources to help people.
So I kindly ask that “If You Going To Do It, Do It With Me (Or At Least Consider It)
Again, I am dedicated to “Gathering and Giving”. I am committed to gathering resources, including information and financial resources, and disbursing these resources to help people.
If you are going to do it, to buy it or be involved in it, consider me and the work that I am doing. What you normally do could change lives. Also, if you know or learn of something that could help me to help others, please let me know. Perhaps you are looking to that perfect new pair of shoes, see if I have an affiliate link for that store. Ask them if they have one and let me know if I don’t. You could get great. Great includes the shoes And the sense of knowing that you could be helping others, helping to change lives, as you do what you were already going to do and or what you normally do.
The dollar, tens of thousands, the millions that you decide to give could help to do so much good. Impact lives. Imagine giving $ 1 and when this is put with others that $1 could help to build houses. Imagine knowing that your contributions could even help to save lives. Maximize the Dash of your life. Make it powerful! Your good works could speak now and long after you are gone.

I seek to provoke people through encouragement, and with compassion, to use their lives to Maximize The Dash.
Will you use your life to help to save children and young adults? (Maximize the dash!) (The dash represents the time between the date that you were born and the date that your time here on earth ends.)

I am dedicated to building GLORIOUS Neighborhoods across this nation.
This work includes the powerful Home: An Experience movement.

Some other significant focuses include

Rise Up and Get Radical

Rise Up and Get Radical: Young Adult Edition

Rise Up and Get Radical: Parents, Guardians and Other Investors in the Lives of Youth and Young Adults Edition

No Young Person Left Behind movement that is designed to help ensure that all young people are equipped to live Triumphantly not only now but also in the challenging times ahead.


Tutoring and Enrichment Sessions


Only A Few Spots Left
Up to 50% off
Free One No Excuse Parents Membership (Resources and information designed to help parents, guardians, caregivers and other investors in the lives of youth and young adults to live more Triumphant lives spirit, soul and body.)
Ten (10) additional Free hours of enrichment (Valued at more than $500) could be the student participant’s as this will be given to a participant
See “Flash Sale! Enrichment and Tutorials (June 2024)” on

Tutorial, enrichment and homeschool services and substitute services offered by an experienced:
K-12 Teacher
College Instructor
Homeschool Teacher
After school Program Coordinator
Enrichment Programs Instructor/Coordinator
Youth Minister

Reach out now while spots are open and discounts are in place:

(281) 223-1805



Parents, Guardians, Other Caregivers
Medical Professionals (Mental and Physical Health Professionals)
Real Estate Professionals
Business Professionals
Financial Services Professionals
Social Service Professionals

If you are someone who is dedicated to helping to youth, young adults and those (Parents, Guardians, Other Caregivers,
Ministers, Educators, Medical Professionals (Mental and Physical Health Professionals), Real Estate Professionals, Business Professionals, Financial Services Professionals, Social Service Professionals, Veterans,
More!) who invest in the lives of youth young adults, you could be celebrated!

I am dedicated to letting those know that they are appreciated and I am excited about demonstrating my appreciation. (This is going to be so much fun.) I look forward to learning about many of you. Perhaps I will get an opportunity to celebrate you in some way. I look forward to celebrating many. Thank you, thank you, thank you again!
Make sure that you are on the list. You want to know about the excitement that could be coming your way. Right?


(This page is under construction. That’s ok. There is so much greatness here. Look at what is here and keep looking. You are likely to find something that could help you or someone that you care about to lead a more Triumphant life! Also, you want to check back often, even daily after construction is complete for exciting updates!)


Will you use your life to help to save (literally in some cases) children and young adults? (Make the dash count!)


It’s Not Fear, It’s Facts
Tough Times Are Coming (And For Some Are Already Here)
Please Know That HELP is available.
Will you please accept it?


Free For You

You Have Already Gotten Something For Free and You Have Only Entered This GLORIOUS Community (This Was Given To You Even Before You Even Took Any Action!)
What Am I Referring To?


Yes, Prayer. There is little that I can do for anyone that is more important than praying for you.
How can I say that I prayed for you?
I pray for those who I have come in contact with, who I am in contact with and people who I will come in contact with. I pray for those who are involved in the work that I am doing including the communities that I serve. So, if you have, are or will come in contact with me or my content, know that you have been prayed for. (I don’t have to know your name. GOD KNOWS WHO I AM REFERRING TO WHEN I CALL OUT CERTAIN GROUPS IN PRAYER.)


Prayer is the place of real power.
GOD’S HOLY WORD tells us that we can seek HIM and HE WILL ANSWER US.
GOD’S WORD tells us that we can decree a thing and it is established.
GOD’S WORD tells us that there us power in unity.

Do you want to do all that you can do to protect your child and other loved ones?

Are you willing to invest time in prayer to a Real and Loving GOD?
Prayer is the place of real power.
GOD’S HOLY WORD tells us that we can seek HIM and HE WILL ANSWER US.
GOD’S WORD tells us that we can decree a thing and it is established.
GOD’S WORD tells us that there us power in unity.
Would you love to have someone who will join you in believing prayer?
If so, I invite you to join me for prayer.


What’s Your Problem? (I’ll Say It Again, What’s Your Problem?)


Free Tutorials

Free Tutorials

My name is Karen Felice Allen.

I am an experienced classroom instructor.

I am also an experienced:
Early childhood team member having served in several capacities
Homeschool teacher
Math Specialist
College Instructor

I am educator and I want to help young people!

I will be offering Free Tutorials.

I will be sharing more details with members of communities that I work to serve. Make sure that you are signed up on the appropriate list so that you will be positioned for updates. Email list members will be amongst those considered during the selection process. (Parents and Guardians, you want to sign up on the “No Excuse Parents” list. Get signed up

Free Tutorials

My name is Karen Felice Allen.

I am an experienced classroom instructor.

I am also an experienced:
Homeschool teacher
Math Specialist
College Instructor

I am educator and I want to help young people!

I will be offering Free Tutorials.

I will be sharing more details with members of communities that I work to serve. Make sure that you are signed up on the appropriate list so that you will be positioned for updates. Email list members will be amongst those considered during the selection process. (Parents and Guardians, you want to sign up on the “No Excuse Parents” list. Get signed up now

If you are a parent or other instructor of children, please let me hear from you. If you have questions, please see my linktree for contact information. My linktree information can be found here. Thanks!


