Leaders, help is here! For a limited time, access to benefits that could help to save money, to increase revenue and to build for the future. Benefits for Business members are being made available and we hope that many in our communities will be helped.
Work Projects can be structured in many different ways and can help to solve so many of your problems!
Have you been needing more help but the pay rate for a good team member would be a financial challenge at this time? (What if you could get help from a smart, focused, mature and professional person for lower than you possibly ever imagined? What about not having to take one dollar out of your pocket?)
Do you have a position to fill but you have not found a person that you believe could do the job? (What if you could have a person with a Master’s degree, marketing skills and sales experience to help you? See details here for even more exciting details.)
Are you interested in finding out ways to bring in supplemental income without committing to spending hours at another job? (Do you know how to use what you already know and what you are doing to bring in more money “without” trading more time for more dollars?)
Have you discovered ways to help to keep current customers buying from you and even buying more often? (Isn’t it time to stop the revolving door and build a community of raving fans who not only spend with you but also recruit for you?)
Well, today could be the day that you have been waiting for. (If you are serious about getting the help that you want and need, you will act now. While it is the goal to help many with business building resources, the number of businesses that can receive the type of help provided by Work Projects is limited.)
Referral Benefits: We are seeking to do so much good for so many. Find out how you can give, receive or even refer. Even if you believe that there is nothing here for you right now, you could still benefit, even financially. Referrals could be a key to bringing goodness your way! Find out about some of the goodness that is taking place and how you and others could be helped to live lives filled with greater Peace, Power and Prosperity! https://karenfeliceallen.com/announcements/
Tariff Relief
Tariffs are already in place and are currently impacting many industries. Auto industry professionals, as of March 5, 2025, it appears that automakers have been given a one month extension before experiencing the impact of tariffs in their industry. Whatever industry you are in, please don’t despair. Use this time wisely. Please use this time to put systems, processes and all that is needed to help to keep the doors of the business that you serve open, to keep workers employed and to remain profitable. We are doing our part to help provide resources, even free assistance, to businesses that serve our communities. Ask if we are providing project assistance in the area where your business is located. If you are not selected to receive more direct assistance, please know that information and other resources that could help you will be shared. Follow the site, YouTube and other social media channels.
Economic Turbulence
Changing Work Landscapes
Rising Costs
Decreased Spending Power
Great Uncertainty
These factors, and more, have caused many people to hold onto their dollars like never before. Many are giving careful thought to if they will spend, when they will spend and where they will spend.
Wise business owners are taking steps to help ensure that
1) Their doors stay open.
2) Their businesses remain profitable.
3) They are able to keep team members, who look to the businesses that they work at to stay open so that they can feed their families, working and getting paid.
4) They are positioned to continue providing excellent service to their customers.
What if you could get help for your business for likely less than you thought possible and perhaps for free?
What if you could get helping creating environments for your customers that cause them to “stick” to your business and to support your business with their dollars and voices?
What if your customers could discover new and exciting ways to bring in money? What if some of this money could be used to purchase the goods and services that they want and need such as the ones that you offer?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may be exactly where you need to be.
Get Help That You Need (For Likely Lower Than You Ever Imagined Possible) While Spots Are Available
You Could Help Work Aimed At Saving Lives!
Here are a few Work Project highlights:
1) Work Projects can bring needed help for lower than businesses ever thought possible, even free help, to businesses
2) Work Projects can help businesses to discover tools and resources that can help them to decrease expenses and increase revenue
3) Work Projects can position businesses and business leaders to bring in finances (Imagine businesses and business leaders bringing in money while we do the work.)
4) Work Projects can provide businesses with opportunities to receive assistance that could help them to save money, increase revenue, retain current customers, get the attention of new customers and set up systems and processes that position businesses to bring in more money,
5) Work Projects can help to bring incredibly exciting benefits, including financial benefits, to workers at participating businesses
6) Work Projects can take on many forms that may include helping to add a new, but long needed or desired, facet to a business
Business help that could help to retain current customers, bring in more customers and keep them happier and spending (This help could be easily valued in the thousands and could be coming to the business at no cost.)
