I am dedicated to helping people to discover and connect to THE REAL ANSWER to the problems and pains in their lives.
When you’re Really ready for Peace, Power and Real Prosperity join me IN THE GLORY!
I’m dedicated to helping to Save and Equip lives, especially the lives of youth and young adults. Seeking “Every Part” to help them. Seeking the best.
My name is Karen Felice Allen. One of the things that I am working on is helping to Save and Equip Lives, especially the lives of youth and young adults. This work includes working to help people, especially youth and young adults to live Triumphant lives spirit, soul and body by helping them directly and by helping those (parents, other family members, ministers, educators, healthcare professionals, social service professionals, real estate and building professionals, financial services professionals, business persons, legal professionals, technology professionals, veterans and others) who invest in the lives of youth and young adults.
“Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts.” (From.Zechariah 4:6 King James Version of THE HOLY BIBLE)
GOD, I acknowledge YOU in all my ways and I expect YOU TO DIRECT MY PATH.
(A question for anyone reading, listening to or otherwise consuming this content. Don’t you think that I am going to succeed if GOD IS DIRECTING MY PATH?)
When you do anything with me you step into this grace.
Yes, I am going to do the work.
Yes, I am going to work to improve my marketing skills.
Yes, I am going to market.
Yes, I am going to work to improve my sales skills.
Yes, I am going to engage in activities that are designed to generate sales.
Yes, I am going to do all of the things that are necessary to do the work that I am engaged in at any time.
BUT, “Again” I make it very clear that all success that I experience is “Not by might, nor by power, but by GOD’S SPIRIT”. Thank YOU FATHER GOD. I am eternally grateful, IN THE NAME OF JESUS!!!
If You Going To Do It, Do It With Me (Or At Least Consider It)
I am dedicated to “Gathering and Giving”. I an committed to gathering resources, including information and financial resources, and disbursing these resources to help people. I am committed to gathering resources, including information and financial resources, and disbursing these resources to help people.
My name is Karen Felice Allen.
I care about others so you will see “Karen Felice Cares”
I am on a mission to help More Than One Million people.
I am a Connector.
I also work to Connect people with resources (people, information, finances, homes and more).
I am working to help to the Save and Equip Lives, especially the lives of youth and young adults. This work includes working to help people, especially youth and young adults to live Triumphant lives spirit, soul and body by helping them directly and by helping those (parents, ministers, educators, health care professionals, real estate and building professionals, business persons and others) who invest in the lives of youth and young adults.
And Please Know This…
I am looking for every Part that is needed to do the vitally important work of helping to Save and Equip Lives
So Don’t Be Surprised When I Come To You To Find Out What Part You Have! (Be excited about another opportunity to “Maximize The Dash” of your life!) (Stay tuned for more about this.)
If You Going To Do It, Do It With Me (Or At Least Consider It)
I am dedicated to “Gathering and Giving”. I am committed to gathering resources, including information and financial resources, and disbursing these resources to help people.
So I kindly ask that “If You Going To Do It, Do It With Me (Or At Least Consider It)”
Again, I am dedicated to “Gathering and Giving”. I am committed to gathering resources, including information and financial resources, and disbursing these resources to help people.
If you are going to do it, to buy it or be involved in it, consider me and the work that I am doing. What you normally do could change lives.
Also, if you know or learn of something that could help me to help others, please let me know. Perhaps you are looking to that perfect new pair of shoes, see if I have an affiliate link for that store. Ask them if they have one and let me know if I don’t. You could get great. Great includes the shoes And the sense of knowing that you could be helping others, helping to change lives, as you do what you were already going to do and or what you normally do.
The dollar, tens of thousands, the millions that you decide to give could help to do so much good. You could help to positively impact lives. Imagine giving one dollar. Imagine that dollar being put with the dollars given by others. Imagine that these combined dollars could help to build houses for the elderly, young adults who have aged out of the foster care system, veterans and families with children. Imagine knowing that your contributions could even help to save lives. Maximize the Dash of your life. Make it powerful! Your good works could speak now and long after you are gone.
I seek to provoke people through encouragement, and with compassion, to use their lives to Maximize The Dash.
Will you use your life to help to save children and young adults? (Maximize the dash!) (The dash represents the time between the date that you were born and the date that your time here on earth ends.)
I am dedicated to building GLORIOUS Neighborhoods across this nation.
This work includes:
The powerful Home: An Experience movement.
Some other significant focuses include
Rise Up and Get Radical
Rise Up and Get Radical: Young Adult Edition
Rise Up and Get Radical: Parents, Guardians and Other Investors in the Lives of Youth and Young Adults Edition
No Young Person Left Behind movement that is designed to help ensure that all young people are equipped to live Triumphantly not only now but also in the challenging times ahead.
The No Excuse Parents Revolution is about helping parents to build lives that allow them to be more involved in the lives of their children, to equip them with powerful resources and tools including tools and resources that could help them to meet their financial obligations.
Highlights of some of the the current projects that I am committed to include but are not limited to:
1) Helping to ensure that No Young Person is Left Behind. This includes helping to Save and Equip the lives of young adults. Much of this work done as a part of a community developed for the benefit of young adults.
2) Helping to ensure that people, including those who have aged out of the foster care system, the elderly, veterans and families have access to homes and information that could help them to build quality lives
3) Helping to provide Relief and Restoration to Survivors (People and pets) of extreme and or hazardous weather conditions, including Survivors of recent Texas storms, have have access to homes and information that could help them to build quality lives
4) Helping parents to build lives, including work lives, that afford them the opportunity to invest time and resources in the lives of their children
You can be a part of helping to Save and Equip lives! Find your place and reach out to me see how you can get involved now!
Announcements Page
Check this page often. It could help bring Peace to your Heart and put Money in your Pocket!
For Real Estate Information (Includes a link to the exciting Home: Experience Initiative that could bring Free Rent rent your way and that includes training opportunities that could literally help participants to live more Triumphant lives!)
“For God sent me before you to preserve life.” Genesis 45:5
While I understand that there may be many reasons why you are here, I want you to know that you are important to me and most importantly you are Important to GOD! (I want to help you to discover THE GOODNESS, GRACE, PEACE AND PROSPERITY THAT GOD HAS FOR YOU!)
I know that people are dealing with alot of issues. Issues that go far beyond housing. These issues range from small to large but they are all still issues. Issues that can, and often do, impact life so much that they cause and or lead to stress, worry, anxiety, arguments, fear, sleepless nights, strained relationships, depression, hopelessness, drug abuse, alcoholism, suicide and so much more.
Please know that I am concerned about helping you to lead the Peaceful and Prosperous (Spirit, soul and body) life that GOD HAS PLANNED FOR YOU! Click on the following link if you are ready to boldly pursue the life that you were created to live (Be sure to come back here because there greatness is taking place and I believe that so many will be blessed!)