Could These Tools To Help To Save and Equip The Lives of The Youth and Young Adults That You Love?


Great News About An Exciting Project That I Am Honored To Be Working On!

Home Seekers could secure housing


Property Owners could be a part of helping to solve the nation’s housing crisis while putting more money in their pockets!

So many wins!

(See this page for more details.)



Connect on linktree here.



See resources on my Youtube channel, for information and resources that could help you, including spiritually, relationally, physically, emotionally and financially. (You may even discover new, easy and even passive ways to add more money to your life.) Connect to @TheKarenFeliceAllenShow on YouTube here.


Request A Meeting

To request a meeting by phone, see the Contact link on my linktree. Connect on linktree here.

(I am excited about helping those in the communities that I serve. This includes financially.
1) Make sure that you are signed up for one of the lists. My goal is to keep you informed about the goodness that could help you! See “GLORIOUS Lists” below to get signed up if you have not done so already and click on the link.
2) Then be sure to come back here to find out more about the important information that is shared here.)

(Be sure to see exciting videos here about “Ways That Could Help to Put Money In Your Pocket But May Seem Too Easy To Believe”, “Bill Assistance”, ‘Free Enrichment Services”and Much More!)



If you decide not to move forward with us on this exciting, and potentially life-changing adventure, please remember that HELP is available to you, your loved ones and others who you care about now and also in the hard, difficult and challenging days that are coming. (And they are coming.) JESUS IS READY AND ABLE TO HELP YOU THROUGH ANYTHING AND IS WAITING TO RECEIVE YOU AND ALL WHO YOU CARE ABOUT (JOHN
I also plan to be here sharing what I can in order to help others to live Triumphant lives that are filled with true Peace and Prosperity so please come back when you are ready.

(Invest time in yourself by seeing and listening to what is here. Skipping it could cause you to lose out. Even if you don’t think that you need what is shared now, keep what is shared in mind. You and or those you love may very well need something that is shared in the days, including difficult days, that are to come in this world. (You see how many terrible things are happening in the world. Are you and those who you love prepared to victoriously handle what is here and what is to come? Help is available. Are you ready to receive it?)

Information shared here could:

Help to save (literally), protect and equip your life, the lives of your children and the lives of others who you love and care about.

Help to bring peace to your home


Help to bring money and other finances to you.

Make sure that you are on “The GLORIOUS List”. Great benefits, including incredible opportunities and even finances, could be coming.your way! (See GLORIOUS List on this page and click on the link and get signed Now!)




I am dedicated to helping people to discover and connect to THE REAL ANSWER to the problems and pains in their lives.

When you’re Really ready for Peace, Power and Real Prosperity join me IN THE GLORY!

What’s Your Problem? (I’ll Say It Again, What’s Your Problem?)




Karen Felice Cares






More Than A Million








Enrichment Programs


Money and Finances

    1. Ideas

    1. Opportunities






Property Owners


Real Estate Agents and Brokers


Real Estate Investors


College and Professional Students




No Excuse Parents


GLORIOUS Generation




Educators (Including, but not limited to, Early Childhood, K-12, Postsecondary including Vocational)




Real Estate Professionals


Business Professionals

    1. Celebrations

    1. Work Projects

    1. Business Projects (Including Marketing, Sales, More!)


Workers, Team Members


Financial Service Professionals


Social Service Professionals


GLORIOUS Advocates


Work Projects


Special Message:

Property Owners and Listing Real Estate Agents: My Need Could Be Your Blessing!
I am looking for properties and it could mean more Money in your pockets! Reach out to me and see if the property that you have qualifies. (281) 223-1805

You want to scroll through and find information that could help you to discover:

Resources designed to help to protect and equip the lives of youth and young adults

Homeschool Resources (Including information about getting started and ways to generate income so that you can afford to educate your child, children and others who you care about if you desire to do so)

Workers at a business could have great things, including financial benefits, coming their way when the businesses and organizations that they work with get involved in the excitement taking place here!

Information that could help business owners to get lower cost and even free help

Information that could help to bring more money to your home

Imagine getting money over and over for doing something one time! (It could be possible.)

Referrals (What you know could be instrumental in doing good and bring financial benefits to you!)

Giving your input could even bring finances your way

Home opportunities

Rental assistance

Business start up assistance


Much more!

(Make sure that you are signed up for the GLORIOUS List and that you are subscribed to and involved on my social media platforms especially YouTube because this will help you to stay plugged in to what’s going on now and in days to come!)

You may reach put to me by email at and by phone at (281) 223-1805 for more information and assistance. Thank you!




Click here to get signed up for the excitement!

I am working to help youth and young adults to live Triumphant lives spirit, soul and body by helping them directly and by helping those (parents, guardians, caregivers, ministers, real estate professionals, employers, various kinds of educators including childcare and homeschool educators, food industry professionals, health care professionals, business persons, organizational leaders and others) who invest in the lives of youth and young adults.

Are you one if these people?

If so, you are invited to the Celebration!

It’s A Celebration!

Are you one or more of the following:

Young Adult
Property Owner
Real Estate Professional
Educator (Includes, but is not limited to, Childcare, Homeschool, Higher Education, Enrichment, Others)
Food Industry Professional
Health Care Professional
Social Service Providers
Business Person
Organizational Leaders
Someone else who invests in the lives of youth and young adults

If so, I want you to know that you are a part of a group or groups who I am I want to:








My thanks and celebration could be expressed in so many different ways. This could include
Birthday Celebrations
Holiday Celebrations
Just Because Thank Yous
More (See below for more things that could be coming to those on my GLORIOUS LISTS!)

Let me know that you are out there! Greatness could be coming your way. (Sign up now while the list is open and Free!)

For more details about some of the excitement and to get signed up

Click here to get signed up for the excitement!

Special Current Opportunities:

Money could be coming your way!

Do you know of:

At least one youth young adult who could benefit from enrichment sessions where they are prayed for, prayed with, encouraged and helped to lead Triumphant lives? (Of you do, we all do. Right?)

At least one youth young adult who could benefit from tutorial sessions?

Parents who are interested in protecting and equipping their children and other youth and young adults in their life?

Parents who are homeschooling?

Business owners who could benefit from lower cost or even free help?

Property owners and others with available properties?