Team member benefits (Even financial benefits)
Opportunity for business leaders to bring in additional finances (Selected businesses could see hundreds and even thousands while I do the work)
Customer Incentives (These could lead to loyal, raving supporters who stay and spend)
Cost saving and Revenue Generating Assistance for Businesses and Organizations
Team Members Benefits That Could Include Financial Benefits
Customer Incentives That Could Lead To Customers “Sticking” To Business and Organizations and Spending More While They Do!
Rising Costs
Job Layoffs
Unexpected Firings
Have led to many people holding on to their dollars like never before
All of these things can cause increased competition for the business of consumers and the deceased dollars that they are spending.
Smart businesses are exploring ways to decrease cost and increase revenue like never before. The survival of their businesses could literally depend on it
Wise business leaders understand the importance of
1) Retaining current customers
2) Having processes and systems in place that cause customers to be “sticky,”, loyal customers
3) Structuring opportunities that lead to repeat purchases by loyal customers purchasing
4) Gaining the attention, confidence and support of new customers
And doing all of this in the easiest and most cost effective way possible!
Well, help could be on your way for lower than you thought possible or even for Free if your business is selected to participate in one of my Work Projects.
As a matter of fact, businesses leaders may have the chance to participate in one or more opportunities that could help to supplement their existing income. This could mean more money to do good for families and the community!
You see, my name is Karen Felice Allen. One of the things that I am working on is helping to Save and Equip Lives, especially the lives of youth and young adults. This work includes working to help people, especially youth and young adults to live Triumphant lives spirit, soul and body by helping them directly and by helping those (parents, other family members, ministers, educators, health care professionals, social service professionals, real estate and building professionals, business persons, legal professionals, veterans and others) who invest in the lives of youth and young adults.
Helping businesses is a part of the important work that I am dedicated to doing for the community.
Right now, I am offering select businesses benefits that are reserved for participants in my Business community. Access to information that is being offered is valued at more than $500 per month. (This is for the value of community membership. Project assistance takes this number well into thousands of dollars.) These kind of benefits could be coming to an organization.
Help that could assist with:
1) Retaining current customers
2) Establishing processes and systems in place that cause customers to be “sticky,”, loyal customers
3) Structuring opportunities that lead to repeat purchases by loyal customers purchasing
4) Gaining the attention, confidence and support of new customers
And doing all of this in the easiest and most cost effective way possible!
Do you or any business owner or leader that you know need help in his or her business? What if he or she could get this help for less than expected (even for free!)? Claim one or more of the limited spots that have opened up in the Work Projects project while they last. (If this is not for you at this time, pass it on to someone else who needs it. A referral fee could be on its way to you!)
Tremendously exciting new benefits are coming to businesses and other organizational leaders! Help with Marketing, Social media and more are now a part of the exciting services that selected organizations can benefit from when they participate in a Work Project. Imagine getting these added bonuses! I’m so excited. What about you?
(This page is under construction but there is enough in place to help you to get great insight about much of the goodness that could be coming your way as a Work Project participant. Great changes are being made. Great businesses and the community could benefit greatly!)
Exciting New Elements That Could Prove to Be Extremely Profitable to Businesses Selected As Work Project Participants Are Here!
I am on a mission to help people to bring in the finances that they need and want to do the things that are important to them.
This Could Be The Best Gift That You Received This Giving Season If:
1) You care about helping the community.
2) The business that you serve could benefit from help from a person with an advanced degree who has experience in customer service, marketing and sales.
3) You would love to receive this help for lower than you ever imagined. (This could even be free help.)
4) The business that you serve could use help with attracting new customers, establishing systems and processes to convert potential customers to paying customers, implementing strategies that could help to retain the support of the customers that you have or identifying strategies that could get customers buying from you more often.
5) Helping your customers to discover ways to generate additional income so that they are better position to provide for the wants and needs of their families excites you. (Imagine customers who not only want what you have to offer, perhaps even more of what, and are also better positioned to purchase from your business.)