You Have Already Gotten Something For Free and You Have Only Entered This GLORIOUS Community (This Was Given To You Even Before You Even Took Any Action!)
What Am I Referring To?
Yes, Prayer. There is little that I can do for anyone that is more important than praying for you.
How can I say that I prayed for you?
I pray for those who I have come in contact with, who I am in contact with and people who I will come in contact with. I pray for those who are involved in the work that I am doing including the communities that I serve. So, if you have, are or will come in contact with me or my content, know that you have been prayed for. (I don’t have to know your name. GOD KNOWS WHO I AM REFERRING TO WHEN I CALL OUT CERTAIN GROUPS IN PRAYER.)
Before we go any further,
First Things First
Have you entered into the Greatest Relationship that anyone could possibly have and are you experiencing a Love like no other? (Aren’t you ready to stop looking for love in all the wrong places?)
If you have not made the most decision of your life, please do so Right Now! (And then come back here to continue discovering how to get more involved!)
For more insight and helpful resources, you have got to see my linktree
I am working on building an exciting channel that I am hoping will be an inspiring, encouraging and informative resource for many!!!
What you don’t know can and often will bring hurt, harm and destruction into lives!
I am excited about helping people to live the triumphant lives that GOD HAS PLANNED for them. I am believing that sharing about GOD AND HIS HOLY WORD, prayers, revelation, insight, wisdom, instruction, directions and information by video is going to be a blessing to many. Join me on youtube as I work to share what I pray will be encouraging, informative, empowering and life-changing presentations!
Know that when you get involved with what is taking place in the work that I am doing that you are being provided with an opportunity to become a part of a GLORIOUS community And know that membership has its benefits. (There are incredible things planned for participants and supporters of this work! Stay tuned!)
On my YouTube channel, look for playlists about topics shared on my site, social media and in other presentations.
Relationship with JESUS, other spiritual matters, peace, family, health, relationships including marriage, money, income generation ideas, home buying (including ideas to help you buy when you don’t meet traditional criteria), home selling (including ideas that might help you to sell a difficult property or to sell in challenging economic times), eviction matters, more
Ideas on exploring what’s on the channel
1) Look for playlists about topics shared on site, social media, presentations
2) See playlists for topics geared towards groups that you are a part of (young adults, parents, guardians, educators, business persons, health care professionals)
3) Look for playlists that address other topics of interest to you
4) Browse the videos and playlists and discover other exciting and informative resources.
The Karen Felice Allen Show
@TheKarenFeliceAllenShow on YouTube
(This page is under construction. GOD HAS SO GRACIOUSLY SHARED MUCH ABOUT THESE IMPORTANT WORKS. I am confident that GOD WILL SHARE MUCH MORE WITH ME. I am sharing some revelation and insight here and I plan to share more. Right, now I have to work on “doing” what I am supposd to. I will continue to work on sharing the “about’ of what I am doing as I can.)
Look for a way to get involved. Why? GOD is in this and where THE PRESENCE OF THE LORD IS there is there is liberty. There is freedom. There is peace, power, joy and prosperity in every area. Perhaps you will discover something that will help you and those you care about to live the Triumphant lives that GOD HAS PURPOSED FOR YOUR LIVES. Perhaps you will discover how GOD wants to use you in HIS hands to help others. Expect goodness! GOD IS GOOD. Love, blessings, peace, joy, favor, grace, mercy, prosperity and so much more are in HIS PRESENCE. Come on in. Step in THE FLOW, THE FLOW OF GOD!
Have You Ever Wanted To Be A Part of Something That Could Impact Generations to Come? Something That Could Still Be Impacting Lives Long After Your Natural Life?
I Invite You To Consider Joining Me As I Work To Help
Equip the lives of Youth and Young Adults?
Discover More On These Platforms:
@TheKarenFeliceAllenShow on YouTube
KarenConnectorAllen on linktree
(After getting plugged into the information shared on the platforms above, please remember to come back here for what is shared here. Yes, there is more greatness here and you don’t want to miss it!)
There is A WORD FROM GOD for you.
(And I want to help you to receive what GOD HAS ALREADY SO GRACIOUSLY MADE AVAILABLE TO YOU!)
Are you properly positioned to receive what GOD wants you to have?
Before You Go Any Further…
This Is About You, Your Loved Ones and All That Concerns You
Are you any of the following?
Young adult
Real Estate Professional (Agent, Investor, Landlord, Property Manager, Builder, Attorney, Remodeler, Trades person, Appraiser, Inspector, Interior Designer, Other)
Medical professional
Business person
Other relative
Other organizational leader
Other community member involved in helping youth and young adults directly or indirectly by supporting those who invest in the lives of youth and young adults
Other person who invests in the lives of youth and young adults
If so, what is shared here could literally help you to change your life for the better! If this is true, don’t you think that you at least owe it to yourself to consider what is being shared? (You have come this far, you wouldn’t dare leave without considering the powerful, and possibly life-changing, insight and information being shared here.) You owe that to yourself, right?
A Special Message for You!
Has there ever been a time in your life, before today, where you felt like your steps were Divinely ordered to a person, a place or a thing (answer, solution, product or service) that helped to change your life for the better?
(If yes, get ready because this could be another one of those incredible experiences!)
If no, today may be a First for you. This First, this, may just help to propel your life into new and exciting dimensions, dimensions like any you have ever known.
You see, your being here could involve THE DIVINE INTERVENTION AND ORCHAESTRATION OF GOD.
I want the best for others especially those who come here.
“11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11 (New International Version of THE HOLY BIBLE)
2) While you may have come here because of a particular business matter, you may very well be a member of one of the groups of people who I am dedicated to assisting.
Are you any of the following?
Young adult
Medical professional
Business person
Other relatives
Other community member involved in helping youth and young adults directly or indirectly by supporting those who invest in the lives of youth and young adults
Other investor in the lives of youth and young adults
If yes, you may be someome who I want to assist because of the work that I am doing.
I am engaged in the vitally important work of helping to Save (sometimes literally) and Equip the lives of youth and young adults by helping them directly and by helping them indirectly by helping those who invest in their lives.
My name is Karen Felice Allen.
I care about others so you will see “Karen Felice Cares”
I am on a mission to help More Than One Million people.
I am a Connector.
I also work to Connect people with resources (people, information, finances, homes and more).
I am dedicated to “Gathering and Giving”. I an committed to gathering resources, including information and financial resources, and disbursing these resources to help people.
So I kindly ask that “If You Going To Do It, Do It With Me (Or At Least Consider It)
Again, I am dedicated to “Gathering and Giving”. I an committed to gathering resources, including information and financial resources, and disbursing these resources to help people.