If so, money, could be coming your way. Some of this money could be coming to you on more than one occasion for something thay you only do once! How does that sound? Great. This includes money for sharing about efforts that are designed to help to improve the quality of life for youth, young adults and those who invest in the lives of youth and young adults. I hope to help many. Contact me by email for more details. Email You can also reach out to (281) 223-1805.

You want to sign up for the GLORIOUS list so that you can get updates about various offers and incentives.

Also make sure that you are signed up for, subscribing and following my social media platforms.

Click here to get signed up for the excitement!


(See “Stay Connected” below. For social media platforms.)

Are you on “The List” to receive information and and to stay informed about the following?

I am a mission to help to save (literally) and equip the lives of youth and young adults.

Will you join me in helping to save “Your” child?

Let’s come together to help to save (literally) and equip the lives of youth and young adults. This work could lead to incredible benefits, including financial benefits, for individuals in the following groups:

Youth (Prayer for, Prayer with, Spiritual training, Encouragement, Support, Educational resources, More!)

Young adults (Prayer for, Prayer with, Spiritual training, Encouragement, Support, Educational resources, Work information, Relationship information, More!)

Parents and Other Investors in the lives of youth and young adults (Support as you Pray and Protect the youth and young adults in your life, Finances, Homes, Rental Assistance and more!)

Business Owners (Free help for your business could be coming your way!)
Educators (Finances, Educational Resources and Celebrations could be coming your way!)

Property Owners (You may be able to benefit from Stable Income and Even Increased profitability!)

Free Educational Resources (Including Tutorial Services)

Ideas to Help You To Generate Additional Income

Opportunities to Participate In Activities to Help Bring In More Income

Home Opportunities

Rental Payment Assistance

Business Start Up Assistance

Get signed up and you could be positioned for the following:

Revelation, Resources, Information that could very well help you to live a TRIUMPHANT life spirit, soul and body

Prayers (Most valuable thing on this list)

Praying for you


Benefits for just being a part of the community (Benefits could be coming your way just by being on the list, subscribed or following my social media channels and other platforms). (See social media information here )

Benefits for participating on my social media and other platforms (See social media information here )

Benefits for participating on my blog (See blog information here )

Benefits for answering questions that I ask
(See blog and social media information here )

Benefits for participating in surveys that I present (See blog and social media information here )

The Power of A Plus One opportunities shared

Ideas that could help you to bring in more money (Including income that could keep coming in even when you are not working on a task)

Chances to participate in opportunities to bring in income

Do you have a child who needs tutoring? (Reach out to me to find out about current specials and even free sessions.)

Could your child, children, youth and young adults benefit from training to help to equip them to lead TRIUMPHANT lives, lives of peace, power and true prosperity, in a supportive environment?
(Trust me, as someone who has worked with children and young adults in many environments, I have seen how mean, cruel and harsh some of them can be to one another. Give them a chance to be built up and supported. Reach out to me now while space is available. If you have young adults, you can go ahead and get them registered for the Generation GLORIOUS membership using the link provided on this page while registration is open.)

Free No Excuse Parents Membership access

Discount No Excuse Parents Membership access

Free Generation GLORIOUS Membership access

Discount Generation GLORIOUS Membership access

Free Homeschool Membership access

Discount Homeschool Membership access

Free Homeschool Membership access

Relationship information

Business resources

Celebrations and incentives for workers (These could help business owners, business leaders and other organizational leaders with employee acquisition and employee retention efforts.)

Educational resources

Access to Homes

Rental funding

Start up business funding

Home buying information (including ways that may help you to get into a home.)

Money saving ideas

Parenting information

Home ownership information


Click here to get signed up for the excitement!





(Invest time in yourself by seeing and listening to what is here. Skipping it could cause you to lose out. Even if you don’t think that you need what is shared now, keep what is shared in mind. You and or those you love may very well need something that is shared in the days, including difficult days, that are to come in this world. (You see how many terrible things are happening in the world. Are you and those who you love prepared to victoriously handle what is here and what is to come? Help is available. Are you ready to receive it?)

Before we go any further,

First Things First

Have you entered into the Greatest Relationship that anyone could possibly have and are you experiencing a Love like no other? (Aren’t you ready to stop looking for love in all the wrong places?)
If you have not made the most decision of your life, please do so Right Now! (And then come back here to continue discovering how to get more involved!)


Information shared here could:

Help to save (literally), protect and equip your life, the lives of your children and the lives of others who you love and care about.


Help to bring peace to your home




Help to bring money and other finances to you.


The Answer To The Tough Challenges of Life (If You Are Not Facing A Tough Challenge Now, You Want To Get Positioned For What Is Happening and What Is Going To Happen In The World.) Change Is Coming. Get Ready! Will You Receive The Answer?)

Do you need peace?


Have you been battling a health condition for what seems to be forever?


Is your relationship in trouble?


Are you struggling financially?


Are you dealing with a child who is going through difficulties?


Have you finally realized that the six or seven figure salary, the C-suite position, the extensive investment portfolio, the large social network, the huge house, the fancy car, the expensive suits, the elaborate wardrobe and the red bottom shoes are not able to answer all of your problems?


Well, I come with GOOD NEWS!


Help is available to you.


IN THE GLORY, there is an answer to, and a solution for, Every problem. THE GLORY IS POWER! When you are Really ready for Peace, Power and Real Prosperity, come and join me for life IN THE GLORY OF GOD!


I am Committed to living in THE GLORY OF GOD!


If you are not ready for this now, please know that when the tough times come, JESUS IS STILL WAITING FOR YOU WITH OPEN ARMS. (And if I am still living in time, I will still be doing what I can to help to connect all to THE ONE, JESUS, WHO IS THE ANSWER TO EVERYTHING THAT IS NEEDED TO LIVE A TRIUMPHANT LIFE IN TIME AND TO LIVE ETERNALLY IN THE PRESENCE OF THE ALMIGHTY ONE AND TRUE LIVING GOD.) First Things First



Donations (Including donations to a not for profit that may be tax exempt.)
You could do good and potentially position yourself for blessings by giving Money, Properties and Other Assets! Work is being done as a part of for profit organizations and a not for profit organization. Yes, a tax exempt organization is also in place to receive goodness from community members. When you see what we are doing, you may very well want to donate. Please reach out for more information. You may reach out by phone (281) 223-1805. You may also reach out by email .