A Few Questions That Can Help You To Decide If You Want to Be Considered for a Work Project
Do you lead a business or organization? If so, help, even help that costs you nothing, could be coming to your organization. Please review the information here and contact me now, before another smart business leader does, if you are interested in possibly benefitting from this incredible opportunity.
What if you get the help that you need and want for a fraction of what you thought it would cost you to continue helping your customers or even to move forward?
What if you could add a quality worker to your team on today?
What if this worker is willing to consider donating to your organization?
What if this help ended up costing you absolutely nothing? Yes! What if it was Free?
What if you could have someone to help you promote your business with no upfront money out of your pocket? (And you only pay when agreed upon results are achieved.) It’s easy to get the help that you need and want when you don’t have to worry about paying before you get results. Right?
What if you could benefit from any or all of what is shared above while using your life to help to save children and young adults?
Well, a select number of organizations will discover what it feels like to experience what has been shared? Will your organization be one of them?
Let’s talk you if helping the community matters to you, if extra money interests you and if you are interested in additional help to sustain or even grow your business?
About Work Projects
My name is Karen Felice Allen. One of the things that I am working on is helping to Save and Equip Lives, especially the lives of youth and young adults. This work includes working to help people, especially youth and young adults to live Triumphant lives spirit, soul and body by helping them directly and by helping those (parents, other family members, ministers, educators, health care professionals, social service professionals, real estate and building professionals, business persons, legal professionals, veterans and others) who invest in the lives of youth and young adults.
Work Projects also make it possible for:
1) Beneficial help to be brought to many segments of the community. This includes help for businesses that could stand to benefit businesses in many ways, including financially.
2) Us to do vitally important work to help youth, young adults, senior citizens, veterans and others to live more triumphant lives.
3) Information about career options and work opportunities to be acquired and shared with youth, young adults and other community members. (This could help those exploring career paths as they seek to prepare for fulfilling careers in the future. It could also lead business leaders and current job seekers to discover one another and work together for very profitable results.)
Work Project Highlights
Here are only some of the benefits that could be coming your way if you are selected for one of my Work Projects:
1) Prayer Support
2) Ongoing Support
3) Help for lower than you possibly ever imagined
4) Free help
5) Opportunities to bring in additional finances
6) Benefits for other team members
7) A great feeling that comes with knowing that you are supporting a movement that focuses on helping to save and equip lives
8) Exposure
9) More customers
10) Contractor help (This could free you from certain tax responsibility.) (Seek the assistance of your tax professional about your particular situation)
11) Help families to gain insight about the industry that you are in and the work that you do
12) Help to finance important initiatives designed to Save and Equip Lives (Funds from Work Projects help to do this!)
It Gets Even Better. Right Now, You Could Receive More Than You Asked for But What You Really Need
(My service to businesses has greatly expanded and business leaders could be Blessed like never before! You don’t want to ignore this. It could mean the difference between businesses that survive and those that don’t. See below for details about efforts to support businesses.)
This includes helping:
1) Parents who are doing their best to raise successful children
2) Caregivers who are caring for aging parents
3) Young adults who are building lives that position them to fulfill the purposes for their lives
4) Educators who give so much but still struggle to meet their needs
5) Veterans who have given so much and now could benefit from help
So, what does this have to do with you as a potential Work Project participant?
You see, what I am discovering could be extremely beneficial to businesses selected as Work Project participants.
Well, Work Project participants may be able to benefit from the knowledge that is being gained as ideas to help bring in additional income are explored. Business start up and business building strategies are being explored.
As you are reading the following list, that only includes a fraction of what is being explored, think about how your business or the business that you serve could benefit from having someone on your team who is engaged in researching innovative and successful ways to:
Bring in money in a crunch
Get the training and skills needed to start working and bringing in needed money
Generate income in creative ways
Help people to get new businesses off of the ground
Get businesses ranked on the first page of search engines like Google
Target customers
Get the attention of potential clients
Create the right kind of systems that take “potential” customers from potential to “actual” paying customers
Get customers to buy more frequently
Get customers to buy higher ticket items
Could any of what was just shared help you in achieving the goals of the your business or the business that you serve?