If you are going to do it, to buy it or be involved in it, consider me and the work that I am doing. What you normally do could change lives. Also, if you know or learn of something that could help me to help others, please let me know. Perhaps you are looking to that perfect new pair of shoes, see if I have an affiliate link.for that store. Ask them if they have one and let me know if I don’t. You could get great. Great includes the shoes And the sense of knowing that you could be helping others, helping to change lives, as you do what you were already going to do and or what you normally do.
The dollar, tens of thousands, the millions that you decide to give could help to do so much good. Impact lives. Imagine giving $ 1 and when this is put with others that $1 could help to build houses. Imagine knowing that your contributions could even help to save lives. Make the Dash of your life powerful! Your good works could .speak now and long after you are gone.
I seek to provoke people through encouragement, and with compassion, to use their lives to Make The Dash Count.
Will you use your life to help to save children and young adults? (Make the dash count!) (The dash represents the time between the date that you were born and the date that your time here on earth ends.
I am dedicated to building GLORIOUS Neighborhoods across this nation.
This work includes the powerful Home: An Experience movement.
Some other significant focuses include
Rise Up and Get Radical
Rise Up and Get Radical: Young Adult Edition
Rise Up and Get Radical: Parents, Guardians and Other Investors in the Lives of Youth and Young Adults Edition
No Young Person Left Behind movement that is designed to help ensure that all young people are equipped to live Triumphantly not only now but also in the challenging times ahead.
The No Excuse Parents Revolution is about helping parents to build lives that allow them to be more involved in the lives of their children, to equip them with powerful resources and tools including tools and resources that could help them to meet their financial obligations.
Before we go any further,
First Things First
Have you entered into the Greatest Relationship that anyone could possibly have and are you experiencing a Love like no other? (Aren’t you ready to stop looking for love in all the wrong places?)
If you have not made the most decision of your life, please do so Right Now! (And then come back here to continue discovering how to get more involved!)
Before we get to any other business matters (and trust me, I intend to get to pertinent business matters), please know that I hope that you will take time to learn about what is being shared on my various platforms because there could very well be Revelation, Wisdom, Insight, Information and other Resources that could help you to lead
A Life of Greater Ease
A Life Filled With More Peace, Joy, Power and Prosperity.
(I know that there is a “lot’ of great information shared here. If you want to see and listen to some of what I am doing, as you continue to read about what I am doing, the following are places that you can start:
About on My Blog
My Blog
GLORIOUS Digests (See the “GLORIOUS Digests” category on My Blog)
Karen Felice Allen’s Blessing Lives Through Real Estate
More of what is shared here on linktree
@TheKarenFeliceAllenShow on YouTube
@BlessingLivesThroughRealEstate on YouTube
Karen Felice Allen’s No Excuse Parents GLORIOUS Movement: Membership (Group on Facebook)
Karen Felice Allen’s Generation GLORIOUS Movement: Membership (Group on Facebook)
Karen Felice Allen’s GLORIOUS Educational Services (Homeschool) (Group on Facebook)
Karen Felice Allen’s Blessing Lives Through Real Estate (Group on Facebook)
I am so glad that you are here!
I believe that your steps have been Divinely Ordered here. Why do I believe this? My greatest desire is to be able to help all who I can to experience and live the lives that JESUS GAVE HIS LIFE TO GIVE THEM! In order to do this, mpray that GOD orders and orchaestrate allows me to come in contact with Please don’t turn away, ignore or dismiss what is shared. You may miss the opportunity to position yourself to receive the answer or solution to the problem, challenge or situation that you have been needing and looking for, the answer or solution that can literally change your life or the lives of those who you love and care about.
My name is Karen Felice Allen and I’m dedicated to helping to raise up multiplied millions (generations) to live Victorious lives To and For THE GLORY OF GOD! I help youth and young adults directly. I also help those who invest in the lives of youth and youth adults. This includes, but is certainly not limited to, parents, guardians, caregivers, ministers, educators, business persons and other organizational leaders. A part of the work that I am engaged in involves helping those who I assist to connect with great people and information resources. This can include engaging in research and even testing products, services and information.
People are my priority! You could be here for many reasons but you must know that I have prayed for you! I pray for those who I come in contact with, those who come in contact with me and even those who come in contact with content amd other things that I share. GOD EVEN SPEAKS TO ME ABOUT PEOPLE. I believe in JESUS and JESUS WANTS TO TALK TO YOU and I want to share anything that HOLY SPIRIT gives me to share! Perhaps we will communicate soon and I will be able to share anything that GOD has for me to share with you! (This is exciting! Why? A WORD FROM GOD CAN PROVIDE YOU WITH THE ANSWER, WITH THE SOLUTION, WITH THE DIRECTIONS, WITH THE INSTRUCTIONS AND OR THE STRATEGIES THAT CAN LITERALLY CHANGE YOUR LIFE AND OR THE LIVES OF THOSE WHO YOU LOVE AND CARE ABOUT! THE SPIRIT OF GOD IS MOVING POWERFULLY IN THE EARTH AND HE WANTS TO HELP YOU! I am working to do even more to share with others so that they can step out of lack, despair, fear, anxiety, hopelessness, confusion, brokenness into abundance, peace, joy, prosperity, provision and wholeness! I want to share THE WORD OF THE LORD and other revelation, information and other resources that could help people to live TRIUMPHANT lives all to THE GLORY OF GOD IN JESUS’ NAME!
I’m so grateful that you are here. There could be many reasons that caused you to come to this page. Any reason for coming here likely centers around something that includes better quality of life for you, for others or both. I am a servant of JESUS. Please know that I want all who I come in contact with or who come in contact with me to be better than they were before we met. I want to be used by GOD to be a blessing to others in my life in one way or another.
I want you to be encouraged. I want you to be equipped to walk in all that JESUS GAVE HIS LIFE TO MAKE AVAILABLE TO YOU!
Hopefully, I can assist you in one way or another,
Let’s start with one simple truth:
GOD HAS ANSWERS FOR YOU. Please don’t allow anything to distract you or to pull you away from receiving it!
Hey, you have come this far. You would’t want to leave without discovering potentially life changing insight that could literally change your life and the lives of those who you love and care about for the better!
Here are a few ways that you may discover, be positioned to receive and actually receive answers and solutions
1) Through Revelation, Wisdom, Insight and Resources Shared.