For Real Estate Information

(Includes a link to the exciting Home: Experience Initiative that could bring Free Rent rent your way and that includes training opportunities that could literally help participants to live more Triumphant lives!)


There is POWER to experience
THE PEACE, POWER AND PROSPERITY that you need to live in victory

The Answer To The Tough Challenges of Life (If You Are Not Facing A Tough Challenge Now, You Want To Get Positioned For What Is Happening and What Is Going To Happen In The World.) Change Is Coming. Get Ready! Will You Receive The Answer?)

Do you need peace?

Have you been battling a health condition for what seems to be forever?

Is your relationship in trouble?

Are you struggling financially?

Are you dealing with a child who is going through difficulties?

Have you finally realized that the six or seven figure salary, the C-suite position, the extensive investment portfolio, the large social network, the huge house, the fancy car, the expensive suits, the elaborate wardrobe and the red bottom shoes are not able to answer all of your problems?

Well, I come with GOOD NEWS!

Help is available to you.

IN THE GLORY, there is an answer to, and a solution for, Every problem. THE GLORY IS POWER! When you are Really ready for Peace, Power and Real Prosperity, come and join me for life IN THE GLORY OF GOD!

I am Committed to living in THE GLORY OF GOD!

If you are not ready for this now, please know that when the tough times come, JESUS IS STILL WAITING FOR YOU WITH OPEN ARMS. (And if I am still living in time, I will still be doing what I can to help to connect all to THE ONE, JESUS, WHO IS THE ANSWER TO EVERYTHING THAT IS NEEDED TO LIVE A TRIUMPHANT LIFE IN TIME AND TO LIVE ETERNALLY IN THE PRESENCE OF THE ALMIGHTY ONE AND TRUE LIVING GOD.)


I prayed for you.
How can I say this?
I pray for those who I have met.
I pray for those who I am engaging with.
I pray for those who I will meet.
So again, I prayed for you.

You Have Already Gotten Something For Free and You Have Only Entered This GLORIOUS Community (This Was Given To You Even Before You Even Took Any Action!)
What Am I Referring To?


Yes, Prayer. There is little that I can do for anyone that is more important than praying for you.
How can I say that I prayed for you?
I pray for those who I have come in contact with, who I am in contact with and people who I will come in contact with. I pray for those who are involved in the work that I am doing including the communities that I serve. So, if you have, are or will come in contact with me or my content, know that you have been prayed for. (I don’t have to know your name. GOD KNOWS WHO I AM REFERRING TO WHEN I CALL OUT CERTAIN GROUPS IN PRAYER.)

Prayer Sessions (This is Where The Power Is!)




I am seeking to do all that I do
THE GOD that I am referring to is THE GOD THAT CAN ONLY BE ACCESSED by and through acceptance of JESUS CHRIST as one’s personal SAVIOR.
And…I am expecting GLORIOUS results!

This is GOD’S Business. If you are unethical or have evil, unGodly or otherwise “bad” motives, please step away. GOD IS A LOVING GOD. GOD IS ALSO A GOD OF JUDGEMENT. Your bad actions could position you and your loved ones for consequences, now and in the future, that you likely do not want to see or experience. (I have done my part by informing you as I believe that GOD HAS INSTRUCTED ME TO DO. Please consider yourself to have been warned! You are responsible for the consequences if you decide to get involved in the work that I am doing with bad and unscrupulous motives.)

If you see any errors or mistakes, such as “typos”, please let me know. I want to get things right! Thanks!




Are you on “The List” ?

Special Current Opportunities:
Money could be coming your way!

Do you know of:
At least one youth young adult who could benefit from enrichment sessions where they are prayed for, prayed with, encouraged and helped to lead Triumphant lives? (Of you do, we all do. Right?)
At least one youth young adult who could benefit from tutorial sessions?
Parents who are interested in protecting and equipping their children and other youth and young adults in their life?
Parents who are homeschooling?
Business owners who could benefit from lower cost or even free help?
Property owners and others with available properties?
If so, money, could be coming your way. Some of this money could be coming to you on more than one occasion for something thay you only do once! How does that sound? Great. This includes money for sharing about efforts that are designed to help to improve the quality of life for youth, young adults and those who invest in the lives of youth and young adults. I hope to help many. Contact me by email for more details. Email You can also reach out to (281) 223-1805.
You want to sign up for the GLORIOUS list so that you can get updates about various offers and incentives.
Also make sure that you are signed up for, subscribing and following my social media platforms!

Are you on “The List” to receive information and and to stay informed about the following?

I am a mission to help to save (literally) and equip the lives of youth and young adults.

Will you join me in helping to save “Your” child?

Let’s come together to help to save (literally) and equip the lives of youth and young adults. This work could lead to incredible benefits, including financial benefits, for individuals in the following groups:

Youth (Prayer for, Prayer with, Spiritual training, Encouragement, Support, Educational resources, More!)

Young adults (Prayer for, Prayer with, Spiritual training, Encouragement, Support, Educational resources, Work information, Relationship information, More!)

Parents and Other Investors in the lives of youth and young adults (Support as you Pray and Protect the youth and young adults in your life, Finances, Homes, Rental Assistance and more!)

Business Owners (Free help for your business could be coming your way!)
Educators (Finances, Educational Resources and Celebrations could be coming your way!)

Property Owners (You may be able to benefit from Stable Income and Even Increased profitability!)

Free Educational Resources (Including Tutorial Services)

Ideas to Help You To Generate Additional Income

Opportunities to Participate In Activities to Help Bring In More Income

Home Opportunities

Rental Payment Assistance

Business Start Up Assistance

More! Click on the following link to get positioned for excitement



Are you going to ignore this DIVINE INVITATION for this month? (032724)

Are you going to ignore this DIVINE INVITATION for this month? (032724)


This Is Different! (March 24, 2024)

This Is Different! (March 24, 2024)


Tutorials (Including Free) and Referral Fees

Tutorials (Including Free) and Referral Fees
Do you know someone who needs tutorial assistance? If so, exciting benefits could be coming to you both!


Are you one of the more than a million who will benefit from this? (March 24, 2024) (1)

Are you one of the more than a million who will benefit from this?


Are you one of the more than a million who will benefit from this? (March 24, 2024) (2)

Are you one of the more than a million who will benefit from this? (March 24, 2024) (2)


Helping More Than A Million: Celebrating Those Doing Great Things For Families!