Well, help could be on your way. (A Work Project participant could even get Free Help with some of the above!)
Again, A Few of the Many Reasons Why Smart Business Leaders Want To Be Selected For Participation in Karen Felice Allen’s GLORIOUS Work Projects:
1) Great help for businesses for possibly lower than business owners ever thought possible
2) Free help (Businesses could receive free help for their businesses!)
3) Business leaders could bring in hundreds and even thousands of additional dollars a month as GLORIOUS Advocates
4) Team members of businesses selected for participation in Karen Felice Allen’s GLORIOUS Work Projects stand to benefit in incredible ways (This includes financial benefits.)
5) Those instrumental in helping to bring Karen Felice Allen’s GLORIOUS Work Projects to organizations could also benefit financially!
6) Customers and clients of businesses selected for participation in Karen Felice Allen’s GLORIOUS Work Projects could also have exciting benefits coming their way.
7) Ask about how we may be able to help with with taxes. This help could certainly be more icing on this fabulous cake! (Of course, business leaders are advised to seek professional tax guidance.)
8) Participation by your business in one of my Work Projects could mean more exposure, more customers and more money for your business. (I plan on sharing about my exciting Work Projects on social media and in other ways!)
Save money…
Bring in more money…
Help to save lives…
Work Projects!
Find out if the organization qualifies for participation at this time and if it does, claim one or more of the limited available spots before they are gone. Call for (281) 223-1805 for more details.
Potential Referral Benefits: While this particular project may not be for you or your organization at this time, you could still benefit. You might benefit from being instrumental in connecting me with a person or with people who invest in the projects that I am working on. Please contact me, using the information here, for further details. (Do not send any referral information before we communicate and come to an agreement, should we do so.)
I look forward to hearing from you.
A little about the me:
My name is Katen Felice Allen.
I have a Master’s degree in Public Administration. I have completed graduate level coursework in both Education and Counseling.
I am experienced in the field of Education and in the Financial, Customer Service, Training, Marketing, Sales, Social Services, Childcare, Food Service, Retail and Merchandising arenas.
I am dedicated to helping to save and strengthen the lives (spiritual, mental, emotional, physical) of millions of youth and young adults. I am also dedicated to helping them to identify and fulfill Purpose while living Peace-filled and Prosperous lives! (I do so by helping youth and young adults directly and by helping those (parents, ministers, educators, business leaders, organizational leaders and other community members) who invest in the lives of youth and young adults.)
My efforts include providing training to youth, young adults and those who invest in the lives of youth and young adults. A nonprofit has been established as a part of this work.
I am committed to helping good businesses to stay in business.
Good businesses help by providing jobs, products and services that help communities that I am committed to serving.
I am committed to helping those who I serve, including businesses, to discover strategies, resources and information that can position them for greater success.
The most important thing that you should know about me is that I want each and every person to come to a saving knowledge of THE LORD JESUS CHRIST and to fulfill the purpose for his or her life all while experiencing the love, prosperity, peace and joy that life in CHRIST affords to those who have accepted CHRIST. Please click on the following link to discover more about living a life that exceeds anything that you could possibly imagine (A life filled with unimaginable love, prosperity, peace and joy!) https://karenfeliceallen.com/first-things-first/
Business Owners, Leaders: Changes Are Coming, Changes Are Here.
Will Your Business or Businesses Thrive? Will Your Business or Businesses Even Survive?
(Help Is Available To You Now! Act Now. See the information linked to here. Then come back here to get the benefits that are for you. https://karenfeliceallen.com/business-owners-and-other-organizational-leaders/ )
(The door is open for an incredible opportunity that could bring multiplied thousands of dollars or more to you. Right now, many of the participation requirements have been removed. )(Imagine getting paid over and over while I do the work.) (Make sure to see the link at the bottom of this pa
(Here are are a few special messages. More about Work Projects is shared below including my contact information.)