Follow what is shared here on My Blog
Suscribe to and follow my YouTube channel @TheKarenFeliceAllenShow
See resources shared on Linktree
2) My name is Karen and I am a person of prayer. I hear from GOD. I believe that GOD wants to speak to you. I am so glad that you are here! People are my priority! You could be here for many reasons but you must know that I have prayed for you! I pray for those who I come in contact with, those who come in contact with me and even those who come in contact with content amd other things that I share. GOD EVEN SPEAKS TO ME ABOUT PEOPLE. I believe in JESUS and JESUS WANTS TO TALK TO YOU and I want to share anything that HOLY SPIRIT gives me to share! Perhaps we will communicate soon and I will be able to share anything that GOD has for me to share with you! (This is exciting! Why? A WORD FROM GOD CAN PROVIDE YOU WITH THE ANSWER, WITH THE SOLUTION, WITH THE DIRECTIONS, WITH THE INSTRUCTIONS AND OR THE STRATEGIES THAT CAN LITERALLY CHANGE YOUR LIFE AND OR THE LIVES OF THOSE WHO YOU LOVE AND CARE ABOUT! THE SPIRIT OF GOD IS MOVING POWERFULLY IN THE EARTH AND HE WANTS TO HELP YOU! I am working to do even more to share with others so that they can step out of lack, despair, fear, anxiety, hopelessness, confusion, brokenness into abundance, peace, joy, prosperity, provision and wholeness! I want to share THE WORD OF THE LORD and other revelation, information and other resources that could help people to live TRIUMPHANT lives all to THE GLORY OF GOD IN JESUS’ NAME!
3) By following my life as I submit to a MANUFACTURER’S RESET. (I believe that this is powerful. I pray that as I go through and share about this process that there are many will find some thing or some things that will prove helpful as you seek to walk in all that GOD HAS PURPOSED AND PLANNED FOR YOU, (See the posts shared under the “MANUFACTURER’S RESET” category)
Ok, let’s talk about why many, many wise people, knowledgeable, caring and sharing want to find a way to get and support the vitally important work that I am responsible for stewarding.
What could be better than being a part of something that allows you to join me as I partner with GOD?
(You could do business with a lot of people but can you say that you are a part of business that GOD HAS PURPOSED AND ORDAINED FOR SUCCESS? )
Don’t you think that getting “IN THE FLOW” of what GOD is doing could help to position you to be a blessing and to be blessed?
(Also, please pay attention to the information about the special opportunity to be a part of working to help to preserve the lives of others. This opportunity could help to position for incredible rewards.)
Are you willing to be an instrument in the hands of GOD to support vitally important work being done to help to save (in some cases, to literally save) and equip the lives of youth and young adults?
Why Get Involved In This Powerful Work?
I Am Working to
the lives of Youth and Youngs Adults to Live Triumphant lives.
(This includes working to assist youth and young adults directly and by assisting them indirectly by working to assist those (parents, ministers, teachers, health professionals, business persons and others) who invest in the lives of youth and young adults.)
I want to help people, especially youth and young adults, by sharing from what I believe that GOD HAS REVEALED to me. My mindset is to prepare yourh and young adults for life as I would if they were my own. I want them to live
Spirit, soul and body
I want to assist them in developing strong, intimate, personal, deep, unshakeable, unbreakable relationships with GOD. I want them to understand how to operate in the realm of the spirit.
Helping them to experience victory in their souls. Their souls include their mind, will and emotions. This includes helping them to be freed from trauma. This includes helping them to be totally healed from trauma. I am believing for complete healing for our youth and young adults. Deliverance ministry and Counseling may be a part of this process.
You could be a part of the powerful work being done to positively and powerfully impact the lives of generations.
What are some ways that you can get involved?
Here are few things that you can do
1) Help me so that I am better positioned to be of assistance to those who I am to serve.
2) Help me as I help those (parents, guardians, caregivers, ministers, educators, medical professionals, business persons, other relatives, other organizational leaders, other community members involved in helping youth and young adults directly or indirectly by supporting those who invest in the lives of youth and young adults, other investors in the lives of youth and young adults) who invest in the lives of youth and young adults.
3) Help me as I work directly with youth and young adults to prepare them to live TRIUMPHANT lives.
AGAIN, GOD HAS SO GRACIOUSLY SHARED MUCH ABOUT THESE IMPORTANT WORKS. I am confident that GOD WILL SHARE MUCH MORE WITH ME. I am sharing some revelation and insight here and I plan to share more. Right, now I have to work on “doing” what I am supposd to. I will continue to work on sharing the “about’ of what I am doing as I can. The following are a few ways and places that you can get plugged into this powerful movement. You could discover life changing revelation, insight, resources and information. You could be a blessing and be blessed!
About on My Blog
My Blog
GLORIOUS Digests (See the “GLORIOUS Digests” category on My Blog)
Karen Felice Allen’s Blessing Lives Through Real Estate
More of what is shared here on linktree
@TheKarenFeliceAllenShow on YouTube
@BlessingLivesThroughRealEstate on YouTube
Karen Felice Allen’s No Excuse Parents GLORIOUS Movement: Membership (Group on Facebook)
Karen Felice Allen’s Generation GLORIOUS Movement: Membership (Group on Facebook)
Karen Felice Allen’s GLORIOUS Educational Services (Homeschool) (Group on Facebook)
Karen Felice Allen’s Blessing Lives Through Real Estate (Group on Facebook)
Are you any of the following people?
Young Adults (18-31)
Parents, Guardians, Caregivers, Ministers, Educators, Medical Professionals, Business Leaders and Other Investors in the Lives of Youth and Young Adults
Leaders of Online and Offline Communities
Real Estate Professionals (Agents, Investors, Builders, Landlords, Remodelers, Designers, Lenders, Other)
Homeschooling Parents
Providers of Quality Products and Services
Special Alert for Christian Providers of Quality Products and Services: If You Are a Christian Who Is Currently Providing or Who Desires to Provide Quality Services and Products, You Want to Give Close Attention to What Is Being Shared. (GOD IS CALLING US TO BE A PART OF A VERY SPECIAL MOVEMENT THAT IS DESIGNED TO HELP TO PRESERVE THE LIVES OF MANY OTHERS, WHILE SIMULTANEOUSLY POSITIONING US TO BE PRESERVED AS WELL!) If you are currently providing or if you desire to provide quality services and products, you want to give close attention to what is being shared because it could indeed be life changing!
Women Involved In or Desiring to Become Involved in the Real Estate Arena (As Agents, Investors, Builders, Landlords, Remodelers, Designers, Lenders, Other)
People looking for ways to generate additional income (Including Generating Income That Keeps Coming In Even When You Physically Stop Working!)
If so, please read and listen to what is being shared. (It could be life changing for you and those who you love!)
No matter why you are here, regardless of our business or potential together,
No matter what our communincations or other engagements are about
My first and primary goal is to do my best to help those who I come in contact with to live the lives that GOD HAS PURPOSED FOR THEM!