Helping More Than A Million: Celebrating Those Doing Great Things For Families! Educators (K-12), Educators (K-12), Social Workers, Property Managers and Other Real Estate Professionals…Are You Ready? Others, get ready…you could be next!


GLORIOUS Lists (Get signed up now. Great benefits could be coming your way!)

GLORIOUS Lists (Get signed up now. Great benefits could be coming your way!)

See the “GLORIOUS Lists” link on my linktree.


Do you think that these ways to make money are too easy? (March 24, 2024)

Do you think that these ways to make money are too easy? (If so, you want to see about getting the money before someone else does!) (March 24, 2024)


Homes: Let’s Work Together And See About Getting That Home Related Issue Resolved! (March 24, 2024)

Homes: Let’s Work Together And See About Getting That Home Related Issue Resolved! (March 24, 2024)


Are you looking to show the elderly in your life your love with your actions? (032724)

Are you looking to show the elderly in your life your love with your actions? (032724)


College and Professional Students: Homes That Are Much More Than Houses!

College and Professional Students: Homes That Is Much More Than A House!


Do you own a home? If so, financial benefits and less stress could be yours (032724)

Do you own a home? If so, financial benefits and less stress could be yours (032724)


What are going to do about the plot and or plan to kill, steal and or destroy the young people you love and care about?

What if someone told you that there was one or more plans and or plots to kill, steal and or destroy certain aspects of or the complete lives of the child, children, youth, young adult or adults who you love and care about? Well, after viewing the following video, consider yourself told! So now, what are you going to do about it?






Karen Felice Allen’s Plus One Movement

Are you a CHRISTIAN? Are you the parent, guardian, caregiver or family member of a child or children who you want to protected and directed by THE ALMIGHTY GOD? Do you want all of THE PROMISES THAT JESUS HAS MADE AVAILABLE TO THEM TO BE COMPLETELY MANIFESTED IN THEIR LIVES. (Do you know the precious promises that GOD HAS SO GRACIOUSLY MADE AVAILABLE to those us who have accepted the gift of salvation made possible by JESUS and have accepted JESUS as our personal SAVIOR AND LORD? We are going to be exploring some of these promises.)
Do you believe in the Power of Prayer?
If so, I want to tell you about something that is very exciting!
Prayer Sessions!
Are you Christian who believes in GOD’S HOLY WORD?
Are you willing to invest time in prayer to a Real and Loving GOD?
Prayer is the place of real power.
GOD’S HOLY WORD tells us that we can seek HIM and HE WILL ANSWER US.
GOD’S WORD tells us that we can decree a thing and it is established.
GOD’S WORD tells us that there us power in unity.
Would you love to have someone who will join you in believing prayer for your child or children?
If so, I invite you to join me for prayer. I will be hosting prayer. These prayer opportunities will take place virtually. Our goal is to pray faith filled prayers, in hopeful expectancy, according to THE HOLY WORD OF GOD, THE HOLY BIBLE under the direction of GOD’S HOLY SPIRIT. (If you are interested, let me know.  Click here for more information.





unfaithful spouses
drug abuse
mental torment

Are you ready for the pain to end?

Are you ready to escape the fear?

Are you facing a seemingly hopeless situation?

Have you finally realized that there are some things that the C-Suite position, the six or seven figure salary, the tailored suits, the designer hand bags and the red bottom shoes can’t help you with?

Are you tired of all the pain, fear and worry?

Are you or your loved ones facing one or more of the following situations

relationship issues
a cheating and unfaithful spouse
financial worries (unsure about how you are going to make ends meet)
money woes
financial struggles
dysfunctional families
fear about the future
mental torment
sleepless nights
anxiety about the well being of your child or children (When they are at school or out of your presence, you are gripped with fear. Are you stressed out each time they go to school?)
a child who you just can’t seem to get through to
a child who is suffering from depression
drug abuse
mental instability
long time, unresolved sickness
physical abuse
mental abuse
self cutting
repeated failure no matter how hard you try
job loss

Are you simply just…tired?

What If I There Really Is An Answer To That Long Time, Seemingly Unsolvable and Impossible Situation?

What if I could help you to get the answers that will help you to step into love, peace and prosperity likely unlike anything that you have ever known?


If you are really ready for change, it is available to you.

Before we go any further,
First Things First
Have you entered into the Greatest Relationship that anyone could possibly have and are you experiencing a Love like no other? (Aren’t you ready to stop looking for love in all the wrong places?)
If you have not made the most decision of your life, please do so Right Now! (And then come back here to continue discovering how to get more involved!)




I have a suggestion that could help to make this easier for some of you. (This is a suggestion for some and a gentle reminder for others.)

Are you a Christian? Have you accepted JESUS CHRIST as your personal savior? (Please see John 3:16 and Romans 10:9) If so, please know that THE VERY SPIRIT OF THE ONE AND TRUE LIVING GOD CAME TO LIVE on the inside of you. THE WORD OF GOD LETS US KNOW THAT HOLY SPIRIT IS OUR TEACHER. So ask HOLY SPIRIT for directions. Listen. Obey. You can’t go wrong when you follow THE DIRECTION AND DIRECTIONS OF HOLY SPIRIT. (Hey, know that this can be used in all areas of your life. (Please smile!) )

This makes it easier and better for all of us. You are where GOD wants you to be. You are doing what GOD wants you to do. This makes it easier and better for you!

This makes it easier and better for all of us. You are where GOD wants you to be. You are doing what GOD wants you to do. This makes it easier and better for me, too! You see, I am only interested in assisting or otherwise working with those who I am supposed to assist or work with.

Following THE GUIDANCE OF HOLY SPIRIT allows for all to experience a win win situation!

If you have not accepted JESUS CHRIST as your personal savior, please do so now. Being able to be led Supernaturally by THE VERY SPIRIT OF GOD, HOLY SPIRIT, IS ONLY ONE OF THE BENEFITS OF RELATIONSHIP WITH THE ONE AND TRUE LIVING GOD THAT CAN ONLY BE ACCESSED THROUGH THE ACCEPTANCE OF JESUS CHRIST AS YOUR PERSONAL SAVIOR. Please take care of “First Things First” and then come back here. Thank you and blessings!




For more powerful Revelation, Insight, Information and Resources, get plugged into the memberships listed here:

Karen Felice Allen’s No Excuse Parents (A Summer (And Beyond) of Excitement!)