See resources on my Youtube channel, for information and resources that could help you, including spiritually, relationally, physically, emotionally and financially. (You may even discover new, easy and even passive ways to add more money to your life.) Connect on YouTube here.
@TheKarenFeliceAllenShow on YouTube https://youtube.com/@thekarenfeliceallenshow
YouTube Videos for videos related to this category and other related categories
Look for videos in the:
1) “Glorious Work Projects” category,
2) “Business Owners and Other Organizational Leaders” category
3) and More
To request a meeting by phone, see the Contact link on my linktree. Connect on linktree here. https://linktr.ee/KarenConnectorAllen
The Answer To The Tough Challenges of Life (If You Are Not Facing A Tough Challenge Now, You Want To Get Positioned For What Is Happening and What Is Going To Happen In The World.) Change Is Coming. Get Ready! Will You Receive The Answer?)
Do you need peace?
Have you been battling a health condition for what seems to be forever?
Is your relationship in trouble?
Are you struggling financially?
Are you dealing with a child who is going through difficulties?
Have you finally realized that the six or seven figure salary, the C-suite position, the extensive investment portfolio, the large social network, the huge house, the fancy car, the expensive suits, the elaborate wardrobe and the red bottom shoes are not able to answer all of your problems?
Well, I come with GOOD NEWS!
Help is available to you.
IN THE GLORY, there is an answer to, and a solution for, Every problem. THE GLORY IS POWER! When you are Really ready for Peace, Power and Real Prosperity, come and join me for life IN THE GLORY OF GOD!
I am Committed to living in THE GLORY OF GOD!
If you are not ready for this now, please know that when the tough times come, JESUS IS STILL WAITING FOR YOU WITH OPEN ARMS. (And if I am still living in time, I will still be doing what I can to help to connect all to THE ONE, JESUS, WHO IS THE ANSWER TO EVERYTHING THAT IS NEEDED TO LIVE A TRIUMPHANT LIFE IN TIME AND TO LIVE ETERNALLY IN THE PRESENCE OF THE ALMIGHTY ONE AND TRUE LIVING GOD.) First Things First https://karenfeliceallen.com/first-things-first/
Announcements Page
Check this page often. It could help bring Peace to your Heart and put Money in your Pocket! https://karenfeliceallen.com/anno
Prayer for business owners
Prayer calls
Celebrations for business owners
Business building information
Information that could help you to generate additional income
Opportunities to potentially participate in opportunities that could help you to actually help you to bring in additional funds
You could be connected with more who want your products and or services
More About
GLORIOUS Work Projects
“20 As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people[b] should be kept alive, as they are today.” Genesis 50:20 (English Standard Version of THE HOLY BIBLE)
I Believe That These Work Projects Will Literally Be The Answers To The Prayers of Many!
These work projects can be pretty much whatever we negotiate them to be.
They can be for an agreed upon pay rate. We can negotiate
The compensation (this could be an established pay rate, commission, base pay plus commission or some other agreed upon payment structure)
The time frame
You could gain the help that you need and want.
What do you have to lose? (We can possibly structure an agreement that allows you to pay “absolutely nothing” upfront. Let’s talk!)
Experience and background includes, but is not limited to:
Customer Service
Real Estate
Social Service
1. Income generated from these Work Projects could help me as I work to literally save and equip the lives of youth and young adults!
2. Information gained can help youth and young adults and those who invest in their lives in the career acquisition process.
3. These work projects could help business owners to get the help that they need. (This may even be at no cost to them!)
4. Workers at your place of business or other organization could benefit in ways that go beyond help in getting the work done (This includes financial benefits!)
What if a quality team member could positively impact your organization’s budget even before the team member’s first day of work with your organization?
What if you could be instrumental in helping to save the lives of youth and young adults by adding this worker to your team on today?
What if you could position yourself to be blessed?
All of the above could be very real possibilities.
I’m Ready for an Exciting New Work Project and Your Organization Could Stand to Benefit!
Thank you for your support. Caring and sharing people, such as yourself, could help to make it possible for me to invest in the lives of millions of youth and young adults.