Great Financial Wealth
High Level Leadership Position
6 or 7 Figure Salary
C-Suite Position
Massive Mansion
Luxury Vehicle
Expensive Wardrobe Filled With Name Brand Articles
Red Bottom Shoes
Other “Status” Symbols
Are you looking to achieve or acquire one or more of the above? (If so, you may want to give close attention to the realities of those who have already achieved or acquired what you are looking to achieve. Everything is not always as it appears.)
Have you achieved or acquired one or more of the above but yet you find that you are unfulfilled, disatisfied, frustrated, depressed, anxious or frustrated in other ways?
If so, you are not alone.
If these things guaranteed that those with these things will have great lives, then fear, worry, anxiety, suicide, depression, stress, alcoholism, drug abuse, mental issues and other problems would not be so prevalent amongst those with status and money. (
Things and positions are not necessarily bad in and of themselves. The problem is that people are expecting Peace and Fulfillment once they have or achieve things or positions. True Peace and Fulfillment is found only when one has true relationship with GOD through acceptance of JESUS AS SAVIOR.
We know that things and position do not automatically guarantee protection. (The widespread impact, including the impact on and in the lives of wealthy and high “status” people, of Covid 19 pandemic should have made this abundantly clear.)
As a servant of GOD, I want what GOD WANTS FOR YOU.
I am trusting that GOD is allowing me and the content that I share to reach those who I can share what has, is and will be shared with me so that they are better positioned to lives of
I am dedicated to
Operating From My Position In THE GLORY, THE GLORY OF GOD
Living a life of Supernatural Ease!
I want you to do the same!
- Young Adults
Are you a young adult who wants to know what keys will help you to unlock a life Victorious life of Peace, Prosperity and Power? (If so, you will see “Generation GLORIOUS Movement” and “Generation GLORIOUS Membership Movement” below.)
- Young Adults
- Parents, Guardians, Caregivers, Ministers, Educators, Medical Professionals, Business Leaders and Other Investors in the Lives of Youth and Young Adults):
Will you partner with me as I work to ensure that our youth and young adults have the “right” answers to the important questions about life? (If yes,
- Parents, Guardians, Caregivers, Ministers, Educators, Medical Professionals, Business Leaders and Other Investors in the Lives of Youth and Young Adults):
- Business Persons, Those who offer services and products
Do you offer quality services and products that could help youth, young adults and those (Parents, Guardians, Caregivers, Ministers, Educators, Medical Professionals, Business Leaders and Other Investors in the Lives of Youth and Young Adults) who invest in the lives of youth and young adults? (If so, see
- Business Persons, Those who offer services and products
- Christian Business Leaders (Current or Aspiring)
Are you a Christian? Are you in business? Do you offer or desire to offer quality services and products that could help youth, young adults and those (Parents, Guardians, Caregivers, Ministers, Educators, Medical Professionals, Business Leaders and Other Investors in the Lives of Youth and Young Adults) who invest in the lives of youth and young adults? Yes? I believe that GOD has ordained a powerful move that is going to be a blessing to many Christian businesses and to those who they serve. (See
- Christian Business Leaders (Current or Aspiring)
- Real Estate Agents, Builders, Lenders, Real Estate Investors, Landlords and Others Involved in The Real Estate Arena
Are you involved in the real estate arena? (If so,
- Real Estate Agents, Builders, Lenders, Real Estate Investors, Landlords and Others Involved in The Real Estate Arena
- Women Currently In or Aspiring To Be In The Real Estate Arena
Are You Currently In or Aspiring To Be In The Real Estate Arena? (If yes, Business Persons, Those who offer products and servixes. (If so, see info
Seeking to do somethung so powerful in and through us. Inviting us to partnet witg Use to preserve the lives of many and as we yield our lolives as instruments and allo, put in the service of THE LORD our gifts, talents believe going to exoerience FOD in incred
See _ , Supporters and Blessing Lives
- Women Currently In or Aspiring To Be In The Real Estate Arena
Support, Supporters and DIVINE SUPPORTERS
Lives of Greater Ease, Great Ease
This is what I want for you. Why? Because this is what GOD wants for you and GOD HAS GIVEN ME AN INTENSE DESIRE TO EXPERIENCE HIS GOODNESS AND TO HELP ALL WHO I CAN TO DO THE SAME.
Greater Ease, Great Ease!)
2) I want to share what I can to help you as you to experience the Victorious Life that has been made available to you as a believer in CHRIST JESUS!
If you do, you may miss getting the answers that GOD wants to give you about situations, circumstances, problems and challenges that you are facing today or even those that are yet to come.
I do not believe that you are here by chance. However you got here, I believe that your steps were ordered here. I trust that GOD uses my life to benefit those who I come in contact with in one way or another and those who come in contact with the content that I share.
I expect the lives of others to be better as a result of contact with me.
Again, why?
Nor because of me.
I have gladly yielded my life to GOD.
I don’t have power to do all that you need But I know WHO DOES and I want to help you to discover more about life in CHRIST that is life more abundant, life of Peace, Power, Proseperity And Ease that you may very well be longing for.
There is a lot of greatness to be shared But there is nothing more important than First Things First
(Nothing Ordinary!)
Are you ready for
Are you ready to step out of anxiety into Peace that surpasses natural understand?
Are you ready to move from poverty to Prosperity?
Are you ready to move from struggle to a life of Greater Ease?
If so, I invite you to do what it takes to live in THE GLORY, IN THE GLORY OF GOD!
Are you in need of answers about how to deal with difficult family matters?
Do you have a child or children in your life who you are concerned about and feel like you just can’t get through to and you are seeking answers that will help you to better help them to live successful lives?
Are you dealing with anxiety about your finances? Do you find yourself dealing with fears about your financial future?
Would it be exciting if you could use the gifts, talents, abilities and other resources that GOD has entrusted to you in order to help others while at the same time positioning you to experience supernatural Grace, Peace, Joy, Fulfillment, Prosperity, Ease and Favor?
Are you ready to discover how to live a life filled with greater Peace, Power, Prosperity and Ease?
If so, you want to follow the information and resources that I am sharing. Why? Because I sincerely believe that what GOD has assigned for me to do will help many to achieve favorable results in regards situations like those listed about, in addition to many others.
I plan to share more about what GOD has already shared with me. I also plan to continue to share more as time goes on. Right now, I encourage you to put First Things First and to make the most important decision that you could ever make. This decision will better position you to walk in and experience other incredible opportunities that will be shared. (First Things First)
Also, I encourage you to follow what is shared on the following platforms.
*** Special Notes
1) You don’t want to miss insight about what GOD has and is revealing that will position those who will submit to GOD’S INSTRUCTIONS to live more Peaceful, Prosperous, Powerful Lives…Lives of Greater Ease!