(For parents, guardians, caregivers and others (health care professionals, educators, family members, business persons, more) who invest in the lives of youth and young adults.)


Karen Felice Allen’s Generation GLORIOUS (A Summer (And Beyond) of Excitement!)

(For young adults 18-31 years old.)


Karen Felice Allen’s GLORIOUS Educational Services (Homeschool Memberships) (A Summer (And Beyond) of Excitement!)

(For Homeschool Educators)




For more insight and helpful resources, you have got to see my linktree



Business Owners, Business Leaders and Other Organizational Leaders





For Real Estate Information (Includes a link to the exciting Home: Experience Initiative that could bring Free Rent rent your way and that includes training opportunities that could literally help participants to live more Triumphant lives!)




Could you benefit from any of the following?

1) Free Rent 

2) Market Rate or Higher for your rental property ?

3) Free educational resources (Including Free Resources for Homeschooling students) ?

4) Information about ideas that could help you to bring in additional income?

5) Opportunities to actually generate income ?

6) Investment opportunities that could allow you to do good while experiencing pleasant financial results ?

Yes, well you want to sign up for the Newsletter that could change your life and the lives of those around you for the better

Aren’t You Ready To Live A Glorious Life And To Help Those Who You Care About To Do The Same?

Well, come on, you are in the right place!

A great way to enter into this community where so much goodness is and will be made available is by making sure that you are on the newsletter. (Right it is open and free to sign up so do so now!)

Discover resources to help love Triumphantly spirit, soul and body

Discover how to live a more peaceful life!

Discover how to walk in greater dimensions of THE GLORY OF GOD.

Discover how GOD HAS MADE POWER AVAILABLE TO HIS PEOPLE and how to walk in this power.

How to partner with GOD in ways that will position you to live a life that is so blessed, perhaps beyond anything that you have ever imagined.

Gain insight about building great relationships (and avoiding painful even deadly relationships)

Free rental assistance

Free educational resources (Including Homeschool resources)

Free educational sessions

Behind The Scenes Business Building Information (Wouldn’t you love to discover strategies and tools, including free and low cost ideas, that can be used to build businesses?)

Home Buying Strategies (Credit challenges? This does not automatically disqualify you from ownership. Get involved and get ready to discover creative ideas that could help you to obtain a home for your family.)

Home Selling Strategies (Even in tough markets)

Creative ways to bring in more money

I love to give so there is even More to come!

To get signed up now for this exciting newsletter, send an email to
In the Subject Line and in the body of the email, include “Please sign me up now”.
You will receive a confirmation email that you have been signed up to receive the newsletter.

Again, send the email right now to




This Is For A Very Select Group Of Action Takers Who Are About More Than Talk and Who Really Want To Do What They Can To Help Protect and Equip The Youth and Young Adults Who They Care About So That That They Are Given Opportunities To Live Triumphant Lives!

Is there at least one youth and young adult in your life that you would literally give your life for?

Well, what I am challenging you to do will be a piece of cake for you!

Will you dare to invest time and other resources to help to save, including “literally”, the lives of the youth and young adults that you say that you love and care about so much?

People are giving a lot of gifts. Gifts that if we are all truthful may likely go largely unused after a while or even forgotten. I am looking for those parents, guardians, ministers, health care professionals, business persons and other investors in the lives of youth and young adults to Rise Up and Get Radical and take powerful stands to help protect and equip youth and young adults. Stands that include taking action.

If you are serious about about doing what you can to help the young people in your life, young people who are living in a world that is filled with so much that could destroy them mentally, emotionally and yes, even physically, I want to be your Plus One who prays for and with you and who stands with you in other ways.

If this is you, I am willing to go even further by making some greater benefits available to you.
This includes meeting you half way in two important ways, right now
1) Half off current membership that is designed to help parents, guardians, ministers, health care professionals, business persons and other investors in the lives of youth and young adults to better protect and equip and youth and young adults to live Triumphant lives spirit, soul and body. (Today, this offer is being made available for less than $1 a day. Again, this is for today so you want to act now to claim your spot.)
2) Half off access to programs designed to help youth and young adults to live Triumphant lives spirit, soul and body (This includes educational and tutorial sessions so you want to act now if you are looking to get assistance for the young people for the school session)

To claim your spot and one of the limited spots available for your young person, act now by
Email me now at and in the Subject Line of the email type: “I Am Ready”
Call: (281) 223-1805
Please leave your name and number and remember to say “I Am Ready!” so that I know that you are an action taker!
You will be contacted and if space is available, you and the young people in your life can join our community!

Very Special Note:
Are you thinking that this is exactly what you have been looking for but you don’t see how you can fit this in your budget right now? Contact me and I may be able to help. I am working to be able to make this available to as many of those, who are serious about taking action, as I can

It is my goal to respond to relevant messages. If you do not hear back from me, please reach out again. Let’s not allow technology to prevent what could be a great connection. I look forward to connecting with many. Blessings!

Links to more information and insight:

1) Will You Rise Up And Get Radical To Save The Lives Of Youth and Young Adults Including Those Who You Love And Care About?

2) Will You Become A Radical Enforcer?

2) Why You Want A Plus One?




Are you looking for the perfect gift?

Wouldn’t you love to give gifts that could literally help to change the lives of the recipients?

What if you could give a gift that you could be remembered for for days and even years to come?

What if you could give a gift and position both the Recipient and Yourself to possibly receive up to $500?

Are you ready to become a part of this GLORIOUS community that add so many incredible benefits to your life? If so, join one or more of the following memberships and come on in! (If you unable to afford to sow the financial seeds to join, let me know. If you are serious about taking steps to live a more Triumphant life and to helping your family to do so, I want to help you. I will be giving away free access to some so let’s communicate and see what we can do!)

Join these powerful, potentially life changing memberships and the GLORIOUS communities that I serve for access to great information, resources and a chance to win up to $500!

No Excuse Parents Membership

Generation Marvelous

Homeschool Membership




Waitlists Are Now Open For Incredible Opportunities That Could Benefit You If You Are Any Of The Following:

1) Those searching for homes

2) Property Owners, Landlords

3) Investors (Property, Money and Others)

Those looking for homes

Opportunities that could position you for benefits like the following could be yours :

1) Living experiences that provide chances to discover how to live more Victorious lives spirit, soul and body

2) Free rent

3) More!