Helping our youth and young adults to build marvelous lives is something that must be one of our top priorities. I am grateful to be of service to youth, young adults and those who invest in their lives. While they are attending school, working and taking care of the other affairs of life, I may very well be working to help them!
I am looking forward to working with a great organization on my Work Project. I am excited about helping youth, young adults and those who invest in their lives. Our young people need our help. I have long been committed to helping youth, young adults and those who invest in their lives. Well, I have had some personal experiences that have served to intensify and expand my commitment to youth, young adults and those who invest in the lives of youth and young adults. My efforts to help youth, young adults and those who invest in the lives of youth and young adults include, but are not limited to:
1) Helping to equip them with the spiritual knowledge that they need in order to live peaceful and victorious lives
2) Working to ensure that they have the natural knowledge necessary in order to succeed
3) Assisting them in maintaining and securing quality housing (This includes helping to provide housing to those who I am called to serve.)
4) Helping them to identify and heal from trauma that they may have experienced (So many are experiencing trauma associated with the pandemic, evictions, unemployment, poverty, rising crime and other issues that we are seeing in society today.)
Work Projects can allow me, as a worker, to invest in a quality organization that is already doing good in the community. They can also help me to acquire resources so that I can do the important work of investing in the lives of others.
An organization could add a quality worker to it’s team on today.
The organization could benefit from possible donations.
The leader or leaders of the organization that I team up with during this time could be instrumental in helping to save the lives of youth and young adults.
I believe that what I am doing to help others is of GOD and I am trusting that those who help could very well position themselves to be blessed.
For more details about the important work that I am doing, please see the information found at the following link. You may want to start by reviewing the details available by clicking on “About and Overview”. http://linktr.ee/KarenConnectorAllen
Ways that those who care may be able to offer their support and position themselves to be blessed for being a blessing can be found at https://karenfeliceallen.com/marvelous-support/
More Good About My Work Projects
I’m working to help to make life more GLORIOUS for youth and young adults and for those who invest in the lives of our youth and young adults by working directly with youth and young adults and by helping parents, child care professionals, educators, business leaders, organizational leaders and others who invest in the lives of our youth and young adults connect to helpful information, great resources and caring and sharing people.
My upcoming work project could prove to be an important part of the work that I am doing. This work project that will provide assistance to an organization could also prove instrumental in helping to provide resources that will help me as I work to help others.
My glorious work project can:
1. Help me as I work to provide low and no cost services to youth and young adults.
2. Afford me the opportunity to provide great giveaways to youth, young adults, parents and others who invest in the lives of our youth and young adults.
3. Help me as I work to provide quality programs and services that allow participants to gain access for incredibly low investments.
4. Help me to generate additional income that could help to position me to do good. Income generated from my upcoming work project could help me to continue to do the important work of helping to make life more Marvelous for our youth and young adults and for those who invest in their lives. These resources can be used to invest in important, and possibly life-changing projects and initiatives.
My work with any particular organization through one my GLORIOUS Work Projects could last a few months, a year, a few years or even indefinitely. The time will be based on several factors including the mutually agreed upon goals for the Work Project.
If your business, organization or school is right for one of my work projects, the geographic location of your business, organization or school does not matter in most instances.
As a matter of fact, working with businesses, organizations and schools outside of my local area can prove to be extremely exciting!
Distance no longer has to be a barrier to people working together to achieve great results.
Technology has made it possible to form powerful and productive working relationships with people from other cities, states and even nations.
Please note that I am open to exploring both part time and full time opportunities with the right organization.
Are you serious about adding a new member to your team and you are ready to move forward?
You are encouraged to act now before another smart leader does.
Let’s talk!
I look forward to speaking with you in regards to possibly working together. You are free to contact me right now by email at KarenFeliceAllen@gmail.com or by phone at (281) 223-1805
For more information for business owners, business leaders and other organizational leaders, click here
The door is open for an incredible opportunity that could bring multiplied thousands of dollars or more to you. Right now, many of the participation requirements have been removed. (Imagine getting paid over and over while I do the work.) (Make sure the link at the bottom of this page.)