2) Are you a young adult? Are you someone who is involved in working to positively impact the lives of youth and young adults? If so, you want to get plugged into what GOD has called me to do. Anytime GOD calls a person to do something, GOD always gives the person grace to fulfill the assignment. I expect GOD to move powerfully to set free, heal and equip youth, young adults and those who invest in the lives of youth and young adults. I’m dedicated to helping to raise up multiplied millions (generations) to live Victorious lives To and For THE GLORY OF GOD! I help youth and young adults directly. I also help those who invest in the lives of youth and youth adults. This includes, but is certainly not limited to, parents, guardians, caregivers, ministers, educators, business persons and other organizational leaders.
3) Are you involved with a home or homes? Are you a homeowner, real estate agent, lender, builder, landlord or anyone else looking to get in a home, to live successfully in a home, to deal with challenges such as foreclosure or to get out of a home, you likely know that changes are taking place in the real estate industry. I am excited about partnering with GOD to help many dealing with home related situations, circumstances and problems.
My Blog (Here on this website.)
@TheKarenFeliceAllenShow on YouTube
@BlessingLivesThroughRealEstate on YouTube
Also, stay tuned for more about the following Programs and Initiatives that could radically change the lives of many for the better.
First Things First
SPIRITUAL (Salvation Experience and More!)
Must Review 1
Must Review 2
The Karen Felice Allen Show on YouTube
No Excuse Parents Movement
No Excuse Parents Membership Movement
Generation GLORIOUS Movement
Generation GLORIOUS Membership Movement
Karen Felice Allen Far More Than Well-Educated™
Karen Felice Allen’s Marvelous Knowledge Acquisition Tour™
Karen Felice Allen’s Marvelous Work Tour (Finding Work That Works For You)
Marvelous Digests
Marvelous Homeschool Assistance
Building and Blessing Lives Through Real Estate
Overcoming Mental and Emotional Trauma, Hurts and Wounds (Inner Healing Deliverance Ministries)
Marvelous Advocates
No Excuse Parents Movement
No Excuse Parents Membership Movement
Generation Marvelous Movement
Generation Marvelous Membership Movement
Inner Healing (Deliverance, After Care and Follow up, Counseling)
GLORIOUS Educational Services (Homeschool Membership)
GLORIOUS Educational Services (Group, Other)
Karen Felice Allen’s GLORIOUS Lab and Test Kitchen
Ways To Get Involved
Karen Felice Allen’s Blessing Lives Through Real Estate
Blessing Lives Through Real Estate Facebook page
Blessing Lives Through Real Estate Facebook page (Members)
Blessing Lives Through Real Estate Facebook page (Members) (Women)
Blessing Lives Through Real Estate Show on YouTube
GLORIOUS Adventures in real estate (journal of my experiences)
“20 As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people[b] should be kept alive, as they are today.” Genesis 50:20 (English Standard Version of THE HOLY BIBLE)
Sounding The Alarm: State of Emergency: It’s Time To Get Prepared (And to Help to Ensure That Those We Care About and Others Around Us Are Equipped) to Live Victoriously Now and In The Times to Come.
My name is Karen Felice Allen. I also known as Karen Connector Allen.
One of my greatest joys is helping to connect people to resources (people, places and things information) that could help them to live Victorious Lives filled with Power, Peace and Prosperity!
My Life is Dedicated to Helping Multiplied Millions of Youth and Young Adults to Live Victorious Lives that Are Peaceful, Powerful and Prosperous!!!
“I am Radically OBEYING GOD, Helping to Save, Raise and Equip Generations of Youth & Young Adults TO and FOR THE GLORY OF GOD! (And Being Assisted By Some Great People Along The Way.)”
This is being done by investing directly in the lives of youth and young adults and also by investing in the lives of those who invest in the lives of youth and young adults (parents, grandparents, ministers, business persons, anyone a part of positively impacting the lives of youth and young adults.)
It May Not Be Pretty, But It Is Powerful! (Why? Because GOD IS POWERFUL)
I have the assignments. (I have the assignments but I do not have all the anwers. The great thing is that I know THE ONE WHO NOT ONLY HAS ALL OF THE ANSWERS BUT WHO IS THE ANSWER!!!)
I am pressing to get properly positioned in GOD so that I may live successfully now and in the days to come And I want to help all of the youth and young adults and those who invest in the lives of youth and young adults that I can to do the same!!!
We are Going Into The Deep, We are seeking to go Into THE DEPTHS OF GOD’S WORD AND HIS PRESENCE!
It is vital that we all have strong, solid Spiritual foundations if we are to live successful lives both now and in future days, days that indicators point to as being challenging in several ways. Youth, young adults and those who invest in their lives must be prepared. It is my hope that many caring individuals will join me and many, many others will come together and use what we have (voice, influence, time, more) to be instrumental in helping to get ourselves, youth and young adults and those who invest in the lives of youth and young adults positioned for success both today and in the days to come!
Soul Care (We will deal with Mental and Emotional Health Matters)
Many have suffered greatly as a result of recent events in our world. Many have, and are yet, struggling with the effects of mental and emotional problems, many being undiagnosed by health professionals. Statistics even show that an astounding number of people have suffered trauma at least one time in their lives.)
Natural Resources
And yes, in addition to working to connect youth and young adults and those who invest in the lives of youth with Spiritual resources (People and Information), I will be working to connect youth and young adults and those who invest in the lives of youth with Natural resources (People and Information) that could help them to live successful lives!
As a part of this vitally important work, I plan on sharing about the topics that include but are not limited the following:
Spirit Life,
Faith in GOD (Including Living By Faith),
Favor of GOD,
The Blessing,
Prayer and Intercession,
The Supernatural,
Miracles, Signs and Wonders,
THE FLOW OF GOD (There is POWER IN THE FLOW!), Purpose and Assignments,
Mental Health and Inner Healing (Including Prayer, Counseling and Deliverance), Physical Health,
Education and
Many have suffered great pain, and even trauma, as a result of events in the last several years. The current state of our world and the events to come mandate that we get properly positioned Spiritually, Naturally, Physically, Mentally, Emotionally, Relationally and Financially to deal with what is and with what is to come. Some are waiting for the “old normal” to return. We must understand that the “old normal” is gone. We can see THE BIBLE unfolding. Experts, both Christian Biblical experts and non Christian experts in various fields, are sounding the alarm about the current state of our world and about that the things that are expect to occur in the future. Predictions of financial, climate and other challenges have been made by various experts and scholars. THE BIBLE lets us know that significant challenges in so many areas of life will abound in the land.
Adults, including parents, guardians, caregivers, others who invest in the lives of youth and young adults must get prepared. Youth and young adults should be helped to get prepared to succeed Spirit, Soul and Body.
I want to help. I believe that I am to help.
I am Fervantly Pursuing the Glorious Life that GOD HAS PURPOSED FOR ME and I am Dedicated to helping multiplied millions of youth, young adults and those who invest in the lives of youth and young adults to do the same in their lives!