Property Owners, Landlords

Opportunities that could position you for benefits like the following could be yours:

1) Market rate income, or possibly above market rate, rental income

2) Guaranteed monthly income

3) More!

Investors (Property, Money and Others)

Opportunities that could position you for benefits like the following could be yours:

1).Returns that could pleasantly surprise you

2) Chances to do good for the communities in ways that could have positive generational impacts

3) More!

For more information so that you can act quickly:



Zoom Prayer Calls for and with those:

Needing homes

Looking to sell their properties even in a challenging market

Needing funds to pay for home related expenses including mortgages

Those facing evictions

“6 Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.” Acts 3:6 (King James Version of THE HOLY BIBLE)

I do not have silver and gold to give you right now but I can and will pray for you!

I can pray and I want to pray for you. I also want to pray with many of you. Stay tuned for details about upcoming prayer sessions, including times. Please look for messages about this on my blog, YouTube channel, Facebook groups and possibly on other social media sites.



Learning About, Sharing About, Encouraging, Celebrating You and or Your Doing(s)! (Yes, You!)

I enjoy
Learning About,
Sharing About and
Celebrating Others!

Click here for more details




Karen Felice Allen Presents Home: An Experience.

Are you looking for a home?

Do you have a home and would love to position yourself to have some incredible benefits to come your way?

Are you an investor looking to do good while investing the resources that GOD has entrusted to your care?

If you answered yes to any of the above, you want to act now before the waitlist gets very long because once you click to see what this is all about, you know that it will.

Click here for details about the excitement!



Do Good and Make Money

Are you looking to do good?

Do you understand the importance of helping families, including youth and young adults, to live Triumphant lives?

Do you believe in and support the work the messages that I am sharing and the work that I am doing to help people, especially youth and young adults to live Triumphant lives?

How does the idea of doing good sound to? What if you could position yourself to bring in additional money while doing so?
Well, this might be just your opportunity to do good and bring in additional resources?

Click here to learn about a limited time offer that could bring great benefits, including finances your way.




Will You Rise Up and Get Radical?





No Excuse Parents

One Of The First Million (This Could Be Life Saving) 012824

Important Steps That You Want To Take Right Now (They Could Literally Help Tp Save Lives!)
1) Make sure that you have signed up to be on the list that help you and your loved ones to live more Triumphant lives spirit, soul and body!
2) Join the Facebook group linked to here:
3) Join the Membership linked to (If you can not afford the seed requested let know. Let’s see what we can do. No excuses, please!




Generation GLORIOUS

Important Steps That You Want To Take Right Now (They Could Literally Help Tp Save Lives!)
1) Make sure that you have signed up to be on the list that help you and your loved ones to live more Triumphant lives spirit, soul and body!
2) Join the Facebook group linked to here:
3) Join the Membership linked to (If you can not afford the seed requested let know. Let’s see what we can do. No excuses, please!





Important Steps That You Want To Take Right Now (They Could Literally Help Tp Save Lives!)
1) Make sure that you have signed up to be on the list that help you and your loved ones to live more Triumphant lives spirit, soul and body!
2) Join the Facebook group linked to here:
3) Join the Membership linked to (If you can not afford the seed requested let know. Let’s see what we can do. No excuses, please!



Homeschooling Resources

Important Steps That You Want To Take Right Now (They Could Literally Help Tp Save Lives!)
1) Make sure that you have signed up to be on the list that help you and your loved ones to live more Triumphant lives spirit, soul and body!
2) Join the Facebook group linked to here:
3) Join the Membership linked to (If you can not afford the seed requested let know. Let’s see what we can do. No excuses, please!



GLORIOUS Advocates (Could Bring In Income As You Help To Share Messages)

Important Steps That You Want To Take Right Now (They Could Literally Help Tp Save Lives!)
1) Make sure that you have signed up to be on the list that help you and your loved ones to live more Triumphant lives spirit, soul and body!
2) Join the Facebook group linked to here:
3) Join the Membership linked to (If you can not afford the seed requested let know. Let’s see what we can do. No excuses, please!




Home: An Experience

Home: An Experience (Providing Homes, Free Rent and So Much More) 012824

Parents, Young Adults, Caregivers (Potentially Life-Changing) (It Could Even Help Your Finances!) 012824


Important Steps That You Want To Take Right Now (They Could Literally Help Tp Save Lives!)
1) Make sure that you have signed up to be on the list that help you and your loved ones to live more Triumphant lives spirit, soul and body!
2) Join the Facebook group linked to here:
3) Join the Membership linked to (If you can not afford the seed requested let know. Let’s see what we can do. No excuses, please!




Business and Other Organizational Leaders

Are you looking for help in your business?
What if you could get help for less than you thought possible?
What if you could get help that costs you nothing?
Wouldn’t you love to help to position yourself and your workers for possible financial benefits?
If so you, you want to see the information linked to here

Do you need a quality worker? What if you could get one for what end up being far less than what you anticipated? It may be possible. Each quarter, one organization will be selected to have what they paid for one project, up to a pre-established amount, refunded! (See details for GLORIOUS Work Projects!)

Make sure that you see the details for GLORIOUS Work Projects




GLORIOUS Work Projects

Do you need a quality worker? What if you could get one for what end up being far less than what you anticipated? It may be possible. Each quarter, one organization will be selected to have what they paid for one project, up to a pre-established amount, refunded! (See details for GLORIOUS Work Projects!)




For more details and information

My linktree

YouTube channel

@TheKarenFeliceAllenShow on YouTube




Stay Connected (My Blog and Social Media Sites) Click here.


Announcements Page
Check this page often. It could help bring Peace to your Heart and put Money in your Pocket!

For Real Estate Information (Includes a link to the exciting Home: Experience Initiative that could bring Free Rent rent your way and that includes training opportunities that could literally help participants to live more Triumphant lives!)

Special Announcement:

Zoom Prayer Calls for and with those:
1) Needing homes
2) Looking to sell their properties even in a challenging market
3) Needing funds to pay for home related expenses including mortgages
4) Those facing evictions
5) Those involved in the real estate industry (Including but not limited to real estate agents, real estate brokers, real estate investors, loan officers, mortgage brokers, others). This is a tough time for many in the home industry and I want to do what I can to help.

Click here for more details about this incredibly exciting endeavor!


Your life could be changing in the most incredible, and perhaps previously unimaginable ways, if you are any of the following:

Young adults (including undergraduate, graduate and students enrolled in other professional programs of study)

Property Owners


Waitlists Are Now Open For Incredible Opportunities That Could Benefit You If You Are Any Of The Following:
1) Those searching for homes
2) Property Owners, Landlords
3) Investors (Property, Money and Others)

Those looking for homes
Opportunities that could position you for benefits like the following could be yours :
1) Living experiences that provide chances to discover how to live more Victorious lives spirit, soul and body
2) Free rent
3) More!

Property Owners, Landlords
Opportunities that could position you for benefits like the following could be yours:
1) Market rate income, or possibly above market rate, rental income
2) Guaranteed monthly income
3) More!

Investors (Property, Money and Others)
Opportunities that could position you for benefits like the following could be yours:
1).Returns that could pleasantly surprise you
2) Chances to do good for the communities in ways that could have positive generational impacts
3) More!

Contact me now for more information.
Phone: (281) 223-1805

    1. Listen to the following (and then take the next step listed below the video)

2. Go to the Announcements link to be directed to more information!


You Have Already Gotten Something For Free and You Have Only Entered This GLORIOUS Community (This Was Given To You Even Before You Even Took Any Action!)
What Am I Referring To?


Yes, Prayer. There is little that I can do for anyone that is more important than praying for you.
How can I say that I prayed for you?
I pray for those who I have come in contact with, who I am in contact with and people who I will come in contact with. I pray for those who are involved in the work that I am doing including the communities that I serve. So, if you have, are or will come in contact with me or my content, know that you have been prayed for. (I don’t have to know your name. GOD KNOWS WHO I AM REFERRING TO WHEN I CALL OUT CERTAIN GROUPS IN PRAYER.)

Before we go any further,
First Things First
Have you entered into the Greatest Relationship that anyone could possibly have and are you experiencing a Love like no other? (Aren’t you ready to stop looking for love in all the wrong places?)
If you have not made the most decision of your life, please do so Right Now! (And then come back here to continue discovering how to get more involved!)

This movement is a part of Home Matters Matter. I am committed to helping people address matters that involve property. I am also concerned with helping those living in properties to live Triumphant lives spirit, soul and body. Spiritual matters, relationships, work, creative ways to bring in money and More…these are all things that I plan to help people with because Home Matters Matter. Join us! I am expecting see the goodness of GOD manifest in our lives as we seek and obey HIS instructions! Home Matters Matter! (They really do!!!)

For more insight and helpful resources, you have got to see my linktree

I am working on building an exciting channel that I am hoping will be an inspiring, encouraging and informative resource for many!!!
What you don’t know can and often will bring hurt, harm and destruction into lives!
I am excited about helping people to live the triumphant lives that GOD HAS PLANNED for them. I am believing that sharing about GOD AND HIS HOLY WORD, prayers, revelation, insight, wisdom, instruction, directions and information by video is going to be a blessing to many. Join me on youtube as I work to share what I pray will be encouraging, informative, empowering and life-changing presentations!
Know that when you get involved with what is taking place in the work that I am doing that you are being provided with an opportunity to become a part of a GLORIOUS community And know that membership has its benefits. (There are incredible things planned for participants and supporters of this work! Stay tuned!)
On my YouTube channel, look for playlists about topics shared on my site, social media and in other presentations.
Relationship with JESUS, other spiritual matters, peace, family, health, relationships including marriage, money, income generation ideas, home buying (including ideas to help you buy when you don’t meet traditional criteria), home selling (including ideas that might help you to sell a difficult property or to sell in challenging economic times), eviction matters, more
Ideas on exploring what’s on the channel
1) Look for playlists about topics shared on site, social media, presentations
2) See playlists for topics geared towards groups that you are a part of (young adults, parents, guardians, educators, business persons, health care professionals)
3) Look for playlists that address other topics of interest to you
4) Browse the videos and playlists and discover other exciting and informative resources.

The Karen Felice Allen Show

@TheKarenFeliceAllenShow on YouTube

How does an extra $300, $500 or even a $1,000 sound? (It could be coming your way! Keep reading and listening!)

I expect to be a part of helping to Positively Impact The Lives of More Than 800,000 people in the area of real estate by December 2024.

Let’s talk! Schedule a time to speak with me

Special Note: Make sure that you are benefitting from real estate and other information, including information that can help you to bring in and save money, that is presented on my YouTube channel “The Karen Felice Allen Show” . Be sure to see the “Karen Felice Allen’s Blessing Lives Through Real Estate (General)” playlist.
@TheKarenFeliceAllenShow on YouTube

Have You Ever Wanted To Be A Part of Something That Could Impact Generations to Come? Something That Could Still Be Impacting Lives Long After Your Natural Life?
I Invite You To Consider Joining Me As I Work To Help
Equip the lives of Youth and Young Adults?
Discover More On These Platforms

@TheKarenFeliceAllenShow on YouTube

As you are looking at videos, for more insight, see the following playlist:
“Karen Felice Allen’s Blessing Lives Through Real Estate (General)”


KarenConnectorAllen on linktree


If you involved in this matter, you may be or become a Divine Helper. This could position you to be a blessing and to be blessed! Discover how

(After getting plugged into the information shared on the platforms above, please remember to come back here for what is shared here. Yes, there is more greatness here and you don’t want to miss it!)

(Exciting Updates have been and are being made to this page. More to come. And you don’t want to miss any of them!)

I Expect To Have Served Hundreds of Thousands By Helping To Solve Real Estate Issues (Includung Difficult Problems)

If you are dealing with a real estate matter and you could use help, contact me using the contact information provided here.

 nt to see this right now

(For parents, guardians, caregivers, ministers, educators and others who invest in the lives of youth and young adults

(For young adults

“Housing is “Not’ a luxury. Housing is a necessity.” Get involved and support the powerful movement “Karen Felice Allen’s Blessing Lives Through Real Estate” and you could be s blessing and be blessed!

Karen Allen Seminars General Projects Funds

Give to help various projects that are designed to help youth and young adults to live victorious lives.

Click here to donate.

Ways that you could to help to positively and powerfully impact the lives of generations?

Highlights (Programs, Initiatives, Activities)

Get and stay connected

For Contact Information

Balloons with gifts, dollar sign and spotlight images courtesy of Stuart Miles at