I am working to youth, young adults and those who invest in the lives of youth and young adults directly. I am also looking to connect with others who will radically seek GOD with me as we seek to position ourselves and the youth in our lives for success.
We are going into The Deep. We are pursuing THE DEPTHS OF GOD with great intensity.
What am I am expecting for those of us who will Radically seek GOD?
As I shared, we are going into the Deep. As we are pursuing GOD and HIS PRESENCE with great fervancy, humility and intentionality, I expect that we will experience GOD’S Peace, Protection and Provision in incredible ways.
As we seek GOD, I am expecting that will experience new and exciting dimensions of THE GLORY OF GOD in our lives.
Today and in the days to come, we need know GOD and we need to know how to walk in all that GOD has made available to us. Everyone needs to know how to walk in all that GOD has purposed. This includes parents, guardians, caregivers, youth and young adults. Everyone!!!
While I plan on addressing many issues, I am focusing on several things:
1) Salvation (Helping youth, young adults and those who invest in the lives of youth and young adults to come to know JESUS CHRIST as their personal SAVIOR AND LORD. I refuse to stand by and watch people slip into hell and I hope that you won’t either!)
2) HOLY SPIRIT Relationship (Helping youth, young adults and those who invest in the lives of youth and young adults to understand the benefits of a personal relationship with HOLY SPIRIT and enter into a life-changing relationship with HOLY SPIRIT.)
3) Living in THE GLORY OF GOD and being Carriers of THE GLORY OF GOD
4) Living by faith (GOD’S WORD says that the “just shall live by faith. In order to thrive both now and most certainly in the days to come, we all, including youth and young adults must understand “faith” in GOD and how to walk by faith.)
5) Inner Healing (Dealing with past hurts, including trauma) Prayer, Deliverance Ministry, Counseling and Other tools may be used as a part of this work (The wounded must be helped. JESUS has made healing available to all!)
6) Connecting with natural information and resources designed to help youth, young adults and those who invest in the lives of youth and young adults to live victoriously!
7) Marvelous Homeschool Assistance (This very unique and exciting opportunity is designed to help parents and other homeschool educators through prayer, teaching and coaching. Anyone involved in homeschooling wants to take a a look at this. I believe that participants will be extremely blessed!)
Please click on the following links below to discover more about some of the initiatives that I am focusing on at this time as I work to help youth, young adults and those who invest in the lives of youth and young adults:
No Excuse Parents Movement (link to page about and how to enroll, support)
Generation Marvelous Movement (link to page about and how to enroll, support)
Inner Healing (link to page about and how to enroll, support)
Marvelous Homeschool Assistance (link to page about and how to enroll, support)
Homes Project (link to page about and how to enroll, support)
Support (link to page about and how to enroll, support)
More Details
The most important thing that you should know about me is that I want each and every person to come to a saving knowledge of THE LORD JESUS CHRIST and to fulfill the purpose for his or her life all while experiencing the love, prosperity, peace and joy that life in CHRIST affords to those who have accepted CHRIST. Please click on the following link to discover more about living a life that exceeds anything that you could possibly imagine (A life filled with unimaginable love, prosperity, peace and joy!)
“Helping youth, young adults, others to live in THE GLORY OF GOD! Love Peace Healing Deliverance More!”
“Going into THE DEPTHS GODS GLORY AND Committed to helping Multipled Millions of youth and young adults to do the same!”
“Seeking to abide in THE GLORY OF GOD. Radically committed to helping youth and young adults to live Peaceful and Prosperous Lives!”
“Seeking to Abide in THE GLORY OF GOD and helping others to do the same! We’re fulfilled in HIS GLORY!”
“I am Dedicated to helping to save and strengthen the lives (spiritual, mental, emotional, physical) of youth and young àdults. Helping them to identify and fulfill Purpose while living Peaceful and Prosperous lives!”
“Passionately Pursuing life in THE GLORY OF GOD and seeking to help Multiplied Millions of youth, young adults, others to do so. Love Peace Healing Deliverance More!”
Ways that those who care may be able to offer their support and position themselves to be blessed for being a blessing can be found at
LIFE. I BELIEVE THAT LIFE IS GOD’S DIVINE PRODUCTION. Servants of THE MOST HIGH GOD (THE GOD WHO CAN ONLY BE ACCESSED THROUGH RELATIONSHIP WITH THE LORD JESUS CHRIST), please seek GOD if You don’t know Your role in THIS PRECIOUS AND GLORIOUS PRODUCTION. Once You discover Your role…Max It Out! Fulfill the role that You have been Entrusted With like no one else. Give it all You have got. Excel. Don’t ever look down on or even despise the role that THE CREATOR HAS ASSIGNED TO YOU. There are no “bad” roles in THIS PRODUCTION. (And other children of GOD…NEVER, EVER Cheapen or Devalue the roles that Your brothers and sisters in THE BODY OF CHRIST have been assigned, BY THE ONE AND TRUE LIVING GOD, THE ALMIGHTY GOD, to play. Every role in GOD’S PRODUCTION is to be valued. Don’t you dare be found devaluing what GOD has established and values. Each and every child of GOD should be sooooo Grateful to have “Any” Role in GOD’S DIVINE PRODUCTION. (Remember that what you do in time in for GOD has eternal Impact, Implications and Value!!!)
My name is Karen Allen. I am dedicated to helping to save and strengthen the lives (spiritual, mental, emotional, physical) of millions of youth and young àdults. I am also dedicated to helping them to identify and fulfill Purpose while living Peace-filled and Prosperous lives! (I do so by helping youth and young adults directly and by helping those (parents, ministers, educators, business leaders, organizational leaders and other community members) who invest in the lives of youth and young adults.)
My efforts include providing training to youth, young adults and those who invest in the lives of youth and young adults. A nonprofit has been established as a part of this work.
Youth and Young Adults Are My Priority!
Are you just going to stand by and let the devil, the thief, the destroyer have your child’s life? (I sure hope Not!) If you are ready to get positioned to give satan the fight of his life…
Please click on the following link to listen to an important message
Is there at least one youth or young adult in your life who you care about, desire to see protected and want to help to live a successful life or successful lives? (If so, please keep reading and then see the information about Generation Marvelous that is linked to here on this page.)
Is there at least one child, youth or young adult who you: Are concerned about?
Want to protect?
Want to see live peaceful and prosperous life?
If so, I encourage you to review the important information here and to take the bold and necessary step or steps, right now, to help to position the child, children, youth, young adult or adults for success.
“I am on a mission to reach Every Youth and Young Adult (Yes, I said “Every”) that I can in order to share wisdom and resources that I believe can help them to live Successful lives! I’m connecting and sharing with youth and young adults directly and also with those (parents, guardians, caregivers, educators, others) who invest in the lives of youth and young adults.”
“I am dedicated to helping youth, young adults and those who invest in the lives of youth and young adults to live successful lives!”
“I am dedicated to fulfilling the purpose of GOD for my life all while living a peaceful and prosperous life.”
I am committed to helping generations of youth and young adults to do the same.
I am reigning victorious over all that would seek to hinder me from doing so!”
“I refuse to allow any distractions to hinder or stop me from helping the millions of youth and young adults who I am called to help to live successful lives.”
“I am committed to doing my best to connect with caring, concerned and knowledgeable people in an effort to gain information and insight that may prove helpful as I move forward in my efforts to help youth, young adults and those who invest in the lives of youth and young adults.
No fear!
No hesitation!
I refuse to be hindered, distracted or stopped. The lives of youth and young adults could be at stake. Suicides. Murders. Domestic Violence. Drug Abuse. More. There is so much going on. Our youth and young adults need help. The lives of youth and young adults are too important! I am determined to do my part to help them.”
“I am taking the bold, necessary steps to identify the resources that can help to improve the quality of life for youth and young adults.”
I am reigning victorious over all that would seek to hinder me from doing so!
This is about life and death.
Spiritual life and death.
Natural life and death.
The work that I am doing is not some cutesy little program. The goal is to prepare our children, youth, young adults and those who invest in the lives of our youth and young adults for true victory, success and prosperity.
This includes, but is not limited to, preparing our children, youth, young adults and those who invest in the lives of our youth and young adults to live and not die.
This includes, but is not limited to, preparing our children, youth, young adults and and those who invest in the lives of our youth and young adults to experience life and life more abundantly.
Let’s get them prepared now! Why wait for tests and trials (and if they keep living on this earth, we know that tests and trials are coming) to come their way and overtake and defeat them causing unnecesary pain, heartache, failure and even death!
Let’s work together to help our children, youth, young adults and and those who invest in the lives of our youth and young adults. “19 Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.” Matthew 18:19 (King James Version)
JESUS IS LORD! I am Helping youth, young adults, investors in them to live Victoriously! I am Dedicated to helping to save and strengthen the lives (spiritual, mental, emotional, physical) of youth and young àdults. I want to help them to identify and fulfill Purpose while living Peace-filled and Prosperous lives!
I am Helping youth, young adults, investors in them to live Victoriously.
I’m Karen Felice Allen. You can also call me Karen “The Connector” Allen.
I’m sharing from what I know & using what I have to help equip you to help youth and young adults. I’m working to ensure that every youth and young adult has the opportunity to obtain a more “COMPLETE” education and live a more Marvelous life by working directly with youth and young adults and by helping parents, child care professionals, educators, business leaders, organizational leaders and others who invest in the lives of our youth and young adults connect to helpful information, great resources and caring and sharing people.
In an effort to accomplish my mission of helping our youth and young adults, I’m working to connect with and collaborate with parents, educators, childcare center administrators, youth group organizers, leaders of community organizations and business leaders.
I’m a former classroom teacher and consider myself a “life-long educator”. As a classroom teacher, Math Specialist and college instructor, I’ve had the awesome privilege of working with students on both the K-12 and collegiate levels. Although I’m no longer in a traditional classroom, my commitment to educating our young people has not wavered.
In addition to having served in various roles within the the field of education, I’ve also been a speaker and I’ve worked in the sales, financial and training arenas.
Now I’m using what I’ve learned as I follow my passion which is to improve the quality of life for youth and young adults.
I am thankful for the marvelous, smart and caring people who are joining me in helping to make life more marvelous for youth, young adults and those who invest in their lives.
I also want to be of assistance to those who have aged out of the foster care system and are transitioning into independent living. While these young adults encounter many of the same challenges faced by other young adults, I believe that they also have some very unique needs due to the very nature of their circumstances.
I’m also particularly concerned about issues that impact our nation’s veterans.
For more information on the extremely important work being done to help youth, young adults and those who invest in the lives of youth and young adults to live victorious lives, please click on the following link
For important information about Generation Marvelous a please see the the details found here
About Me
“I am on a mission to reach Every Youth and Young Adult (Yes, I said “Every”) that I can in order to share wisdom and resources that I believe can help them to live Successful lives! I’m connecting and sharing with youth and young adults directly and also with those (parents, guardians, caregivers, educators, others) who invest in the lives of youth and young adults.”
I’m Karen Felice Allen. You can also call me Karen “Connector” Allen.
Youth & young adults need to know so I’m sharing from what I know & using what I have to help equip you to help them. They are worth it!
If you are looking for perfect lighting, nails, makeup and hair.. look elsewhere…if you are looking for potentially Life Changing Information and Resources…Welcome!!!
I am working to ensure that every youth and young adult has the opportunity to obtain a more “COMPLETE” education and live a more Marvelous life by working directly with youth and young adults and by helping parents, child care professionals, educators, business leaders, organizational leaders and others who invest in the lives of our youth and young adults connect to helpful information, great resources and caring and sharing people.
In an effort to accomplish my mission of helping our youth and young adults, I’m working to connect with and collaborate with parents, educators, childcare center administrators, youth group organizers, leaders of community organizations and business leaders.
I’m a former classroom teacher and consider myself a “life-long educator”. As a classroom teacher, Math Specialist and college instructor, I’ve had the awesome privilege of working with students on both the K-12 and collegiate levels. Although I’m no longer in a traditional classroom, my commitment to educating our young people has not wavered.
In addition to having served in various roles within the the field of education, I’ve also been a speaker and I’ve worked in the sales, financial and training arenas.
Now I’m using what I’ve learned as I follow my passion which is to improve the quality of life for youth and young adults.
I am thankful for the marvelous, smart and caring people who are joining me in helping to make life more marvelous for youth, young adults and those who invest in their lives.
I also want to be of assistance to those who have aged out of the foster care system and are transitioning into independent living. While these young adults encounter many of the same challenges faced by other young adults, I believe that they also have some very unique needs due to the very nature of their circumstances.
For more powerful Revelation, Insight, Information and Resources, get plugged into the memberships listed here:
For parents, guardians, caregivers and others (health care professionals, educators, family members, business persons, more) who invest in the lives of youth and young adults.
Karen Felice Allen’s No Excuse Parents (A Summer (And Beyond) of Excitement!)
For young adults 18-31 years old.
Karen Felice Allen’s Generation GLORIOUS (A Summer (And Beyond) of Excitement!)
For Homeschool Educators
Karen Felice Allen’s GLORIOUS Educational Services (Homeschool Memberships) (A Summer (And Beyond) of Excitement!)
I’m also particularly concerned about issues that impact our nation’s veterans.
For more information about the exciting work that I am committed to, please see the information here